
Chen Feng rested for a while. Just as he was about to continue searching for a 100,000-Year-Old Tiger-like Spirit Beast, he heard a terrifying roar. The sound contained large quantities of energy, it was so strong it uprooted the surrounding trees and littered the ground with debris.

After a few breaths, two huge tigers appeared in Chen Feng's field of vision.

Yes, not one, but two.

One of them is 7-8 meters long and 2 meters tall. It has black and brown fur, its body glowed and emitted light, it looked as it was wrapped in a layer of flame.

Chen Feng was familiar with this black-brown Giant Tiger. It is the 80,000-Year-Old Profound Flame Demonic Tiger that chased him out of Star Dou Forest.

The other Tiger is slightly larger, it is more than 9 meters long and more than two meters tall, its fur is dark golden all over. It appears 50%-60% like his Netherworld God Tiger Martial Spirit.

"Netherworld Sky Tiger."

Chen Feng recognized this Spirit Beast at once. His Netherworld God Tiger Martial Spirit belongs to the Netherworld Sky Tiger Species, but it is more advanced than the Netherworld Sky Tiger. If the Netherworld Sky Tiger has enough luck, it has the hope to evolve into a God Tiger.

"It turns out that not only they are here for revenge but so am I." Chen Feng smiled faintly. He remembered how he felt when he was chased by the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger, that time was his closest encounter with death. And because of that, he firmly held this grudge and will avenge himself when he has the opportunity to like he has now.


The Netherworld Sky Tiger roared; her eyes full of hatred when she looked at Chen Feng.

"It's a pity that it's only a little over 90,000 Years, otherwise it could have been my Seventh Spirit Ring." Chen Feng shook his head with some regrets. Currently, this Netherworld Sky Tiger is only one step away from becoming a 100,000 Year Spirit Beast, but this step is akin to a chasm, unless it has a great fortuitous encounter, it cannot cross it.

The Profound Flame Demonic Tiger opened its bloody mouth and spewed a black-brown flame. The flames were like a fire dragon that burned everything as it charged towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng had seen the Abilities of the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger before, so the moment the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger opened his mouth, he released his Wind-Thunder Wings and retreated from his original position.

The moment the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger breathed fire; the Netherworld God Tiger also moved. Her figure flashed and she disappeared from where she was. She appeared in the sky above Chen Feng, she swung her cold claws at Chen Feng.

"*Ghost Perplexing Track*." Chen Feng used this technique to dodge and avoid the Netherworld Sky Tiger's attack, immediately afterwards, he jumped and then used his Wind-Thunder Wings to fly into the air.


The Netherworld Sky Tiger roared angrily. Neither it nor the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger can fly, If Chen Feng used his flight ability to escape, they would not be able to catch up.

But Chen Feng did not try to escape. Instead, he turned and swooped down from the air. His target is the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger because it is weaker and easier to deal with.

"Roar!" The Profound Flame Demonic Tiger roared, blacklight burst and condensed into a fireball with a diameter over 1 meter above its body, he then shot it at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng did not dodge the attack, he flipped in the air, and used *Stormwind Demon Wolf's 36 Successive Chops* to slash the fireball one after another, but after two slashes, the fireball was split in half.

During the Matches, Chen Feng had suppressed the power of his Wind-Thunder Wings, and the current power the *Stormwind Demon Wolf's 36 Successive Chops* displays, is its true power.

After splitting the fireball in half, Chen Feng suddenly accelerated, he instantly rushed to the front of the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger, he rotated continuously in the air, and as he did so, he chopped a third and fourth time.

The wing blade glowing with a cold light slashed the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger's body, sparks flew from the point of contact and the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger roared in pain.

With the help of his aerial ability, Chen Feng quickly rotated a full circle, and sent two more slashes at the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger, he struck the same area and finally lacerated the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger, causing blood to flow.

However, Chen Feng's attacks did not stop because of this. The most powerful thing about the *Stormwind Demon Wolf's 36 Successive Chops* is that the attacks come wave after wave, each being stronger than the last.

Just as Chen Feng's slash fell, the Netherworld Sky Tiger suddenly appeared, she stood in front of Profound Flame Demonic Tiger and withstood Chen Feng's slash.

The wing blade slashed the Netherworld Sky Tiger and did not cause any damage to it. Instead, a huge rebound passed back, causing him to feel a heart-piercing pain.

Currently, the Netherworld Sky Tiger's body is covered with a layer of dark golden light, it was as if its entire body is cast metal, this is the Netherworld Sky Tiger's Innate Talent Ability, *Netherworld Golden Body*, the Ability allows her to ignore any physical attacks.

