Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 967: 第一百〇七

  Chapter 967 Chapter 107 Sitting at the scene

  Something that no one wants to see happened.

The lower-middle-level members of the Screenwriters Guild who were instigated by the negotiator Walton could not accept their dreams of directing producers, determining directors, and flirting with leading actresses. The voting results defeated those who really had experience in cooperating with Hollywood upper-middle-level screenwriters.

For a while, the medium-sized Hollywood studios and the three major wireless TV stations seemed to be insane. They went all out in the news reports and attacked the screenwriters union's negotiators for failing to convey goodwill to members, causing the strike to continue. consequences.

In an interview with his own news presenter, the ABC's director of scripting affairs cursed, rather viciously, negotiator Walton for inciting writers who hadn't written a successful script and are now subservient to them Fantasies, dare not advocate through the great goodwill of the Producers Union.

  In the future, those low-level screenwriters who have no job, no income, can only rely on the relief of actor donations, and **** their property, and are banned from working by the union, will vote to eat Walton alive just like they voted against it today.

  Criticizing the negotiating opponent directly on TV is also because ABC has suffered the most losses. Their popular TV series "Growing Pains" finally overtook "Family Ties" starring Michael J. Fox, which they plagiarized, in the ratings last year, and became the highest-rated series among the family-friendly TV series.

   But this strike continues, and I don’t know how long it will be delayed. This year’s new season will definitely be affected.

  Although the three major wireless TV stations are required by law to stand on a neutral standpoint, and even political programs must find a guest on each side, but they still have biases in private.

   Except for CBS, which has always been conservative and stable, and does not easily reveal its tendency, the remaining two families, NBC leans to the left, and the "family bond" is the conservative eldest son Alex (played by Fox), who is most popular with the audience. In the play, Alex is still a fan of Ronald, the current general, and he talks about Ronald's economics.

   ABC, which is biased towards freedom, launched the tit-for-tat "Growing Pains" in 1986. The father, Jason Silver, is a licensed psychologist in a big city. He has a free and emancipated mind, and he never commands but talks to his children.

  My mother, Maggie Malone, is an on-site reporter for a TV station. For the convenience of work, she used her maiden name as her working name. This is all deviant behavior in the eyes of conservatives.

   Not to mention the eldest son Michael, who is a troublemaker, with poor academics but strong social skills, which runs counter to the conservative values ​​of hard work.

  His good friend Berner (Boner, meaning stupid), the final ending is to go to the Marine Corps as a soldier. The liberal values ​​​​of the big cities are fully revealed in the background and stories of each character, subtly affecting the audience's perception.

  Compared to the eldest son Alex in "Family Ties", he is hard-working and popular. He just likes to debate sometimes and likes to promote conservative ideas.

It just so happens that this year is a general election year, the ratings of the two TV dramas go up and down, and it happens to be a time to show credit to the political influence behind the TV station, and suddenly encounter this **** strike... Now I have to take the "Bitter Tiger" from the 1960s Luckily, the rerun of this Cold War spy series turned out to have good ratings.

On the one hand, NBC's "Family Ties" ratings have fallen miserably because Michael J. Fox's focus has shifted to movies. so smart.

  The news on their TV station is more tolerant to the screenwriters, and some screenwriters were interviewed on the spot. There is a father who has two children who are in high school, and he just wants to **** his watch because he has no income.

For a while, the reporter was also very embarrassed. This news aroused a response from the audience. The fundraising party held by Hollywood stars for screenwriters also broke through the resistance of the producer alliance. Under the organization of veteran actors such as Elizabeth Taylor, , next week.

The worst thing about NBC is David Letterman. During the time of the strike, he really had no choice but to talk to a few resident guests and the band every day. A haircut... is really out of the question.

  The worst thing is that CNN's Larry King can answer the hotline calls from viewers from all over the world, and at least he can get past it. But Letterman's program only has letters from the audience, and according to the definition of the screenwriters union, such things written in words that constitute the main part of the content of the program also belong to the category of scripts.

