Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 227 - 189 Dark Golden Three Headed Bat King

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's slightly scarlet eyes Chen Feng asked worriedly: "Zhuqing, are you okay?"

Zhu Zhuqing calmed down; her Spirit Power suppressed the killing intent in her body. She frowned and replied, "There should be no problem for the time being."

"After finishing the Hell Road and gaining the Death God Domain, all these problems will be solved." Chen Feng said.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, and then looked around with Chen Feng.

Everything around them is a faint Blood-Red. Except for the platform with a diameter of over 5 meters beneath their feet, the rest is an abyss. There is only a slender path with a width of less than half a foot, which can only accommodate two feet standing on it at the same time, leading to the unknown darkness in front of them.

"The Hell Road is really dangerous." Zhu Zhuqing frowned.

"If it was not dangerous, how could it have the word 'Hell' in it?" Chen Feng said lightly. For him who has the External Spirit Bone, Wind-Thunder Wings, such a path is useless for him and does not restrict him in any way.

"What's at the bottom?" Zhu Zhuqing looked down at the abyss, but it was a pity that she could not see its end.

"Its blood, or a Blood Pool. It should be the human blood acc.u.mulated in Slaughter City over the years. This Hell Road is not only a path to leave the Hell Slaughter Arena, but also the core of Slaughter City, it is what causes Slaughter City to be so strange and unique, as well as the source of its energy." Chen Feng answered lightly.

The darkness could not impede his sight at all, and besides, he had long known what was inside Hell Road due to his previous life.

Zhu Zhuqing spoke: "Slaughter City seems to attach great importance to blood. Their Bloody Mary even contains a chronic poison that can control the people in Slaughter City, but many other ways can be used to control people, so why must they use blood? There must be a secret in it."

Chen Feng replied: "Blood is the way Slaughter King increases his strength."

Zhu Zhuqing said: "Let's begin."

Chen Feng said, "You just fought earlier, and your Spirit Power has been consumed a lot. Adjust yourself to your best condition before we begin. Besides, we do not have to be in a hurry."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, sat down cross-legged, calmed down, and began to adjust herself.

Half an hour later, Zhu Zhuqing opened her eyes, stood up, and nodded towards Chen Feng.

"I will walk at the front; you follow my steps." Chen Feng stated, and then walked towards the narrow path that was only half a foot wide, Zhu Zhuqing followed closely behind him.

Chen Feng did not move fast, he kept moving forward at a constant speed so that Zhu Zhuqing could easily keep up with his rhythm and would not be too far nor too close.

This way, they maintained a harmonious rhythm, the two slowly disappeared into the darkness.

After walking for a few minutes, Chen Feng suddenly stopped, Zhu Zhuqing behind him stopped almost at the same time.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Zhuqing asked in a low voice.

"Something is coming towards us, the surrounding air has also heated up, and the Blood Pool below has risen slightly." Chen Feng said lightly.

"What is it?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

"It's Bats, there are at least 1000 in number." Chen Feng said, under the perception of his strong Mental Power, everything was visible before him.

Zhu Zhuqing immediately became vigilant, she also readied her *Hidden Weapons*, ready to launch them at a moment's notice.

Soon, the Bats appeared in their sight. They were Blood-Red Bats. They looked like the Blood-Red Bat that was inscribed on the Hell Slaughter Arena. They were only about a foot long, but their wingspan was over 1 metre long. Weirdly, they appeared to look like the Blood-Red figure that formed after blood flowed onto and covered the Hell Slaughter Arena

The thousands of Bats that had gathered together looked like a dark, crimson cloud.

"Be careful." Chen Feng retreated to Zhu Zhuqing's side and said softly.

The Blood-Red Bats are very fast, in a short while, they came to Chen Feng and Zhu Zhuqing. Their eyes were also Blood-Red, they opened their mouths and made a creaking sound, exposing their sharp fangs.

Zhu Zhuqing lightly raised her arm, a cold light fluttered out and flew straight to a Blood-Red Bat that was closest to her.

But the Blood-Red Bat's body swayed slightly in the air, avoiding Zhu Zhuqing's arrows.