After blocking Chen Feng's slash, the Netherworld Sky Tiger slammed into Chen Feng.

With a bang, the Black Gold Dragon Patterned Staff hit the Netherworld Sky Tiger's head, causing a crisp sound of metal colliding to sound. Although Chen Feng's attack could not break the *Netherworld Golden Body*, the huge power still sent the Netherworld Sky Tiger flying.

"Such Abilities are troublesome." Chen Feng's left arm felt slightly numb.

However, this kind of Ability cannot be used all the time. There must be a time limit to its use. Otherwise, the Netherworld Sky Tiger would have long become the overlord of the entire Star Dou Great Forest.

Sure enough, after the Netherworld Sky Tiger landed, the dark golden light on her body disappeared. Chen Feng counted inwardly and found that the Ability only lasted for a total of 5 seconds.

"If I want to break this Ability, I will need at least God Rank strength. I am afraid I cannot breakthrough it yet, seems like I can only tire it out and defeat it slowly." Chen Feng thought inwardly, he then retracted the Black Gold Dragon Patterned Staff, flapped his Wind-Thunder Wings, and rushed towards the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger.

The wounds of the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger had continued bleeding, causing its combat strength to drop compared to before. Making it the most appropriate target.


Netherworld Sky Tiger roared angrily and used *Netherworld Golden Body* again to protect the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger.

However, Chen Feng, seeing it had activated its Innate Ability, stopped his attack, and flew back into the sky, before looking at the Netherworld Sky Tiger with a smile.

Chen Feng resumed attacking the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger.

The Netherworld Sky Tiger did not immediately activate *Netherworld Golden Body* again, she stared closely at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng knew that it was impossible to deceive Netherworld Sky Tiger again, so he attacked and did not retreat.

The moment when Chen Feng's attack landed, the Netherworld Sky Tiger's body glowed with a dark golden light, completely blocking Chen Feng's attack. At this moment, the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger leapt towards Chen Feng, biting at him.

The corner of Chen Feng's mouth curved, his left leg lit up, and a huge *Iron Ridge Shield* appeared in front of him, the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger slammed into it, Chen Feng could hear the Tiger's bones break.

Chen Feng did not have a foothold in the air. Although he used the *Iron Ridge Shield* to block the attack of the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger, he was also sent flying back from the rebound by the *Iron Ridge Shield*.

The skull of the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger had shattered when it collided with the shield, blood flowed from its head and its breath became shallow.

Chen Feng put away the *Iron Ridge Shield*, he dived down from the air again. Since he could not break the Netherworld Sky Tiger's Innate Ability with brute force, he had to make full use of his aerial advantage.

Seeing the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger's head bleeding, the Netherworld Sky Tiger stared at Chen Feng with her eyes wide open, wishing to tear the latter into pieces.

Chen Feng was not afraid of the Netherworld Sky Tiger's glare, he circled the Netherworld Sky Tiger, and continued to attack Profound Flame Demonic Tiger, forcing Netherworld Sky Tiger to activate its *Netherworld Golden Body* to resist his attacks.

The Netherworld Sky Tiger blocked his attack again as expected.

He repeated this 5 times.

On the Sixth time, he found that the Netherworld Sky Tiger did not activate *Netherworld Golden Body* again, it seems the Innate Talent had a limit of 5 uses a day.

Afterwards, Chen Feng tried attacking several more times, and after confirming that the Netherworld Sky Tiger could no longer use *Netherworld Golden Body*, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Time to end this."

Chen Feng once again summoned his Black Gold Dragon Pattern Staff. When he injected Spirit Power into the Staff, the weight of the Black Gold Dragon Pattern Staff increased to eight thousand Jin and swung his Staff down.

(1 Jin=0.5 KG or 1.1 Pound)

The Netherworld Sky Tiger was locked onto by his Mental Power, it had no way to hide from him and could only charge forward.

With a bang, Netherworld Sky Tiger's forward momentum came to an abrupt halt. Her huge body was shot backwards like a cannonball, she broke a tree when she collided with it.


Seeing Netherworld Sky Tiger being smashed away by Chen Feng, the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger roared, black flames ignited his body, his body began to swell.

"I am sorry, but you no longer have the chance to blow yourself up." Chen Feng activated his Sprint Ability, *Shadow Aurora Flash* instantly arrived in the front of the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger and ended his life with a swing.


Seeing that her husband, the Profound Flame Demonic Tiger was killed, the dying Netherworld Sky Tiger roared in grief, but she could no longer mount a resistance.

Chen Feng flashed near it and reunited the husband and wife.

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