Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 542 Ancient Family


Lawrence's last clan, a luxurious but declining manor,

The old man who had seen Xin Yan playing at Fengshen Square stopped in the no longer glamorous garden.

Although as sinners, the Knights confiscated a large amount of wealth and wealth channels from the Lawrence family.

But this ancient aristocracy does not lack Mora. They once ruled Mondstadt and accumulated terrifying wealth.

The reason why the manor is dilapidated is simply because they can't find the manpower to repair it.

In Mondstadt, Lawrence could not find workers willing to help them maintain the estate even if they had money.

Although he has money, he cannot buy services. This is one of the reasons why the Lawrence family has been unable to revive.

Their access to external knowledge is relatively imprisoned.

Although as old nobles, they themselves possess some knowledge that ordinary people cannot know,

But under the never-ending pace of time, it is only a matter of time before Lawrence, unable to acquire more knowledge, disappears.

Looking at the dilapidated garden in front of him, Old Lawrence sighed slightly. He knew that his body might not last many years. Now the most promising child in the family had fallen out with the family.

And the rest of the family seems to be useless.

This also includes his son who is looking worriedly at him from behind.

"Father, you seem to be in a bad mood." Behind the old man, a middle-aged man asked worriedly.

He felt that his father must have been angered by the untouchables' praise of Vanessa when they were in the square just now.

"Father, those untouchables don't know etiquette and don't know what taste is. You don't have to be angry with them."

The middle-aged man thought he had guessed the reason for his father's bad mood, so he spoke to comfort him.

The old man turned around and looked at his eldest son with some dissatisfaction: "Do you think I will be angry because of those people's praise of Vanessa?"

As the current leader of Lawrence's main line, the old man is very dissatisfied with the middle-aged people.

The middle-aged man was stunned. If the old father wasn't angry because of what happened just now, what else could it be about?

For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Just as he was about to scold his eldest son,

But a breeze blew by, seeming to blow away the dissatisfaction in the old man's heart.

"Alas~" All the emotions turned into a sigh. The old man looked at his eldest son again, and then said, "Go to Yula and ask her to come back and see me."

"What? Father, do you want to see that traitor?" The middle-aged man looked in disbelief.

For the old-fashioned Lawrence,

Yura is absolutely unforgivable.

Traitor is what Lawrence calls Yula internally.

"What? Do you have any objections to my order?" The old man did not give any explanation, but looked at the middle-aged man coldly.

After looking at each other for only three seconds, the middle-aged man retreated under the cold gaze of the old man.

"Yes, father, I will inform the traitor Youla."

"Well, go ahead and leave me alone for a while." The old man's hollow voice sounded in the middle-aged man's ears.

The middle-aged man who had just been frightened by the old man's cold eyes did not notice the emptiness in the old man's tone. He just nodded and left the dilapidated garden.

After the middle-aged man left, the old man's originally upright body suddenly became hunched over, completely losing the aura that he had just forced the middle-aged man to do.

"Great Lord Barbatos, are we really wrong?"

The old man's heart is crying,

When he was young, he, like his eldest son, firmly believed that Lawrence's rule of Mondstadt was orthodox.

But as the years passed, the Lawrence family not only failed to revive in his hands, but became increasingly weak.

Even the only being of this generation with the Eye of God 'betrayed' Lawrence and joined the Knights.

This had a huge impact on the old man's faith.

In the common understanding of Teyvat, the Eye of God is the certificate of the person who is watched by the god.

Now, Lawrence, who was watched by the gods, chose the Knights.

This is a big blow to those who adhere to Lawrence's orthodoxy.

The old man's face was a little gray, but he quickly became indifferent again.

"Lawrence, you must not end in my hands."

Immediately, his eyes became more determined.

Above Lawrence Manor,

The light is distorted, hiding two 'peepers'.

"What do you think of this old Lawrence?" Wendy asked calmly, unable to tell what he was thinking in his heart.

Wang Dao glanced at the old man below and shook his head slightly: "It's just a beast trapped in a cage."

A beast trapped in a cage, if it wants to be free,

Or, break out of the cage and kill those who imprison it,

Or, by exposing your belly to show surrender, you can gain limited freedom.

Wendy nodded slightly: "Yes, Lawrence is like a trapped beast now. I hope they can be free, but I don't want them to continue to conflict with other people."

"It's difficult. How can a millennium of hatred be so easy to resolve?" Wang Dao shook his head. He had the right to speak on this point.

Just like the desert and the rainforest, how much effort he and Nacida made allowed both parties to gradually let down their guard and resume equal communication.

This is still the case where the two gods are balancing the water.

And the people of Mondstadt and the Laurence family,

There is no less hatred between them than between the desert and the rainforest.

For the people of Mondstadt, the Laurence family is the existence that enslaved them and is a symbol of sin. The Laurence family members all have the blood of sin.

For the people of the Lawrence family, from the glory of their ancestors to the current situation where they are targeted everywhere and discriminated against wherever they go, they have an increasing desire to return to the ancient era of rule.

The conflict between the two sides is almost irreconcilable.

