Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 521 God’s Heart is Fake

Chapter 521 Heart of God·False

Xumi·Jiaolingyuan·Great Sage’s Office,

Elhaysen looked at the familiar figure in front of him,

His face is still calm,

"Do you have anything to do with me? If it's a private matter, please contact me after I get off work."

Although Ying can already be regarded as his friend,

But friends cannot disturb his normal work.

If you have something to do, let’s talk after get off work.

Of course, the main reason is that there is too much work now and working hours are interrupted, which may require passive overtime work.

Ying shook his head, took out Alfonso's document, and handed it to Alhaysen with a serious look on his face.

Elhaysen also became serious,

He understood her, if it wasn't a big deal, the other party wouldn't be so serious.

He reached out and took the file,

Elhaysen browsed.

The more he looked, the more serious his face became.

Finally, he pressed the document in his hand on the table and looked up at Ying: "Can you confirm that this is true?"

"Okay, I saw the equipment of the Fools and Debt Collectors in his secret room." Ying nodded immediately.

Without that set of equipment, Ying would not immediately believe Alfonso's words.

Elhaysen nodded: "I understand, you are right to be vigilant. If there are indeed hidden people who have escaped the purge, then you really cannot hand over the things to the disciplinary officials."

"Do discipline officers also have problems?" Ying asked with a frown.

Elhaysen shook his head: "No, there is a high probability that there will be no problem, but it cannot be completely guaranteed, so we cannot take this risk."

With that said, Alhaysen stood up and said,

"I'm going to report this matter to Little Lucky Grass King. Do you want to go with me?"

"Let's go together. I haven't seen Nasida for a long time."

Leaving from the Palace of Wisdom,

A group of people walked towards Jingshan Palace.


In the Jingshan Palace,

Nasida and Wang Daoyi are still discussing the balance of resources between the rain forest and the desert.

Nacida wanted to make up for the desert,

Wang Daoyi refused to accept more,

As they exchanged words, the two of them suddenly turned their heads and looked at the gate of Jingshan Palace.

The door was slowly pushed open, and several familiar figures walked in.

"Nacita." Paimon waved his hand, and then saw the people beside Nacida, "Ah, Dao Yiyi is here too."

Wang Dao nodded: "I have some things to discuss with Nasida. Why, looking at you, it seems that something big has happened."

Nasida looked at Elhaysen: "Acting Great Sage, what can I do?"

[Elhaysen told the two gods the news brought by Ying. 】

"What, Alfonso is a spy for the Fools?"

Wang Daoyi and Nasida haven't responded yet.

The most surprised one was Paimon;

"But he also treated me to delicious food!"

Paimon had no idea that the person who treated him to delicious food was actually a spy for the Fools.

The corner of Ying's mouth twitched: "So, Paimon, if you continue to eat everything given to you by anyone like this, you will definitely fall into the trap."

Paimon's face turned pale and he shook his head repeatedly: "I won't eat it, I won't eat it, and I won't eat it in the future."

Paimon was frightened to death at the thought of being drugged and then taken away by someone from the Foolish Crowd.


There was a hint of smile in Wang Dao's eyes, but his smile was a bit cold.

"I really didn't expect that after the great purge, there would still be hidden secrets left by the Fools."

Then there was a hint of emotion in his tone: "In terms of espionage, Zhidong's technology surpasses other countries by a lot."

I don't know if he really feels this way, or if he is mocking Zhidong for only doing such small tricks.

Nasida frowned,

Theoretically, she has the ability to read minds;

Any spy would be somewhat ridiculous in front of her.

But in reality, it was impossible for Nasida to freely use her mind-reading powers on her people.

This was not in line with Nasita's philosophy.

After thinking about it, Nasida raised her head and looked at Wang Daoyi: "What does Daoyi think we should do?"

"Treat it in a low-key manner. The Order has just stabilized. We can't do another big purge just for the sake of unknown secrets."

