Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 223 The Image of the Authoritarian Lord (Fifth Day)

[God Creation Project·Biological Modification·High-Risk Surgery Application Report Form

This form is made in triplicate, one copy is given to the surgeon for safekeeping, one copy is given to the Order House, and one copy is given to the initiator.

Name: Skirmisher/Scaramucci

Sex: Male

Age: unknown

Category: Body Transformation

Location: Teaching Academy·Hidden Laboratory

Preoperative diagnosis: The subject is an individual created by God, with a highly resilient body that can carry the heart of God, but there are certain limitations.

Name of the proposed surgery: Heart/thoracic partial energy circuit reconstruction surgery·Phase 1

Planned surgery time: 2pm to 6pm

Surgical anesthesia method: special individual, no anesthesia

Matters that may be involved during the operation: abnormal energy changes, incompatibility with the heart of God, contamination of flesh and blood

Postoperative feedback: The operation was successful, and the energy circuit was strengthened for the first time (approximately 1.67 times)

The surgeon's opinion: Observe for three days and decide on subsequent modifications. 】

In the secret room of the Teaching Academy, the doctor looked at the post-operative report in his hand with a profound look in his eyes.

Although this was just a very simple surgical report, the doctor still saw something different and interesting.

"Did such a complicated chest reconstruction surgery only take 4 hours? It seems that I still underestimated this young descendant of the gods. It is really interesting that he has grown so much in such a short time."

The doctor still remembers that when he first met this descendant of the rock, he was still a little guy who could only rigidly use the power of the rock god.

Later, he was played with and applauded by himself in the underground factory. It can be said that he was a very 'cute' young dependent.

But now, in just the past year, this god's descendant who was once easily played by him has become more powerful and possesses more information. These things cannot be underestimated by him.

This kind of growth rate, even a doctor who has never taken the right path, has to sigh: It's so fast.

Opposite the doctor, the great sage Azar also held the report belonging to the Order Council and read it carefully.

However, the great sage did not have the same emotions as the doctor. He just looked at the key transformation surgery information, confirmed that there were no problems with the surgery, and then put down the report in his hand.

"Biological transformation has begun. When are you ready to take action on the body?" The great sage couldn't help but be excited at the thought of a god being born in the Order Academy.

"Take your time. The construction of the body requires the help of the Heart of God. Now that the Heart of God is still in the biological experiment, we don't have to worry." The doctor still looked calm.

On the contrary, the great sage is even more anxious. He imprisons the sages and colludes with the fools, but it is all for the birth of the new god. How can he take his time?

The great sage looked at Dr. Furui Mubo's appearance, feeling a little unhappy and unable to get angry, so he could only take a step back:

"Then prepare some things that don't require the heart of God. It's okay."

Seeing the great sage's hurried look, the doctor became more and more disdainful. How did a guy like this become a great sage when he didn't even have the patience for a test? Xumi... is really bad. Rooted.

However, on the surface, the doctor still showed a gentle smile: "Of course, if the great sage is anxious, he can naturally start preparing the materials needed by the body."

Then he took out the material list and handed it to the Great Sage: "The materials on this are relatively rare. The Great Sage can collect them first."

If Wang Daoyi is here, he can find that most of the rare materials on the list come from foreign countries. Oh, it seems that the Fools are smuggling these things.

It has to be said that Wang Daoyi and the doctor really coincided with each other, and they were both ready to make a fortune from the Teaching Order.

Wang Daoyi was really poor. Although the desert ruins were valuable, they had to be used for the tribe's recuperation, and Wang Daoyi almost ran out of money to do his own experiments.

The doctor just wants to make a fortune. He has the supply of rich people and there is no shortage of funds.

The great sage took the list of materials and looked at the materials on it. Data flashed on the empty screen in front of him, and he quickly compared the information.

"Most of the things are in reserve at the Order House. Only a small amount needs to be purchased. It can be prepared in up to 2 days."

The Great Sage is very confident in his eyes. Under the management of Void, Xumi's resource scheduling ability is indeed stronger than that of other countries.

The doctor nodded: "Then we will start making the body in two days."



Under the instruction of the green-clad scholar, dozens of children were learning writing in a huge tent.

Wang Daoyi and Xi De stood outside the door curtain, watching quietly.

