Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 240 - 202 Entering Slaughter City Again

For those who want to read ahead the completed the novel, please go to:


For those who want to read 82 Chapters of my BTTH Fanfic, Signing In BTTH, please go there as well.

For those who want to read up to 16 Chapters of my new DDI Fanfic,, Becoming A Heaven Defying God In Douluo Dalu



*Line Break*

Chen Feng and Zhu Zhuqing continued to walk towards the tavern in the centre of the town, but Zhu Zhuqing had a cold expression throughout the walk, she did not say a word to Chen Feng, it seemed she was still angry about Bibi Dong.

Chen Feng could only give a wry smile. Other protagonists form a harem as easy as drinking water, why is it so difficult for him to make his?

Just when the two were approaching the tavern, Chen Feng suddenly stopped, he looked at a large withered tree behind him and coldly shouted: "Who? Come out."

Zhu Zhuqing suddenly became vigilant, her Spirit Power began running, she was ready to attack at any time.

A black figure came out from behind the tree, he took his cloak's hood off his head, and said in a hoarse voice: "Xiao Feng, it's me."

"Uncle Hao, why are you here?" Chen Feng pretended to be surprised. He knew that Tang Hao was here and that he will come to Slaughter City to train Xiao San, but he did not expect to meet him so soon.

"Xiao San is training in Slaughter City," Tang Hao replied.

"Unexpectedly, Brother San came here too." Zhu Zhuqing said in a bit of surprise, she had not expected to meet so many acquaintances here!

"Are you two preparing to enter Slaughter City for training?" Tang Hao asked.

Chen Feng smiled faintly and activated his *Death God Domain*, but it was just for show, he did not activate the Domain's abilities, he withdrew it.

Shock appeared on Tang Hao's poker face, he spoke: "I did not think you would have already passed! Youngsters nowadays are terrifying!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Uncle Hao is exaggerating."

Tang Hao responded: "You should have already obtained the *Death God Domain*, so why have you come here again?"

Those who newly obtain the *Death God Domain* have poor control over its abilities as well as its killing intent. Observing Chen Feng and Zhu Zhuqing, he saw that their killing intent is completely restrained, obviously, they had had the *Death God Domain* for some time already.

"We're here to do some other things." Chen Feng answered.

Chen Feng did not elaborate, and Tang Hao did not inquire any further, Tang Hao solemnly spoke, "Thank you for helping me take care of Xiao San. Last time I was in a rush, I did not have time to say thank you."

Chen Feng waved his hand and said, "Xiao San is my friend, it is only natural for me to help him."

Tang Hao replied, "Xiao San is lucky to have you as his friend."

Chen Feng asked, "Uncle Hao, where is Xiao Wu now? I do not think you should oppose their relationship."

Tang Hao smiled bitterly, "What right do I have to oppose the two of them? It is just that it is not suitable for her to stay with Xiao San now. I made her return to Star Dou Great Forest."

Chen Feng said: "Uncle Hao if there is nothing else, we will go first."

Tang Hao nodded slightly and said, "Go, but do not mention that you saw me to Xiao San."

Chen Feng and Zhu Zhuqing turned and left, Zhu Zhuqing whispered: "Why did Brother San's father make Xiao Wu return to Star Dou Forest? How will she live there?"

Chen Feng said, "People may not dare to live there, but Spirit Beasts do."

"What?!" Zhu Zhuqing was shocked. After understanding his implication, she used sound transmission to ask: "Xiao Wu is a Spirit Beast?"

Chen Feng nodded slightly, he replied with sound transmission: "Xiao Wu is a 100,000-year-old Spirit Beast, Star Dou Forest is her home."

Zhu Zhuqing recalled some things about Xiao Wu, she stated in a daze: "No wonder we met the Titan Giant Ape the first time we entered Star Dou Great Forest, and Xiao Wu was so 'lucky' every time she obtained a Spirit Ring from a Rabbit or related Spirit Beast."

Chen Feng said: "The Titan Giant Ape and Xiao Wu are friends. He came to find Xiao Wu on purpose that time."

Zhu Zhuqing asked, "Does Brother San know about this?"

Chen Feng answered, "After Xiao San absorbed the Full Moon Wearing Autumn Dew, he should have found out that Xiao Wu is a Spirit Beast."

