Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 78 - 42 Reprimanding Ning Rongrong

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"You have broken through to Rank 30?" Flender's eyes lit up.

"Yeah." Oscar nodded.

"Good, good, you really didn't disappoint me. You are the third among the current students to reach Rank 30." Flender said excitedly. The first two are naturally Chen Feng and Dai Mubai.

"Oscar, congratulations." Dai Mubai congratulated.

"Uncle, I didn't expect you to break through Rank 30 so quickly." Xiao Wu said in surprise.

"Can you stop calling me Uncle? I'm 14 years old, only two years older than you." Oscar remarked bitterly, causing everyone to laugh.

"Okay, today's lesson begins now." Flender's voice caused everyone to focus again.

"Today's class is very simple. Everyone, including Oscar must eat his sausages, must eat at least one."

"Dean, what is this class called?" Xiao Wu who heard Flender immediately asked.

"This is called Adaptive Training. Although Oscar's incantation is indeed a bit awkward, his Martial Spirit Sausage is the best Food Type Spirit I have ever seen. So, when you are in danger, will you eat his sausage despite the awkward chant or not?" Flender loudly asked.

"At the same time, this is also trains your mentality. If you can't overcome this tiny hurdle, what qualifications do you have to become an expert? Every one of you must pass this class, otherwise you don't need to stay here, Chen Feng, you go first, after eating the sausage, oversee the others."

Chen Feng looked at Flender superciliously, this guy really is using him as tool, he pushed this to the back of his mind and approached Oscar, he faintly stated: "Oscar, give me the sausages."

Oscar smiled, he stretched out his two hands and chanted at the same time.

"I, your father, have a big sausage."

"I, your father, have a little sausage."

A big and small sausage with different flavours appeared in Oscar's palms, he smiled and said: "Brother Feng, please."

After Chen Feng took it, he stuffed them directly into his mouth and took a few bites. Oscar's sausage, except for its weird chant, actually tasted good.

"Who's next?" Chen Feng asked.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun had long been used to eating Oscar's sausage, they walked right up to eat Oscar's sausages.

After them, only Tang San, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong were left. The other three were all girls. Tang San walked forward reluctantly, he picked up two sausages that were freshly made by Oscar and ate them.

Xiao Wu looked at Chen Feng pleadingly, as if she was saying that she could not bear to eat it, but Chen Feng simply ignored it. Xiao Wu could only walk forward reluctantly and slowly, she closed her eyes as she held the sausages and gently placed them in her mouth. She began to chew and finally swallowed. Immediately she felt nauseous and had to hold up the bile and vomit rising to her throat.

After Xiao Wu finished eating the sausage, only Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were left.

"Zhu Zhuqing, eat it if you want to become stronger." Chen Feng commented.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes became firm, she quickly picked up the sausages and ate it, she ate it faster than even Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.

"Ning Rongrong, you are the only one left." Chen Feng gazed at Ning Rongrong.

"I don't eat such revolting things." Ning Rongrong said disgustedly.

"Get out if you don't want to eat it, Shrek Academy doesn't need trash with weak will like you," Chen Feng snorted coldly.

"You dare to say that I am a trash?" Ning Rongrong questioned angrily. She is the most talented disciple of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan. She had innate Rank 9 Spirit Power and had reached Rank 26 whilst not being 12 years old.

"Hmph, you think you are a genius. Well, In my eyes, you are trash, Xiao Wu, Xian San, Zhu Zhuqing, each of them fought and could pass the fourth entry exam for the Academy. Do you think that with your meagre qualifications, you would be able to pass the Combat orientated exam? If you weren't lucky enough to participate in the exam with us, do you really believe you'd have been able to even enter the Academy?" Chen Feng said coldly, his expression dripping with disdain.

"I am an Auxiliary Spirit Master, I am different from them. On the battlefield, I am more important than them and have a greater role to play! With my support, the strength of my ally Spirit Masters will increase and help us win!" Ning Rongrong retorted.

"Don't think too highly on yourself. Forget you even qualifying to be on the battlefield, even if you are on the battlefield, the role the others play would definitely be greater than yours. "Chen Feng contemptuously spoke.

"My Martial Spirit is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, the best Auxiliary Martial Spirit in the mainland, none can compare to it!" Ning Rongrong said unconvinced.

"When I call you trash, I do so for a reason, since you still don't believe that you're trash, then I will explain to you how trash you exactly are. Needless to say, you won't be able to stay here after this!" Chen Feng shouted loudly.

"Mubai is stronger than Xiao San. But if say, a duo battle with you and Mubai versus Xiao San and Xiao Wu, Xiao San and Xiao WU work together, no matter how many times you boost Mubai, he will lose. Xiao San could just control and limit Mubai's movements, whilst Xiao Wu can easily knock you out. Leaving Mubai facing both of them. Which of course we know the outcome of such a situation."

"If you are part of a Spirit Master Team battle, you will be the first to die or be knocked out. Because no one will entrust their back to a person with a revolting character and mentality like yours. An Auxiliary Spirit Master, without the protection of their teammates, is only cannon fodder."

Ning Rongrong was stunned when she heard Chen Feng's words. She wanted to refute him, but she didn't know how, she could only sit down on the ground and cry.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing didn't go to comfort her. Before, they thought that Ning Rongrong was an approachable girl with a good character, but it seems that she was arrogant down to the bone.

"Oscar, give her two sausages. If she doesn't eat them, then she can pack her things and leave. We don't need to waste anymore time with her. "Chen Feng glanced at Oscar.

Oscar was stunned by Chen Feng. He didn't come back to his senses until Chen Feng looked at him. He didn't expect that Chen Feng could say such harsh words to a beautiful girl.

He conjured two sausages and passed them to Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong, who was crying, stopped suddenly, she took the two sausages, bit by bit she ate them, and at the same time she glared at Chen Feng fiercely.

"Dean, they've completed their task, I'm going to go train." Chen Feng reported to Flender and ignored Ning Rongrong.

"Okay, you all have one day to rest and adjust yourselves. Tomorrow morning, all of you will set off. Teacher Zhao Wuji will take you all to the Star Dou Great Forest to help Oscar obtain his third Spirit Ring. This will be a good experience for you." The Dean glanced at Ning Rongrong, a sly smile slowly revealed itself.

"You little monster, you know I can't give you a fair fight nor do I want to be abused, so I won't spar with you." Zhao Wuji refused directly, that day where Chen Feng beat him left to right, up and down cast a shadow on him.

"Teacher Zhao, I promise I won't use my full strength, I just want to hone my moves in combat." Chen Feng promised solemnly.

"Really?" Zhao Wuji asked doubtfully.

"Really." Chen Feng confirmed.

"Well then, I will spar with you." Zhao Wuji agreed.

The two came to the open space in the yard and began to spar.


The muffled sound of the fight and Zhao Wuji's screams soon resounded in the courtyard. Zhao Wuji had used his Martial Spirit True Body the day before yesterday, and due the damage done to it, it would take some time to recover, approximately 7 days should suffice. But during these 7 days, he wouldn't be able to use it, leaving him at the mercy of Chen Feng.

Even if Chen Feng didn't use his Martial Spirit, he was still able to violently abuse *cough* exchange pointers with Zhao Wuji.

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