   David Letterman was so worried that he even called to ask Ronald to hire someone to fill in the time on the show. It just so happens that Brooke Shields still needs opportunities to be on camera to maintain her popularity and earn money. I chatted with Letterman all night alone.

However, the screenwriters union is not without concessions this time. Letterman is making a request through the union (he is also a member of the screenwriters union) to hire screenwriters to write scripts for the show in his own name, which can bypass the terms of the strike (union members shall not be restricted. Members affiliated with the Producers Alliance, of which Letterman is not a member). "

  Equally relaxing are the scripted projects in Hollywood. When the Producers Union is using tactics to split the Screenwriters Union and make members at the upper and lower levels fight each other, the Screenwriters Union is also trying to split the Producers Union.

  Everyone knows that it is very common to modify the script on the spot during filming. However, the Screenwriters Union will turn a blind eye to producers who meet the requirements and apply. As long as the exemption is approved, they can start work, and no longer send supervisors to these crews to supervise.

Ronald has already approved the project, the green light, and the script has been locked and sent to the Screenwriters Union for filing. Only Emile Adorino's Return to the Yin and Yang World (ChancesAre), anyway, take advantage of it. Ronald's exemption application is very fast. It was approved soon, and became the first film project in Hollywood to resume shooting.


  On the edge of the Potomac River in Washington, D.C., there is Georgetown, which has a very colonial style. The scenery here is pleasant, as well as the famous Georgetown University. "Back to the Yin and Yang Realm" was filmed here.

  The female entrepreneur played by Sybil Sheppard has a house here. Today is the first day of the launch, and Ronald came here specially to give the platform to director Emile Adolino.

  The producer didn’t have a seat at the scene, so Ronald wore sunglasses and took an apple box far behind the camera and erected it as a stool.

  Already waiting for the lighting at the scene is Ryan O'Neill, who played the role of the heroine's friend, Philip, who took care of their mother and daughter for 20 years after her fiancé died in a car accident.

   This favorite of Peter Bogdanovich has been around for many years, and the box office of the film he shot is dismal. No longer the power and influence of the top three male stars in Hollywood. The conflict between him and his daughter Tatum O'Neal is also well known to the public, and it is hard to say. This handsome guy has a long list of **** history, in addition to the real Farrah Fawcett, there are Jacqueline Bissett, Barbra Streisand, Diana Ross, and even the heroine of Ronald's last movie , daughter Tatum's friend Melanie Griffiths also had an affair with him.

   But now he is down and out. Seeing Ronald, he immediately came up to say hello, "Peter (Bogdanovich) has told you many times, and I don't think fame is enough to express your strength when I see you in person."

"This role is very suitable for you. Emil highly recommended you to me. I trust him very much." Ronald shook hands and hugged him, and by the way gave the director Emil a stage, "I haven't seen Peter for a while, and he still okay?"

   "It's not bad. The last time I called him, he was very dissatisfied with being withdrawn by De Laurentiis before the shooting of the new film started. However, he needed money and finished the film."

   The two were standing and chatting in the sun. The two handsome guys stood there very seductively, which attracted some crew members to keep looking at them.

   "Sybil..." Ryan O'Neal saw the belated heroine, the biggest Sybil Shepard. I worked with her many times in Bogdanovic's film back then, and slowly fell with Bogdanovic. Now that Shepard has become popular again with the Blue Moonlight TV series, the gap between him and the opponent has widened.

   "Ronald is here..." Ryan gestured to Sybil for Ronald's existence.

   "Oh, Ronald..." Sybill Shepard changed her face, and came over to chat with Ronald enthusiastically, "I did a lot of research on the heroine..."

   "Don't tell me, I'm here today just to complete the work. Emile is a great director, and his interpretation of the characters is the best."

