Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 193 - 155 Xue Qinghe Visits Spirit City

After the Match, Shrek Academy did not leave, they stayed to watch the Matches of the other Academies.

Since Chen Feng came using the excuse of protecting Zhu Zhuqing, he was not able to leave early even though he was not very interested in the Matches of other Academies.

The 10 Teams selected by the Major affiliated Kingdoms and Principalities are worse than the Elemental Academies, of the Four Elemental Academies, except for Sky Water Academy, they have fought and defeated them all.

After the seven Matches were over, all five Teams of the Heaven Dou City Division had won, which made Emperor Xue Ye very satisfied. He immediately stated that the Academy that places first among them will obtain 1,000 Gold Coins, and the last-placed Academy will obtain 500 Gold Coins.

Just when everyone in Shrek Academy had just returned to their tents, Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin and Xue Qinghe arrived.

"Senior, this is Prince Xue Qinghe of the Heaven Dou Empire." Ning Fengzhi introduced Xue Qinghe. Although they had met before, he had not formally introduced him.

"What is it?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

"Senior, can we go inside the tent for a private conversation?" Xue Qinghe said respectfully.

"Are you inviting me on behalf of the Heaven Dou Empire, or behalf of yourself?" Chen Feng did not refuse or agree, but instead asked Xue Qinghe a question.

"What's the difference?" Xue Qinghe asked.

"Of course, it is not the same. If you are representing the Heaven Dou Empire, you can go now. If you are representing yourself, I will stand here and listen to you." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Is there any misunderstanding between Senior and the Royal Family?" Xue Qinghe frowned.

"There is no misunderstanding. It is just that Xiao Feng was driven out of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy by Xue Beng and Prince Xue Xing. This old man wants to settle this account for Xiao Feng." Chen Feng's tone became colder.

"Uncle and fourth brother were indeed a bit reckless, I apologise for their actions." Xue Qinghe bowed.

"This does not end with a mere apology, if Xiao Feng did not want to settle this himself, then this old man would have slapped those two to the Netherworld." Chen Feng sneered.

"Although Senior is strong, my Heaven Dou Empire also has lots of Spirit Masters. I am afraid it is not so easy for Senior to kill them." Xue Qinghe looked directly at Chen Feng.

"Haha, brat you are a bit interesting, but for our Devouring Clan, numbers make no difference. If this old man wants to kill, let alone a thousand Spirit Masters, even tens of thousands of Spirit Masters cannot stop me." Chen Feng smiled.

After speaking, he glanced deeply at Xue Qinghe: "Besides, others may not know about what the Royal Family has done, but how can I not know?"

"Senior, isn't your Clan the Netherworld God Tiger Clan? Why has it changed to Devouring Clan now?" Ma Hongjun asked puzzledly.

"The Inherited Martial Spirits of the Eight Ancient Clans all possess Ultimate Attributes. The Netherworld God Tiger has the Devouring Attribute, so we are also called the Devouring Clan. Some of the techniques the other day were an application of the Devouring Attribute." Chen Feng answered.

"What are the other 7 Clans' Inherited Attributes?" Xue Qinghe wanted to take the opportunity to obtain more information about the Eight Ancient Clans.

"I have no right to disclose the matters of the other Seven Clans, besides, they have secluded themselves, so you do not have any chance of finding them." Chen Feng said.

"Senior--" Xue Qinghe wanted to say something more, but Chen Feng waved his hand and chased him away: "Enough, this old man is going to rest."

The next day, Shrek Academy's opponent was Blazing Academy, at Chen Feng's request, Zhu Zhuqing was the first to fight again.

Zhu Zhuqing defeated 6 Contestants of Blazing Academy before running into Huo Wu again.

Since Huo Wu could not find Chen Feng, she wanted to defeat Zhu Zhuqing before Chen Feng.

Thus, she directly activated her Fourth Spirit Ability, *Brilliant Sun*, the Ability released great amounts of heat, it had even begun melting the Stage! When the Ability was used to attack her, Zhu Zhuqing would avoid any physical and energy attacks by using *Shifting Shadow*, her Fifth Spirit Ability made her immune to any physical and energy attack while she is an intangible shadow.

Eventually, Huo Wu's *Brilliant Sun* consumed all her Spirit Power, enabling Zhu Zhuqing to easily defeat her, once again completing her feat of One Defeating Seven.

Time passed day by day.

