Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 36 - 18 Star Dou Great Forest 12

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After the fight was over, Chen Feng integrated all the attributes burst from the fight and absorbed the Black Flame Tiger Spirit which slightly improved his Sky Demon Tiger Spirit.

"Brother Feng, you are really amazing." Lin Feng spoke excitedly. He had doubts about Chen Feng's strength before, but after seeing Chen Feng simply and wildly smashing the opponent's team members off the stage, he began to admire Chen Feng.

"Brother Feng, with you, winning these battles is far too simple." Wang Quan laughed.

"Okay, let's get our rewards." Chen Feng smiled, the rewards for 7-man battles are 100 Gold Coins, he took 40 coins and the others each took 10.

Regarding this kind of distribution, no has an objection. After all, Chen Feng is the main force and they barely did anything in the match.

After receiving the rewards, Chen Feng went to participate in the single and duo battles, and harvested a wave of attribute light balls, without encountering Tiger Spirits and Staff Spirits.


After half a year.

The three names Monkey King, Black Bull Combination, and the Team One Through Seven resounded in the Great Spirit Arena of Suotuo City.

The rules of the Arena are in the Iron Spirit Fighter stage, every time you win a game, you get 1 point, and losing a game will also deduct 1 point; if you win five games in a row, you can get 10 points if you win another game. If you win ten games in a row, you will get 100 points if you win one more game.

The fastest way to advance is to win consecutive victories, but Chen Feng does not want to quickly upgrade his Spirit Fighter Badge, because the higher the Rank of the Spirit Fighter Badge, the harder it is to arrange matches.

Therefore, after every five consecutive victories, Chen Feng will deliberately lose one to interrupt his winning streak.

But that is it. In half a year, Chen Feng's Badge had also been upgraded to the Golden Rank. It would take several days to arrange a match for him now.

However, fortunately, Chen Feng's physical strength and mental strength had already reached the Rank of a Spirit King and he could go to the Star Dou Great Forest to obtain his 2nd Spirit Ring.

After bidding farewell to Iron Bull and the others, Chen Feng set foot on the road to the Star Dou Great Forest alone.

The Star Dou Forest is located southeast of Suotuo City, only less than 500 kilometers away. Chen Feng rushed all the way and arrived in the small town around the Star Dou Forest in less than a day.

After resting in the small town for one night, early the next morning, he entered the Star Dou Forest.

The Star Dou Forest is different from the Soul Hunting Forest. The Soul Hunting Forest is raised by the Tian Dou Empire, and the Spirit Beasts in it are relatively mild, while the Spirit Beasts in the Star Dou Forest are wild and much fiercer.

The Soul Hunting Forest generally does not have beasts older than 10,000 years, but there are many 10,000-year-old Spirit Beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, reportedly, there are even 100,000-year-old Spirit Beasts.

In summary, the Star Dou Great Forest is much more dangerous than the Soul Hunting Forest.

As soon as Chen Feng entered the Star Dou Great Forest, he felt like he had entered a pure endless forest. Big trees surrounded him. This was only the Outer Zone, he couldn't even imagine what the Core Zone would look like

The Spirit Beasts living in the Outer Zone are mainly 10-year and 100-year Spirit Beasts, and occasionally they can encounter a 1000-year Spirit Beast; the Spirit Beasts living in the Inner Zone are mainly the 1000-year Spirit Beasts, and occasionally you can see 10,000-year Spirit Beasts there too though they become a little more common than in the Outer Zone. The Spirit Beasts in the Core Zone are mainly 10,000-year Spirit Beasts, and 100,000-year-old Spirit Beasts can occasionally be seen.

After the Scorpion-Tailed Tiger's Martial Spirit exploded last time, Chen Feng was thinking of fighting a Tiger-like Spirit Beast, but it took too much time to find a Tiger-like Spirit Beast in the Soul Hunting Forest, and the gain was not worth the loss. He did not have the ability to come to the Star Dou Forest at that time, so he could only keep this idea in his mind.

This time in the Star Dou Great Forest, Chen Feng wanted to evolve his Sky Demon Tiger Spirit for the second time in addition to acquiring his Second Spirit Ring.

"Flap Flap Flap--"

Suddenly, Chen Feng heard a noise, the rustling sound increased from low to loud, clearly something was approaching quickly.

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