  Ronald doesn't get involved in this kind of thing. All the actors in the crew are fighting for the right to speak, especially the female stars. A close-up in front of the camera can make the audience even more impressed with themselves.

   Build a good relationship with the producer, especially a strong producer. Once sitting on the set, the director has to obediently give himself more time for the camera.

  Ronald made up his mind, he came to stand for Emil, and all the shooting matters were decided by Emil.

  Emile Adolino and Masterson who played the daughter also walked in. He was most worried about Masterson's lack of acting experience, so he chatted with her for a while and tried to make her relax.

  Ronald hugged and greeted the two of them. He liked actors like Masterson very much. He focused all his attention on character creation, listened to the director's arrangement, and didn't care much about other things.

   After Emil stood still, he negotiated with the lighting team. After everything was ready, he began to measure the focal point with a tape measure.

   "Where's little Robert?" Emil asked loudly when he realized that there was one person missing.

   This scene is the scene where Robert Downey Jr. comes to meet his girlfriend’s mother and Uncle Philip. Everyone has completed their positions, only Robert Downey Jr. is missing.

   "Come on, come on." Robert Downey Jr., who was still a little staggered because of a hangover, ran in, and the makeup artist walked quickly behind to touch up Downey's makeup.

   "Last night's launch party was so exciting..." Downey gestured for a drink.

  The scene fell into silence, and everyone didn't know what to do with the actor who made trouble on the first day of the filming. They all turned their heads in unison and looked at Ronald.

  Ronald put on his sunglasses, folded his arms naturally and said nothing.

   Seeing that he did not express his opinion, everyone turned their attention back to the director Emil Adorino.

   "Can you perform now?" Emile Adolino did not blame and get angry, but calmly asked Robert Downey Jr.'s current state.

   "I don't have any problems, it's better to drink a little on the set...hehe...uh...uh..."

  Donnie wanted to make a joke at first, but he was a little scared seeing Emil Adolino's sharp eyes...

  Robert Downey Jr., who just won the title of "Hottest Actor of the Year" by "Rolling Stone Magazine", is a bit proud. He comes from an acting family with exquisite acting skills and a yuppie-like **** appearance. So he didn't take this movie performance too seriously, it didn't have any difficulty for him.

   Following everyone's gaze, he also looked back to see Ronald behind him, feeling a bit depressed in his heart. This is the boss that his girlfriend Sarah Jessica Parker is desperately trying to curry favor with. Today's mistakes are all seen by the producer, and it is troublesome to be recorded.

   "I'm fine, you can try to rehearse my play." Downey began to please the director, and as long as Emil recognized his performance, he could still fool him.

   "Let's do a play."

   Emile Waves, the mother played by Sybill Shepherd, feels familiar the first time she sees Downey's daughter's boyfriend, because he is the reincarnation of her dead fiancé.

  The difficulty of this scene is not small, because after all, it is the embarrassing emotion of the mother-in-law who sees the son-in-law and thinks it is a dead lover. Robert Downey Jr. is a delicate balance between a romantic comedy and an attractive leading man in a drama.

  Using this scene to open the scene shows that the director Emile has a well-thought-out plan and uses this scene to kill the arrogance of the actors. But it's also possible... This beginner doesn't understand anything...

   Ronald didn't speak, but pushed the sunglasses with his hands. The producer's job is to judge the director's work, not to jump to the foreground to take over everything.

   Sure enough, Emil asked Sybil and Robert Jr. to rehearse several times, and actually took two shots, but the effect was not good. Either it is too comedy to appear frivolous, or it is too serious to appear embarrassing.

  Robert Downey Jr. seemed to be affected by something. After two NGs, he began to lose his temper. Constantly sniffling, walking up and down the set, muttering things that others couldn't understand.

   Now everyone became silent again. The actor was dissatisfied with the director in the first shot, which is not a good thing.

