Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 231 - 193 Asura God’s Light, God Bestowed Spirit Ring

"Zhuqing, what is your first Test?" Chen Feng asked.

"My First Test is to pass through the Asura God Light and ascend 136 Steps to the Asura Hall, I can withdraw halfway and then carry on later as well. The Test's time limit is 1 year." Zhu Zhuqing replied.

"It seems that our Test's content is the same." Chen Feng smiled.

"Your First Test is also through the Asura God Light?" Zhu Zhuqing asked in surprise. She thought that since they obtained different grades earlier, then the contents of their Trials would similarly be different.

"Yes, but I have to climb 365 Steps before I pass my Test." Chen Feng said.

"365?! That's almost triple mine!" Zhu Zhuqing said, although the content of their Test is the same, his difficulty is much higher than her's.

"To inherit the Asura God's God Position, naturally the difficulty would be harder." Chen Feng said lightly.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the thousands of steps in front of the Palace and muttered: "What is the Asura God Light?"

Chen Feng said, "Wait and try to find out, but before that, let's cut down a few trees first and build a wooden house, otherwise we will have to live outside."

Zhu Zhuqing said: " Leave that to me."

After saying that, Zhu Zhuqing flicked her right leg, a white light flashed, then in the forest, a large tree as thick as a few people fell with a bang.

Chen Feng smiled and said: "I will leave cutting down the trees to you. In the meantime, I will make some iron nails."

Chen Feng's Spirit Guidance Device Device is full of forging tools. As long as he can set them up, he can quickly create a furnace to forge.

The two worked together. In less than half a day, a small wooden house had been built. It stood silently by the lake. Although it was a bit crude, they could still live in it.

"Eat something, we will try the Asura God Light later." Chen Feng took out some dry food and a pot of water from his Spirit Guidance Device and handed it to Zhu Zhuqing.

After Zhu Zhuqing took it, she spoke while eating: "The Asura God Light will definitely not be easy."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "We have no path of retreat. Even if it is a sea of fire, we must pass through it."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded solemnly.

After half an hour, the two of them had rested enough and walked to the front of the Steps.

"I'll go first." Chen Feng said, he then stepped onto the first Step. Suddenly, Chen Feng felt that the surrounding scenery had changed as if he was in a sea of blood.

The Death God Domain expanded, white light enveloped Chen Feng. The mountain of corpses and sea of blood disappeared, but at this time Chen Feng felt a huge pressure spreading over the sky. This pressure was not directed at his body but the Death God Domain.

"Sure enough, as I expected." The corners of Chen Feng's mouth curled up slightly, speeding up his pace, he had reached the Fiftieth Step in one breath. At this time, the pressure was several times higher than before, and his Death God Domain was somewhat unable to bear it, thus, he could only retreat.

"Brother Feng, how is it?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

"As soon as you step onto the Steps, the Asura God Light will erode your Soul and make you feel like you are in a sea of blood. Only the Death God Domain can resist it, but the Asura God Light will exert huge pressure on the Death God Domain." Chen Feng answered.

"I'll try it." Zhu Zhuqing frowned. Only by experiencing it for herself will she understand it better.

"Don't be hasty, we still have a year to go." Chen Feng said.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded and then walked towards the Steps. She was still very relaxed for the first few Steps. After reaching the Tenth Step, she felt it was a little strenuous, she frowned, as if it were painful.

After reaching the Fifteenth Step, the white light covering Zhu Zhuqing's body shattered, and her eyes instantly turned scarlet, as if she was going crazy.

Chen Feng hurried up, hugged her and brought her off the Steps.

After getting off the Steps, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes became clear again, but her face was a little pale.

"Why did you do that? Do you want to be strong that much? "Chen Feng frowned.

"I know you will not let me have an accident." Zhu Zhuqing laughed.

Chen Feng shook his head dumbfoundedly and said, "Don't do this in the future. Did you notice anything just now?"

"Notice? "Zhu Zhuqing said puzzled.

"The oppressive power of the Asura God Light on the Death God Domain can hone the Death God Domain, just like a person's physical fitness will be improved after extreme exercise." Chen Feng said.