Wang Daoyi thought for a moment and made the choice to deal with it in a low-key manner.

For unknown enemies lurking within,

The greater the fanfare, the easier it is to cause unrest.

Especially the current situation in the Ecclesiastical Council,

The great purge has just ended. If it happens again,

It will inevitably make people feel frightened.

Even if the time comes, someone will help set the pace.

It is not impossible to paralyze the Order directly.

Therefore, low-key handling is a must.

"Yes, it's what I thought." Nasida nodded, and then continued, "The fools are obsessed with Xumi, so they must have their goals."

A smile appeared on Wang Daoyi's lips: "The heart of God, the goal of fools, is the heart of God."

After the doctor's action failed,

Not only did the Fools fail to grab the Heart of the God of Grass, but they also directly lost the Heart of the God of Thunder.

Oh, and lost an executive.

Wang Dao thought that fools would never give up,

I just didn't expect that there are actually many stupid people in Xumi.

"If you fools restart Xumi's hidden child, it can only be for the heart of God."

As he said this, Wang Daoyi and Nasida looked at each other, and both of them smiled.

The two of them must have thought of going together.

"Use the heart of God as bait to fish out all those people."

"Everyone knows that the Heart of Grass God maintains the operation of the void, but Ying probably won't tell Zhidong that he has taken back the Heart of God."

"Then is there anything that can allow Xumi to use the Thunder God's Heart?"

Wang Daoyi smiled: "Things that require the use of God's Heart can only be projects that are unimaginable to mortals."

Only [God-Creation Plan], [Void], these super beings can possibly use the Heart of God to provide energy.

Does Sumeru currently have any projects other than [Void] that can allow Little Lucky Grass King to use the ‘Thunder God’s Heart’ without making anyone suspicious?

Of course there is, that is the Qianhe Sandi canal plan,

If the news is released, the Little Lucky Grass King will hand over the Thunder God's Heart to the Lord of Red Sand as an energy supply for the oasis canal system.

That's very natural.

And those secret agents of the Foolish People will definitely find a way to get to the place where the canal system was established - Qianhe Sand Land.

They will find a way to collect all the information and then pass it on to their current person in charge - [Servant].

Then after the executive [servant] collects the information, he will definitely come to seize the heart of God that they lost.

But Wang Daoyi and Naxida can follow the clues and find out those hidden secrets.

However, there is a prerequisite for all of this.

No matter how you say it, the news of using the Heart of God cannot be spread all over the sky. This will definitely arouse the suspicion of the fools.

A reasonable means must be used to allow their intelligence system to obtain this information.

In addition, Inazuma's side must also let the fools see during the planning period that the Thunder God's Heart has not yet returned to their hands.

"Ying, I need you to run again." Wang Daoyi looked at Ying aside.

Ying nodded: "Please tell me, I will help."

"I would like to ask you to go to Vimo Village again, let Alfonso get in touch with the Fools again, and then reveal to the Fools that the Lord of Red Sand asked the Little Lucky Grass King for the Heart of the God of Thunder."

"Thunder God's Heart?" Ying looked confused.

Wang Dao nodded: "The purpose of the Fools is the Heart of God. As long as it is revealed that the Heart of God is in the desert, the dark ones activated by the Fools will definitely gather in the desert."

"Of course, and more importantly, the [servant] who takes over from the doctor and is responsible for Xumi affairs will definitely take action."

"If we can catch her, then all problems will be solved."

Wang Daoyi has understood the composition of the Fools and knows that most of the Fools’ spies are trained by their servants.

If the servants can be caught, then the Fools' spies won't be a problem.

Ying nodded: "I see, but will all the fools believe it?"

Wang Daoyi smiled: "I will give you a heart of God. No matter what they think, they will definitely be fooled in front of the real heart of God."

As he spoke, Wang Dao stretched out his hand,

The elemental power gathers,

Something like a chess piece appeared in his hand,

He has seen the Thunder God's Heart and played with it before. It couldn't be easier to create a fake Thunder God's Heart.