  Emil didn't say anything, he just waited for Robert Downey Jr. to wake up. At this time, the director should actually do something, or reprimand, or comfort, or let him go back to the trailer, in short, he can't wait on the scene.

  Everyone turned their attention to Ronald again.

   "Ahem...", Ronald coughed twice and cleared his throat. Now everyone fell silent, waiting for Ronald to give orders.

  Picking up the stainless steel thermos cup, slowly turning the lid off, and pouring out a cup of warm wolfberry black tea, Ronald took a sip and made a pleasant sound.

   "Hey...it's delicious...well", Ronald immediately looked at everyone, "Why are you looking at me?" Then he pointed at Emil, indicating that everyone should listen to the director's arrangement.

   "Ten minutes of rest, let Downey find out how he feels." Emil reacted, took over the crew, and immediately arranged for the male lead to take a break.

Sybil saw who was the real boss of the crew, she glanced at Ronald, and then walked up to Robert Downey Jr., "Robert, look at me, you don't have to think about lines every minute, as long as you watch Look at me for five seconds, and you can enter the character state without saying anything."

Sybill Sheppard is in good condition, she seems to have just turned thirty, Downey looked at her, and was also impressed by the pale green eyes, and couldn't help but be impressed by this stunner who harmed all the men in the crew and broke up the director's family Fascinated, he forgot that Ronald was watching his performance on the spot.

   Sure enough, the next scene went well. Ronald watched it all morning. The result of the evaluation was that Emil was very competent. Although he was a bit shy and introverted, whether the technical skills and performance guidance were in place.

  Relieved, Ronald said goodbye to Emil: "That's right, everyone in the crew has to listen to the director, no matter who it is." The two shook hands and said goodbye.

Different directors need different encouragement. Emile is good, but he lacks confidence and experience in himself. Ronald sat on the scene on the first day of filming, supported him once, and straightened out the power order of the crew. The shooting is convenient.


   Arriving in the capital, Ronald paid a visit to the deputy commander, Old George, and his wife Barbara in the evening. The rest of the party dropped out after George Sr.'s big victory on Super Tuesday last month, and he is already the obvious candidate for the next leadership. So instead of desperately speaking and canvassing votes at every station, I can go back to the official residence and rest for a few days.

Barbara was very happy about Ronald's visit, and she held him for a long conversation. She heard that Ryan O'Neill was filming in the capital. She was familiar with the older generation of male stars, and she showed a housewife-like attitude. Sincerely.

  Ronald said that he could wait for O'Neill to come to the dinner party when he has no role to play, and introduce Barbara to him by the way.

   "Ronald, you have to stop. Last time John Travolta came to the White House, Barbara almost abandoned me." Old George joked beside him.

   "Hahaha...nasty." Barbara slapped George Sr. on the arm. The two couples are very old and have a group of grandchildren, and they are still very affectionate on the surface.

"Seriously, can you invite him to the White House dinner? The commander-in-chief is about to visit the Souvier Alliance and a series of European countries. It can be regarded as a farewell tour before his predecessors. The White House will also hold a lot of dinners..." Barbara Pull turned around and grabbed Ronald's arm, "The commander-in-chief has not publicly endorsed my husband, I need a chance to enter the White House and talk to him face to face. You know I don't get along well with Nancy..."

   "Is that so?" Ronald knew that First Lady Nancy was also a former Hollywood actress, and she was very interested in dancing with male stars.

  If she can arrange for Ryan O'Neill to go to the White House, then Barbara will have the opportunity to talk to the commander in person about this matter. Like Barbara and Nancy, Sr. Ronald and Sr. George had some secret ties. This kind of thing needs a woman to mediate from it.

   "I just want to stay in the capital for a few days, and I am willing to help you."

   "Hehehe, I knew you were a good boy. George Jr. told me that your commercials were shot well... During the next general election, George Sr. and I will continue to rely on you."

  (end of this chapter)

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