"It seems so." When Zhu Zhuqing heard his words, her eyes lit up.

"Passing through the Asura God Light is not only a test of our ability but also a way to cultivate the Death God Domain." Chen Feng elaborated.


Chen Feng had just finished speaking when there was a burst of applause as Huan Luo's figure appeared in front of them.

"Being able to appear so silently should be related to the Asura Mystic Realm." Chen Feng inwardly mused. Huan Luo's strength is equivalent to that of Qian Daoliu, making it impossible for him to be unaware of him. Yet he cannot detect Huan Luo, suggesting that this ability of his is given to him by the Asura Mystic Realm.

Huan Luo looked at Chen Feng appreciatively and spoke with a smile: "You are worthy of obtaining the Asura God's Nine Trials. You have discovered the secrets of the Asura God Light so quickly. "

"Senior is overpraising me." Chen Feng laughed.

Huan Luo turned his wrist and a golden bead appeared in his palm. The bead seemed to be carved from the most precious golden crystal. It was transparent and flawless. The most peculiar thing was that in this bead is faint, fluctuating golden mist.

"What is this? "Chen Feng asked pretendingly.

Huan Luo replied, "This is a God Bestowed Spirit Ring. You don't need to hunt and kill Spirit Beasts to give you the Spirit Abilities you need most, the highest pressure you can withstand would grant a higher aged Spirit Ring after absorbing the God Bestowed Spirit Ring."

"Anyone who has obtained the Black Level or Higher Trials can obtain a God Bestowed Spirit Ring when they encounter a bottleneck for the first time. Just now when you entered the Asura God Light, I noticed that your Spirit Power has reached Rank 80, so I came to give it to you."

"Can I keep this God Bestowed Spirit Ring for future use?" Chen Feng asked.

"This is your reward, you can use it whenever you want." Huan Luo responded lightly while handing the golden crystal bead to Chen Feng.

"Thanks a lot." Chen Feng put it away.

"When she reaches her bottleneck, I will reappear." Huan Luo glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, his figure disappeared without a trace again.

"Brother Feng, you are currently at Rank 80, logically you should absorb the Spirit Ring as soon as possible, so why do you want to keep the God Bestowed Spirit Ring?" Zhu Zhuqing asked inexplicably.

"The God Bestowed Spirit Ring can give us a Spirit Ring that would depend on how much pressure we can withstand. The greater the pressure we can withstand, the higher the years of the Spirit Ring we obtain at the end. Therefore, the later I use it, the more its effect can be maximized. I am a Twin Spirit. After entering the Titled Douluo Realm, I can begin attaching Spirit Rings on my Second Spirit, Black Dragon Staff." Chen Feng smiled.

"You are so smart! You have understood so much in such a short time." Zhu Zhuqing said in surprise.

"If I was not smart, how could I be worthy of you?" Chen Feng smiled.

"Brother Feng, after I obtain my God Bestowed Spirit Ring, I will give mine to you so it can be used to its maximum effect." Zhu Zhuqing said seriously.

"Silly girl, that's yours, how can I ask for it." Chen Feng embraced Zhu Zhuqing in his arms.

"You gave me so many things, but I have never given you anything. This God Bestowed Spirit Ring will be my first gift to you." Zhu Zhuqing said.

"Furthermore, Lord Huan Luo said that there are many Spirit Beasts in this forest. You can find a suitable one for me."

"We can discuss this matter later. You can keep your God Bestowed Spirit Ring, for now, wait for me to enter the Titled Douluo Realm, I will then find you a suitable 100,000-year Spirit Beast, only then will I accept it.

"Okay." Zhu Zhuqing nodded.

"Your Spirit Power Rank is currently 56. With my help, it shouldn't be long before you reach Rank 60. Then we will obtain our Spirit Rings together." Chen Feng said.

During the 9 months they spent in Slaughter City, Zhu Zhuqing was mostly busy controlling her murderous aura every day, hence why her Spirit Power only increased by 1 Rank.

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