Chen Feng whispered: "Bats have a special ability. They grasp their enemies' position through sound. They can thus grasp their enemies attack and not be affected by Mental Power, unless the attack's speed exceeds their reaction time, it will be difficult to hurt them. Anyhow, you protect yourself, leave these Bats to me."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, and got onto Chen Feng's back, she stuck her c.h.e.s.t onto his back and wrapped her t.h.i.g.hs around his waist. This involuntarily caused Chen Feng to smile and heat to rush to his loins.

"How… thick... yet soft... ah... heaven..." Chen Feng sighed inwardly. Perhaps she sensed the changes in Chen Feng's body, but Zhu Zhuqing's lips curled up.

At this moment, dozens of Blood-Red Bats suddenly rushed over.

The speed of these Blood-Red Bats is fast, they are also poisonous. Thus, Chen Feng activated his *Netherworld Domain*, the suction generated by the Domain's Devouring Power limited the Bats' movements.

The dozens of Blood-Red Bats, after entering the Domain felt like they had entered a quagmire, their movements involuntarily slowed down.

A dark golden light flashed as the Black Dragon Staff appeared in Chen Feng's hand, swinging it lightly across in an arc, 7 or 8 Blood-Red Bats were killed and fell into the abyss below.

With a few more swings, all the dozens of Blood-Red Bats were killed by Chen Feng. The Blood-Red Bats tentatively attacked twice more, but they met the same consequence. Once they entered Chen Feng's *Netherworld Domain*, they became akin to pigs for slaughter.

However, the Blood-Red Bats were not low in wisdom. After 3 consecutive attacks, they learned to not enter Chen Feng's Domain, they just surrounded Chen Feng and Zhu Zhuqing and remained on the periphery of his Domain, they flapped their wings, continuously sending unstable air currents at them.

"What should we do now? "Zhu Zhuqing asked, they can't kill all these Bats.

"Since they will not take the initiative to attack, then we will move on." Chen Feng said lightly.

"With these Blood-Red Bats nearby, isn't it too dangerous for us to move forward like this?" Zhu Zhuqing frowned. Walking on this narrow path that is only half a foot wide requires a high degree of concentration. If they are not careful, they may fall.

"Stay on my back then, hold on tight." Chen Feng replied.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly, she lay on Chen Feng's back, as she did so, her mountains deformed.

Chen Feng strode forward, his speed increased, and he shrank his *Netherworld Domain's* range to about 3 meters, covering him and Zhu Zhuqing in it.

The Blood-Red Bats swiftly chased them, as they got closer, Chen Feng suddenly stopped, he expanded his *Netherworld Domain* to the extreme, enveloping hundreds of Blood-Red Bats in it.

He quickly swung his Black Dragon Staff, resulting in harsh screams continuing to sound from the Bats. In just a few seconds, the hundreds of Blood-Red Bats fell like rain.


The larger Blood-Red Bats suddenly screamed, all the remaining Blood-Red Bats followed after them, their voices were extremely harsh, as if they were calling for something.

"They seem to be calling reinforcements." Zhu Zhuqing said in Chen Feng's ear.

"I just happened to be aiming for him." The corners of Chen Feng's lips slightly raised.

Right in front of this narrow path, a huge Bat hung upside down, under the cover of the surrounding pale red light, it continuously released a dark golden light, making it appear mysterious.

The Dark Golden Bat is 4 meters tall and has 2 huge claws clasped onto the narrow path. Each claw is 1 meter in length, and sharp enough to cut through stone like a hot knife through butter.

Hearing the screams of those Blood-Red Bats, it slowly spread its wings. The length of a single wing is at least 5 meters. The most peculiar thing is that it has 3 heads.

"Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King." Chen Feng said softly.

"Put me down first and deal with this guy with peace of mind." Zhu Zhuqing suggested.

"Eh, no need to be so troublesome. I can solve him with you on my back." Chen Feng smiled. This Dark Gold Three-Headed Bat King is comparable to a 10,000+ year Spirit beast. It is a piece of cake for him to get rid of it.

"It's better if you be more careful," Zhu Zhuqing said.

"I can't bear to let go of that soft heaven on my back though." Chen Feng smiled.

"Pervert." Zhu Zhuqing gave Chen Feng a dirty look, but she hugged him tighter.

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