Of course, this is not enough,

With a flick of his finger, a golden light penetrated into the heart of the false god,

The next moment, a breath of God overflowed from the heart of the false god.

"Although it only imitates the aura of General Thunder and Lightning, which is very rough, it should be enough to deceive the fools."

Waving his hand, the false god's heart floated to Ying's side,

"Take this thing to Vimo Village, tell Alfonso, and tell the fools that you will escort the Thunder God's Heart to the desert. He will understand. By the way, don't tell him that the God's Heart is fake."

Wang Daoyi was also worried that Alfonso was pretending to surrender. If the other party knew that the Heart of God was fake, then subsequent plans would be ineffective.

And if the other party feels that it is the real Heart of Thunder God, then even if Alfonso pretends to surrender, it will not affect the subsequent plan.

Because fools cannot resist the temptation of the heart of God.

Ying reached out and took the false god's heart suspended in front of her.

Then he nodded: "I understand, I'll go right away."

Wang Dao nodded, and then looked at Elhaysen: "Currently, the only people in the Order Academy who have access to high-level information are scholars, discipline officers, and the thirty-man group."

"Three days later, that Alfonso will be able to pass the message to that [servant]. You will notify us again to select a group of discipline officers and a group of thirty people to escort the scholars to Qianhe Sand Land. I West Germany will be notified to let them pass."

"With this opportunity to enter the desert openly, coupled with the temptation of God's Heart, the Fools will not give up, and will definitely activate the Dark Son to the maximum extent."

Elhaysen nodded slightly, fully understanding Wang Daoyi's plan.

Next to her, Nasida looked at Wang Daoyi, her eyes full of smiles.

Wang Daoyi's plan was almost the same as what she thought.

However, what she wanted to do was to directly use the Heart of the Grass God as bait.

And Wang Daoyi created a false god's heart.

A few people discussed some more details, and then Ying and Paimon hurriedly left Jingshan Palace.


vimo village

The errand boy is back here again,

I went to find Lana, but I heard that Lana had left here and traveled.

With no other choice, he went directly to Alfonso.

Alfonso, who had been waiting for a long time, saw Ying and Paimon coming.

After taking the two of them into the secret room, Alfonso forced an ugly smile on his face: "How are you two?"

Ying nodded: "I have already notified the higher-ups of the Teaching Council. They asked me to tell you to contact the Fools again and tell them about the Lord of Red Sand asking for the Thunder God's Heart from Little Lucky Grass King."

Alfonso was slightly startled: "This"

"Is there any difficulty?" Ying asked.

Alfonso nodded: "Reconnecting with the Fools is not a problem. The key is that I am a villager in Vimo Village, and it is impossible to come into contact with such a thing as the 'Heart of God'."

Ying showed an awkward smile, then took it out of his arms,

Take out something like a chess piece,

"Now, you're in touch now."


Even though he was adopted by Hearth House as a child and became a spy when he grew up,

This scene of taking out a heart of God from his arms was somewhat shocking.

After hesitating for a while,

Alfonso twitched his lips and recovered: "I understand, traveler, please come to the door for a while and I will take a photo."

As he spoke, Alfonso took out an old video camera from the cabinet on the side.

Ying nodded. Although he didn't know what Alfonso was going to do specifically, he could roughly guess that he was preparing evidence, evidence that would make people believe.

After a while,

Alfonso directed the camera to take many casual and non-stiff photos.

Then he carefully put away the old video camera,

He looked at Ying solemnly: "Traveller, please tell me the plan that the Master of the Order told you. Just give it a rough outline. The details can be blurred, or some false news can be added."

Alfonso's identity is destined to prevent him from obtaining the secret information of the Order, but with Ying as a friend, it is still possible to know some general information.

Only such true and false news can convince the fools behind him.

Ying nodded and briefly talked about Wang Daoyi's plan, but she remembered Wang Daoyi's warning.

