Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 61 - 30 Registering, Challenging Li Yusong 22

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The girl was alone and not accompanied by her parents. She is wearing a simple long skirt, she has sharp, short brown hair, her skin is white and looks extremely white and tender.

"Excuse me, did I pass the initial test?" The girl's voice was very soft.

"Is your family aware that you are here?" Li Yusong asked.

"You said as long as you meet the requirements of the Academy you can join, so why unnecessarily ask about my background?" The girl cheekily spoke.

"Mubai, guide her to the next stage." Li Yusong waved at Dai Mubai.

"She should be Ning Rongrong." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

After Ning Rongrong finished registering, it was finally Tang San's turn. Tang San stretched out his hand. Li Yusong touched Tang San's hand a few times before frowning, "Did you practice any Spirit Skills? "

Tang San nodded. He has been cultivating Profound Jade Hands since he was three years old.

"Raise your leg." Li Yusong ordered.

Tang San lifted his leg as commanded, Li Yusong touched it and nodded: "Your age meets the requirements."

Next was Xiao Wu's turn, she also met the age requirements.

"Release your Martial Spirits," Li Yusong commanded.

Xiao Wu released her Martial Spirit; her ears became pointed. Her spirit was a beast Martial Spirit. So, as she released her spirit, Xiao Wu's figure became more slender instead of bulging with muscles like Chen Feng when he releases his Tiger Spirit, two Yellow Spirit Rings also surrounded her.

Tang San had a Blue Silver Grass floating above his right palm, he was also surrounded by two Yellow Spirit Rings.

"It turned out to be Blue Silver Grass. But can someone with Blue Silver Grass cultivate so fast?" Li Yusong saw Tang San's Martial Spirit with a little surprise in his eyes. Blue Silver Grass was widely recognised as a useless Martial Spirit.

"Teacher, doesn't your Shrek Academy only accept monsters? Are we considered monsters then?" Tang San smiled.

"Of course, you pass, Mubai, take them to the next stage." Li Yusong smiled, and then greeted Dai Mubai who had returned from guiding Ning Rongrong to the next exam.

Tang San glanced at Chen Feng, Chen Feng told him, "Little San, you can go in first."

After Dai Mubai took Tang San and Xiao Wu in, Li Yusong tested a few more people, they all passed, finally it was Chen Feng's and Zhu Zhuqing's turn.

Chen Feng walked in front of Zhu Zhuqing, put 20 Gold Coins into the wooden box, and said, "Let's enrol together."

"Extend your hands." Li Yusong said lightly.

"You go first." Chen Feng stepped back and let Zhu Zhuqing test first.

Zhu Zhuqing did not beat around the bush and went forward. Li Yusong tested Zhu Zhuqing and found that she was qualified and then Zhu Zhuqing released her Martial Spirit.

After Zhu Zhuqing, who's Spirit Power Rank qualified, she was able to go onto the next stage. Chen Feng moved forward and reached out for Li Yusong to check his bone age. Naturally, there was no issue there.

"Release your Martial Spirit." Li Yusong ordered.

"It's a little inconvenient to release my spirit, but my Spirit Power Rank definitely qualifies. It is better to change the method of the test. Let's spar, if I can last a stick of incense against you then I pass." Chen Feng proposed.

With Chen Feng's current strength, he was not afraid to expose his Spirit Ring's, the only reason he purposefully hid them is because he wanted to find an excuse to spar with Li Yusong and burst some attributes from him.

"Are you sure?" Li Yusong looked at Chen Feng with some surprise. He had just shown that he is a 6 ring Spirit Emperor and this young man wanted to spar with him?

Zhu Zhuqing heard those words and looked at Chen Feng in shock. It is not easy to last a stick of incense against a Spirit Emperor even for another person of the same Rank let alone someone as young as him.

"Yes." Chen Feng confirmed.

"Anyway, there is no one behind you, so I will entertain you." Li Yusong laughed. After speaking he took out a stick of incense from nowhere, lit it and stuck it into the ground.

"Can we start?" Chen Feng took out a staff from his Spirit Guidance Device. It was not the Black Iron Staff that Tang Hao had made for him, it was a new staff he personally crafted from various rare materials. It weighed 800 Jin (or 400 Kg). He named it, Spirit Origin Staff.

"You can start whenever you're ready." Li Yusong smiled, he didn't release his Martial Spirit.

Chen Feng was not going to be merciful to Li Yusong because of this. Li Yusong did not release his Martial Spirit, which would have made the spar last longer, but it was almost the same to him, anyway, Li Yusong would not be his opponent even if he did release his Martial Spirit.

With a flash, Chen Feng's figure disappeared from Li Yusong's sight. Li Yusong was shocked but before he could react, Chen Feng appeared behind him and smashed him into the sky with his staff.

Then Chen Feng jumped up and made a series of lightning-fast strikes.

"Bang--ah--bang--ah-- "

Li Yusong flew around in the air, unable to break free from being mercilessly abused.

Such a loud voice naturally alarmed the people in the academy. Dai Mubai was the first to arrive. Looking at Li Yusong who was being abused by Chen Feng in the air reminded him of himself from two days ago.

"What's going on?" Dai Mubai asked Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing replied with a cold tone: "Chen Feng challenged Teacher Li and then this happened."

"Why were you with him?" Dai Mubai asked.

"From the moment you choose to escape, my business has nothing to do with you anymore." Zhu Zhuqing said coldly.

Dai Mubai clenched his fists and forcefully cracked them, he then let go and sighed bitterly in his heart: "Yes, I gave up first."

Soon, Zhao Wuji, and the others all rushed over. Flender was not in the Academy so naturally he would be in charge and look after the academy, he needed to know what the cause behind the loud cries of a pig being slaughtered were, and if was a threat.

"Mubai, what's the matter?" Zhao Wuji glanced in the air. He originally thought that someone was provoking them to a battle, but now it seemed that it was not what he speculated.

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