Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 27 - 13 Fusing With The Spirit Bone, Grandmaster’s Surprise 22

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Chen Feng reported to the Academic Affairs Office, notifying them of his return, he then returned to the work-student dormitory. Currently, Xiao Wu and Tang San were also in the dormitory.

Tang San was a little excited when he saw Chen Feng. He was worried about Chen Feng's safety these days Chen Feng was gone.

"Brother Feng, have you obtained a Spirit Ring?" Xiao Wu asked.

"Yeah." Chen Feng nodded.

"Brother Feng, what is your 1st Spirit Ability? And can we spar now?" "Xiao Wu spoke with a smile.

"Okay, I also want to see my Spirit Ring's prowess." Chen Feng laughed. After he obtained his 1st Spirit Ring, he became confident that he can beat Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu, let me spar with Brother Feng first." Tang San looked at the smile at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth and knew that Xiao Wu would be subject to Chen Feng's tricks.

"Why are you stopping me?" "Xiao Wu pouted with dissatisfaction.

"I will spar with Brother Feng first. When you see the effect of Brother Feng's 1st Spirit Ability, your chances of winning will be greater." Tang San explained.

Xiao Wu's bright eyes flashed. The three of them came to the woods in the back mountain, the best place to fight.

"Brother Feng, be careful!" "Tang San warned.

"Martial Spirit possession!" Chen Feng did not underestimate Tang San and released his Martial Spirit directly, his muscles swelled and his claws glowed with a cold light.

"So this is how Feng Ge looks like when he releases his Martial Spirit." Xiao Wu wondered. It was the first time she saw Chen Feng possessing his Martial Spirit. Although she had seen Chen Feng fight with others before, he had never used his Martial Spirit.

"Brother Feng has become a lot stronger," Tang San muttered inwardly.

"1st Spirit Ability, Bind!" Tang San yelled, in response, several blue silver vines quickly extended along the ground towards Chen Feng.

The corners of Chen Feng's mouth raised slightly and with a wave of his claws, the blue silver vines were cut into pieces. Tang San's Blue Silver Grass was as fragile as paper under his sharp claws.

"1st Spirit Ability, 'Sky Demon Tiger Claw'."

Chen Feng took the initiative to attack, his tiger Claws swung at Tang San.


Tang San's 1st Spirit Ability was activated again. This time the distance between them was relatively short. Before Chen Feng had time to tear the Blue Silver Grass, he was trapped by the vines.

However, these vines could only trap him for so long, his Spirit Power gushed out, and the Blue Silver Grass was instantly torn apart once more.

However, Tang San took advantage of this moment to get away. As a Control System Spirit Master, it would be unwise to fight in close Battle with a strong Attack System Spirit Master. His advantage lies in remote control.

But after Chen Feng's figure fell to the ground, it turned into an afterimage, and instantly he came close to Tang San, his sharp tiger claws rested on Tang San's head: "Little San, you've lost."

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