But it didn’t say that God’s heart is fake.

After hearing what Ying said, Alfonso showed a hint of admiration: "He is truly a great god. He can even use the heart of God as bait."

After a pause, Alfonso said again: "Traveller, you can leave. If anyone asks you what you are doing here, just say you are here to find Lana. Then Lana has already gone out, so you can hand over the money to me." Her things are temporarily left with me."

Ying nodded, knowing that Alfonso was rationalizing the meeting between the two.

"Then I'll leave first."


Ying left with Paimon.

After Ying left,

Alfonso was sitting in the secret room, with an uncertain expression on his face.

As a spy for the Fools, he understands the Fools’ pursuit and desire for the Heart of God very well.

It can be said that fools are doing things in other countries just for the sake of God’s heart.

But now, he has the news of a god's heart.

Even up close.

Looking at the photo camera beside me,

There are several photos inside, plus the information Ying told him,

If he tells [Servant] all these things, then there will be no problem in exchange for a lifetime of prosperity and wealth.

It is even easier to transfer back to Zhidong and live an ordinary life.


Alfonso touched his chest, feeling his guilt for the children of Vimo Village.

The voices of children calling for brother seemed to ring in my ears.

Between inner disputes,

There was a knock on the door,

Alfonso hurriedly packed up his things and then opened the door.

A messenger stood at the door,

The other party took out a letter: "Is this Alfonso's home? There is a letter here."

Alfonso nodded: "Yes, I am Alfonso."

The messenger's eyes lit up and he handed the letter to Alfonso: "Mr. Alfonso, please check whether the letter is intact. If there is no problem, I will sign for it."

Alfonso took the letter and saw a faint mark on the corner of the letter.

The most confidential letters often require the simplest delivery method.

Alfonso nodded to the messenger: "No problem, thank you. How much is the postage?"

"No, the sender of this letter has already paid. Since there is no problem with the letter, I will leave first." The messenger waved to Alfonso, then turned and left.

Watching the messenger leave,

Alfonso returned to the secret room,

Open the letter and apply the secret medicine.

The text appears on the letter paper.

[Trofen Shenetsvich, ten o'clock tonight, in the mountains behind Weimo Village. 】

Alfonso's heart tightened,

Knowing that this is the ultimatum given to him by the fools,

He has not replied to previous letters.

Now I have asked him to meet directly.

If he doesn't go this time, the consequences will be self-evident.

Put the letter on the light beside and burn it,

Alfonso made a choice in his heart.

After being a bad guy for so long, he now wants to try what it feels like to be a good guy.

Even if the price is death.

Developed the photos in the photo machine,

I thought about my logic again and refined some of the words I would use in the evening.

Waiting quietly in the house,

Until night falls,

After the sounds of children playing in Vimalakirti Village disappeared,

He just got up, took his things and left his small house.

With slow steps, Alfonso walked towards the back mountain as if he was strolling.

The other party did not tell him the specific location.

But Alfonso knew that the other party must be looking at him now,

So Alfonso was not in a hurry and just walked around, looking at the flowers and plants, and admiring the stars.

In this way, Alfonso walked around the back hill with a relaxed expression, until the moon got higher and higher and appeared above his head.

It's definitely past ten o'clock now,

But the fool still did not appear.

Just when Alfonso showed a trace of impatience on his face and was about to go down the mountain,

A figure mysteriously appeared behind him,

"Where are you going?"

Alfonso turned around, and the impatience and long-awaited irritation on his face immediately disappeared.

He lowered his head: "No, I didn't expect you to come in person, Mr. [Servant]."

In front of Alfonso was a tall figure,

There seemed to be a smile on her pretty face, but looking at her eyes, you could feel the endless blood.

"Trofen Schneetsvich, I sent you a letter before, why didn't you reply?"

The [Servant] looked at Alfonso coldly, and then asked.

In front of her, Alfonso's body became more and more prostrate.

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