For the people of Mondstadt to forgive Lawrence, the God of Wind must come forward in person to pardon Lawrence, but it is obviously impossible for Wendy to do such a thing.

His philosophy is freedom, freedom to hate, which is also a kind of freedom, so Wendy will not interfere.

"Then give me a chance. Part of the reason why Lawrence has not been forgiven by the people of Mondstadt for thousands of years is because they have become more and more stubborn in their family's old ways under the attack of the people of Mondstadt. Now, I will give them a chance."

As Wendy spoke, she reached out and plucked the strings.

The thousand-year great music that enveloped Mondstadt responded,

An inexplicable melody echoed in the city of Mondstadt,

But no one can hear it,

Only Albedo raised his head slightly and glanced at the sky, then looked back at Tinari beside him, and continued to talk about the properties of medicinal herbs.

Beside Wendy, Wang Daoyi smiled slightly: "I'm looking forward to the direction of the story."

Stretching out his hand, his fingertips wavered slightly in the void, as if something was being triggered.

The wind brings the seeds of stories, and time makes them germinate.

After finishing his work, Wang Dao looked at the sun that was about to set and stretched.

"It takes time for seeds to germinate. I'm going back first. When the flowers bloom, I will come and take a look."

After saying that, Wang Daoyi disappeared in mid-air, leaving only Wendy stroking the strings.

He didn't seem to care about Wang Daoyi's departure, and still plucked the strings gently,

But there is unstoppable joy in the eyes with low eyebrows,

"Sure enough, my choice was right. He has already mastered the power of time."

In the Cat Tail Tavern,

Xiangling and Yun Jin sat in the corner,

And in front of them,

A girl with a small lolita body shape was holding a plate with two glasses of iced drinks on it.

"Hurry up, Xiangling and Miss Yunjin, try my new drink. This time I used sweet flower modified with granulated sugar. The sweetness should be higher."

Diona was very happy about Xiangling's visit.

I immediately prepared my own new drink for my friend.

Xiang Ling was not polite, reached out and picked up a cup, and then motioned to Yun Jin to get another cup.

"Yun Jin, you're welcome. Diona likes everyone to drink the drinks she prepares."

Xiang Ling said.

Diona nodded vigorously on the side, indicating that Xiang Ling was right.

As long as they don't drink, Diona is willing to mix the most delicious drinks for adults.

Unfortunately, the adults only wanted to drink, and she tried hard to make a bad drink, but she couldn't succeed.

After those adults drank her 'special wine', they would give Diona a thumbs up provocatively to show that it tasted good.

To Diona, this was no less an abominable act than robbing her of a small fish.

Yun Jin nodded, picked up another drink, took a sip, and then her eyes lit up: "It tastes good. I have never had such a delicious drink."

As a master of opera in Liyue, although Yun Jin has strict control over her diet, she has a lot of exposure to various precious drinks.

As an opera master, she cannot eat and drink casually like ordinary people, but her ability to taste good and bad is better than ordinary people.

As soon as Diona's special drink was in her mouth, Yun Jin felt a sweet and clear spring water surrounding her throat, washing away the fatigue from her day's work.

With Yun Jin's approval, Diona raised her kitten tail and the smile on her face became more obvious.

It's a pity that I didn't wait for her to smile for a while,

Cheers came from the card table on the other side,

The guest from Sumeru won again,

His opponent stood up depressed, and then shouted to Diona: "Diona, as usual, give everyone a glass of cider and charge it to my account."

Diona looked angrily at the Sumeru man wearing the jackal hat.

It was that guy. After coming to Mao Tail Tavern, everyone started gambling and drinking.

Diona still remembers when this guy came,

He shouted very arrogantly to the people playing cards in the tavern: "As long as I lose, I will treat everyone in the tavern to a drink."

Then everyone started lining up to challenge this Sumeru man.

Of course, the people of Mondstadt still want to be ashamed. After losing the game, they will also treat everyone onlookers to a drink.

So far, the Sumeru people have not lost, but this round of treating guests to drinks has made Diona very dissatisfied.

Originally, everyone stopped drinking after playing cards, but now they started gambling directly, and the sales volume of Mao Tail Tavern has greatly increased.

If this continues, when will she be able to subvert the Mondstadt wine industry~

However, even though she looked like she was going to bite someone, Diona still went to get someone a drink.

After all, this is her job.

Wait for Diona to come back after delivering the wine,

Xiangling and Yun Jin had finished the drinks in their hands.

"Yeah, you've finished drinking. I'll make it for you again." Diona is a very hospitable person, which can be seen from this.

Xiangling quickly stretched out her hand to stop her: "Goodbye, goodbye, one cup is enough. Let's sit down and talk."

Yun Jin also nodded: "One cup is enough, I can't drink too much."

As an opera worker, Yun Jin needs to strictly control her drink intake. One drink is already considered too much.

If she were in Liyue, she could only taste it, but there was no way she could finish a glass.

The rejected kitten was a little disappointed, but it didn't last long. He sat directly next to Xiangling and started talking.

"Is Xiangling coming here to participate in the Wind Flower Festival?"

"Yeah, Brother Daoyi brought us here, saying there was something fun to do at Mondstadt's Wind Flower Festival."