Zhu Zhu exclaimed: "It seems that Brother San really loves Xiao Wu."

Chen Feng said, "I love you too."

Zhu Zhuqing snorted coldly: "Maybe, but you love many people."

Chen Feng was a little embarrassed, and muttered in his heart: "It seems I still have a long way to go."

The tavern was similar to when they went there the first time, it was cold and dark, with 20 or 30 people in it.

After Chen Feng and Zhu Zhuqing entered the tavern, they immediately attracted everyone's attention, but they ignored them and walked straight to the counter.

The barman asked indifferently, "What do you need?"

Chen Feng did not speak, he raised his hand, and slapped the counter heavily. Amid the rumbling noise, the counter turned into fragments and fell apart, exposing the ground.

The barman angered: "What are you doing?" The other two barmen stood behind him, seeming to cheer him on.

Chen Feng still did not speak, he directly released his *Death God Domain*.

The originally angry barman suddenly changed, as if he saw something extremely terrifying, he staggered back and said: "You are... the Death God?"

When the word 'Death God' emerged, everyone's pupils constricted and their bodies unconsciously trembled.

Chen Feng ignored them, a black light flashed in his hand. Black Dragon Staff appeared in his hand, he slammed it heavily onto the ground, generating another loud noise. Amid this noise, the earth crumbled, leaving a huge hole in it.

Chen Feng and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other before they directly jumped down.

At a glance, everything was the same. After passing through the long corridor, they saw a black city.

After Chen Feng and Zhu Zhuqing entered, the Knight said to a soldier next to him: "Go and report to Slaughter King, tell him that Hell Emperor and Hell Empress have returned."

After Chen Feng and Zhu Zhuqing entered Slaughter City, they saw the familiar and cruel scene, yet their expressions did not change in the slightest.

"Brother Feng, shall we go to Brother San or Slaughter King?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

"Let's go back to where we lived before. After we settle down, we will find Xiao San. As for Slaughter King, we will wait for him to come to us." Chen Feng replied.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly. For these matters, she only needs to follow Chen Feng's arrangements.

The two of them were familiar with Slaughter City, soon they came to where they lived before, but at this time, it seemed that someone else lived in it.

Boom boom——

Chen Feng knocked on the door politely. If they were not controlling their killing intent, and instead, they controlled by it, they would have probably kicked down the door already.

"Who?" A woman's voice sounded in the room.

Chen Feng felt that the voice was a little familiar, he suddenly thought of who the woman inside was, he inwardly mused: "Can there be such a coincidence?"

Zhu Zhuqing also heard the voice, identifying the lady inside, she glared fiercely at Chen Feng.

The voice was Hu Liena's.

Chen Feng looked innocently back. He did not know that Hu Liena had taken their house. He knew that no one had taken their place when they left.

Zhu Zhuqing also knew that from the time they left Slaughter City to now, the two of them have not separated for a moment. So it is impossible for Chen Feng to know about Hu Liena's whereabouts, but she still felt a little unhappy in her heart.

Seeing that nobody was answering, Hu Liena opened the door and walked out. Seeing Chen Feng and Zhu Zhuqing, she was shocked and said, "Why are you here?"

The masks on Chen Feng and Zhu Zhuqing's faces can only disguise them from strangers, not from those familiar with them.

"Why not?" Chen Feng responded.

"Aren't you on Hell Road?" Hu Liena said, no matter if they completed it or not, they should not be here!

"We have been away for so long, so we felt a little nostalgic and remembered the days we lived here, thus, we decided to come back and visit." Chen Feng smiled.

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, he felt a pain in his waist and found Zhu Zhuqing glaring fiercely at him.

"Zhuqing, there are outsiders here, can't you give me some face?" Chen Feng whispered.

Zhu Zhuqing let go of Chen Feng with a cold snort.

"Why are you in our place?" Chen Feng asked.

"This is the best house in the City. After you left, I was the strongest, so I snatched it." Hu Liena answered.

"Now that we are back, shouldn't you return it to us?" Chen Feng said.

"The house is large enough to accommodate 3 people." Hu Liena smiled and glanced at Zhu Zhuqing.

After what happened just now, she seemed to have found Chen Feng's weakness.

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