After that Match, Zhu Zhuqing did not fight anymore, after all, she had to give the others a chance to perform.

Dai Mubai, Tang San and Ma Hongjun all repeated Zhu Zhuqing's feat, One Defeating Seven, this feat created great fear in the other Academies, such that they would either use their byes or forfeit.

On the last day of the Ranking Tournament, Shrek Academy's opponent was Godwind Academy.

In the Qualifiers, Godwind Academy had lost to Shrek Academy, but that was when Chen Feng was around, with Chen Feng not there, Godwind Academy hoped they could win.

However, even without Chen Feng, Shrek Academy was still stronger than Godwind Academy, Shrek only dispatched Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and Tang San to defeat Godwind Academy.

But in the last Round of the Match, Tang San had to use his Clear Sky Hammer to break through Feng Xiaotian's *Stormwind Demon Wolf's 36 Successive Chops*.

The moment the Clear Sky Hammer appeared; Emperor Xue Ye felt very regretful. If Prince Xue Xing did not drive Tang San away, the Heaven Dou Empire could take the opportunity to get close to the Clear Sky Clan, maybe they would even be supported by the Clear Sky Clan in their fight against Spirit Hall.

But now, it is too late, he can only try to win over Shrek Academy as much as possible.

On the other side, Salas' eyes burst with intense murderous intent, not only did Tang San have Twin Spirits, but he is a direct descendent of the Clear Sky Clan, if Tang San grows up, maybe what happened with Tang Hao will be repeated.

After all the Ranking Matches were over, Emperor Xue Ye cleared up his mood and began to speak: "After a period of intense competition, the 15 Teams of the Heaven Dou Empire have decided their Ranks. Congratulations to Shrek Academy, not only in the Qualifiers but also in the Ranking Tournament, they have obtained first place.

After this, 500 Royal Knights will escort you to Spirit City, I hope you all bring glory to the Empire."

After the final Match, there is a three-day resting period before the Finals begin.

Known as the most magnificent building on the Continent, the Supreme Pontiff Palace, is located in Spirit City.

The Heaven Dou Empire is almost 20 days journey away from Spirit City, but at the speed of experts, this journey can be narrowed down to less than 3 days, though the experts that can narrow it down by so much are Titled Douluo, other Spirit Masters would still have to travel for some time before reaching the City.

A total of 33 Teams will participate in the Finals, 15 from each of the two Empires, and three Seeded Teams from Spirit Hall.

The Finals have a knockout system, if a Team loses, they are eliminated. Therefore, in the finals, few Teams will hold back.

Three days later, a Team of 1,000 people set off in a mighty force.

So, the participating Teams have a better rest, the Heaven Dou Empire has provided a total of 15 luxurious, giant carriages. The carriages are equipped with some basic Spirit Guidance Technology and have excellent shock absorption. When sitting in them, once would not feel the slightest disturbance.

When they departed, one person did not join Shrek Academy on their journey, and that person is Grandmaster.

The Shrek Seven Devils did not know where Grandmaster was, Grandmaster did not tell Tang San where he went, but Chen Feng knew that Grandmaster went to Spirit Hall to find Bibi Dong.

Fortunately, Bibi Dong loved Grandmaster deeply, otherwise, Grandmaster's actions would be pointless.

Since his disciple is the son of an enemy of Spirit Hall, he had gone to ask the Supreme Pontiff how to cultivate Twin Spirits, if Bibi Dong did not love Grandmaster so dearly, she would have slapped him to the Netherworld for his actions.

In the luxurious carriage, the Shrek Seven Devils and Chen Feng sat inside.

"Why did you not tell us Grandmaster is gone?" Oscar could not help but ask.

"Teacher must have his reasons." Tang San answered.

"Recently, Teacher Erlong's temper had got worse. It must be because of Grandmaster, but if she can bear it without going crazy, she should know where Grandmaster has gone to." Ning Rongrong said.

"Since Teacher Erlong is angry about Grandmaster's departure, maybe it is because she knows he's gone to one of his old lovers?" Ma Hongjun said.

Chen Feng chuckled inwardly, "Fatty, for once you have guessed the truth."

"Fatty, you dare to talk about Teacher Erlong behind her back, are you not afraid of death?" Dai Mubai said.

When Ma Hongjun thought of Liu Erlong's madness, he unconsciously shuddered, and carefully glanced at Liu Erlong who was outside the carriage. He was relieved to see that Liu Erlong had not heard him.

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