The kitten's eyes lit up: "Yes, yes, the Wind Flower Festival is so fun. Not only people from Mondstadt, but also people from Qingquan Town and surrounding areas will come to Mondstadt. During these few days every year, Mondstadt There will be a lot of fun things.”

As he spoke, Mao Mao told Xiangling and Yun Jin interesting stories about the Wind Flower Festival in previous years.

Xiang Ling and Yun Jin were fascinated by what they heard and wanted to experience it right away.

Mondstadt Library,

A group of bards are checking information here,

As the largest library in the Northern Continent, the Mondstadt Library's collection of books is still massive even after it suffered a fire.

It was here that Wang Daoyi completed the basic accumulation of many things.

And now this group of bards are also searching for various information here, hoping to provide inspiration for their creations.

Among the bards, there was a dark-skinned girl surrounded by them.

"This collection of Vanessa's stories is considered a treasure of the Mondstadt Library. It is an original collection of stories. Most of the stories in it are reliable. Unlike many collections of stories nowadays, they have been adapted twice or even multiple times."

The bards carefully took an ancient book from the bookshelf and handed it to Xin Yan.

Xin Yan carefully opened the ancient book.

Then he was stunned for a moment and showed an embarrassed expression: "This... I don't recognize the words on it."

As the original collection of Vanessa's stories, this book was written in Gumond script, which is completely different from the current common language.

The bards were also stunned,

A group of people looked at each other, then smiled bitterly: "Okay, then we will translate it for you."

Then a group of people started to translate for Xin Yan.

But the more Xin Yan listened, the more uncomfortable he became.

It's not that the bards didn't translate well, it's that the stories they translated were too straightforward.

A simple translation from ancient times to modern times has no feeling of "faithfulness and elegance" at all.

Although the story is still a story of resistance, Xin Yan just can't arouse any interest in creation.

The bards also noticed Xin Yan's frowning movements, and stopped translating with some confusion.

"Miss Xin Yan, do you have any questions?" They thought they had translated correctly.

Xin Yan nodded and shook his head: "There is no problem with the translation. I can understand it, but the story seems a bit too straightforward and not readable at all."

Just like novels with the same theme,

Some people's writing is fascinating, people constantly think about it, and is full of inspiration.

Some people's writing is very pale, and the streamlined narrative wears away the reader's interest bit by bit.

It's the same story, but completely different results.

"Too straightforward..."

The bards were stunned for a moment, and then their eyes lit up. They were all engaged in art, so they naturally knew how destructive a pale description could be to art.

Knowing the problem, the bards were also troubled.

Although they all know some ancient Mondlish, the stories in the ancient books are the stories they translated. It is not easy to translate the stories without being pale.

This involves the replacement of vocabulary in translation. If there are experts who specialize in the ancient Monde language, it may be possible, but for a group of bards, this is still a bit difficult.

Xin Yan also saw the embarrassment of the bards, she frowned slightly: "Isn't it difficult to translate?"

The poets smiled bitterly,

It is indeed a bit awkward to try to translate an ancient pale narrative into today's language and give it a new vitality.

It is necessary that the translation should express the meaning of the original text as much as possible.

We also need to make the language flow smoothly and express it in a natural way that is close to the current language.

It is also necessary to add interesting expressions to the story so that its original ancient narrative technique can be understood by current readers.

Only by achieving these three points can we meet the foundation for adoption.

"We need a master of Old Monde," the bards said.

Then they looked at each other and wondered where such a person could be found in Mondstadt.

Mondstadt is a country of freedom, and the people here are as unruly as the wind.

Very few people study the ancient Mondlish language carefully.

Such people generally only exist in some ancient noble families.

The most basic thing is to liberate the first few families of Mondstadt:

For example, the acting leader Qin’s family, Gunnhild.

For example, the family of Mr. Diluc, the owner of Mond Winery, Legenfend.

For example, the Ketzlein family in Qingquan Town.

And, of course, there's the family of sinners that Mondstadt can never forgive, the Lawrences.

If you want to find a master of ancient Mondlish translation, then the best way is most likely to seek the help of the acting team leader Qin.

After all, there are currently only one and a half members of the Legenfund family, one is Master Diluc, and the other half is Captain Kaia.

As for why Kaia is half, it’s because Kaia is adopted.

As for the Ketzlein family, they have made a living by hunting for generations. At first glance, they don’t look like they have literary workers.

As for the Lawrence family, it is naturally impossible for everyone to ask for their help. This is the bottom line.

Therefore, in the end, only Gunnhild, the family of acting leader Qin, could possibly provide them with help.

"Miss Xin Yan, it seems we have to go find Captain Qin."

The bard had no shame in asking Jean for help.

In other words, when most people in Mondstadt encounter difficulties, they subconsciously want to ask the Knights for help.

The way to find the Knights is to find Qin, the acting leader.

This gentle knight always solves everyone's troubles.

Although most bards have traveled to many countries, their trust in Qin is still buried deep in their hearts.

"In that case, let's set off."

Xin Yan is not a procrastinator. Now that he has a goal, he will go for it.

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