Wang Daoyi's eyes crossed with those of the teaching scholars. Wang Daoyi nodded gently, and then looked at West Germany: "You cannot neglect education. If the people of Sand want to live a good life, force alone will not do."

West Germany said respectfully: "Sir, your kindness to the people of the sand is like the dew falling from the sky."

"Oh, you don't need to be so complimentary. I don't like hearing this." After saying that he didn't like it, Wang Daoyi still smiled and then changed the subject: "How are the materials that I asked you to prepare before? Did the Teaching Order send you a message?" Is someone coming?”

West Germany nodded: "You know what's going on. We just collected some of them, and they were bought by the people from the Order at a high price. In addition, they also placed more orders."

The smile on his face became thicker and he nodded slightly: "This business can be done for a long time. It needs to be steady and steady. Don't be bought by others at a low price all at once. In the future, the price will be raised every once in a while. The Order will accept it. of."

The current Teaching Order has been led by the great sage Azar to the point of no return. No matter how much the price increases in the desert, the Teaching Order will still buy it.

For the great sage, if Mora is gone, he can still make money, but if the creation of gods is delayed, others may lose it.

Once the matter of imprisoning other sages is exposed before the success of creating a god, all that awaits him is life-long imprisonment or even death.

"Yes, sir." Sid responded.

"Also, how was the war with Tanit?" After talking about making money, it was time to talk about the dead.

A smile appeared on Sid's face, with cruelty in his eyes: "Don't worry, sir, we have completely suppressed Tanit. Now they can only wait to die."

Wang Dao nodded: "That's good. In addition, send people to build the statue. It will look like this."

A scroll appeared in Wang Dao's hand.

The scroll slowly opened, revealing a portrait

West Germany looked over and saw a young man painted on it.

The man has golden pupils, white hair, and a crown on his head.

There are various strange patterns on the gorgeous clothes with a white background and gold edges. Some are like the marks of various elements, and some are like totems of the sun. The numerous lines are interconnected with each other, forming beautiful patterns on the clothes.

In the man's hand, there was a metallic book suspended, which seemed to record some incredible knowledge.

The most important thing is that there is no mask on this man's face.

As the only person who was given power by Wang Daoyi, among the entire Red Sand banner, only West Germany could vaguely feel the greatness of Wang Daoyi.

Of course, this kind of greatness does not refer to any deeds, but to the height at which Wang Daoyi stands now.

"If the people of the sand have gods, they must be like you." This sentence is the truest portrayal of West Germany's heart.

So after seeing this painting of a god. West Germany became a little excited: "Sir, you."

For the first time, Wang Daoyi took off his mask in front of West Germany and revealed his true face.

"Sid, what do you think about me becoming the new god of the people of sand?" There seemed to be a hint of inquiry in his tone.

However, West Germany was already so excited that he couldn't help himself. The moment he saw Wang Daoyi's face, his mind matched Wang Daoyi with the person in the portrait.

The shadow of a god with white hair and golden eyes, holding a code, appeared deep in West Germany's heart.

He fell to the ground and bowed his head in front of Wang Daoyi: "Only you and your authority will last forever."

"Hahahahahahaha, West Germany, you will be my first king, don't let me down." Wang Daoyi looked satisfied. Regarding West Germany's reaction, Wang Daoyi became more determined in his choice.

The portrait in his hand floated towards West Germany: "Go, build a statue for me and promote the name of authority."

"Your will is my path, and I will spread your authority to every corner of the desert." West Germany stretched out his hands, respectfully took the hanging portrait scroll in front of him, and made his oath at the same time.

He has no intention of putting on the mask again. Now Wang Daoyi has already thought about it. He will completely walk on the path of God in the desert and ascend the throne of God. Then he will no longer have to hide himself in the eyes of the people of the sand.

Stretching out his hand, a ray of golden light bloomed on Wang Dao's fingertips, and his authority touched Xi De's forehead.

Suddenly, a sense of majesty appeared on West Germany's body.

"In this way, you look like a leader." Wang Daoyi nodded with satisfaction.

Sid didn't know what was going on and could only lower his head before his god.

When he raised his head again, Wang Daoyi had left, leaving only the weak fluctuations of the earth veins.

Holding the scroll in his hand, Sid stood up from the ground, his eyes already filled with enthusiasm.

"Come here, call all the tribal leaders to my place. We are going to start hunting."

West Germany shouted, and immediately the Gilded Brigade began to move.

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