Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 556 Wang A Mao


In the pure white laboratory,

The wanderer asked Wang Daoyi: "Don't you think he is ridiculous?"

"Ridiculous? Ha, did something funny happen at your time?" 'Wang Daoyi', who was wearing a lab coat, showed a smile. From the words of the wanderer, he knew what the skirmishers must have done. Funny stuff.

The wanderer was slightly stunned. He confused the 'Wang Daoyi' in front of him with the Wang Daoyi outside.

The Wang Daoyi in front of him didn't know about the skirmishers' subsequent entry into the World Tree.

However, the wanderer did not hesitate and told 'Wang Daoyi' everything that the skirmishers had done.

After listening to the choices made by the skirmishers, entering the World Tree, deleting themselves, and wanting to change history,

‘Wang Daoyi’, who was wearing a lab coat, smiled.

"Hahahaha, it's him as expected." Then he turned to look at the wanderer, "Although it's ridiculous, I can understand him."

"Can you understand?" The wanderer was in disbelief. It was clear that the king outside was scornful of what the stragglers were doing.

'Wang Daoyi' nodded slightly: "Any choice made by anyone has a prerequisite. After the changes in history, if you have not experienced everything that happened to Xingbing, you may not understand that Xingbing is a very serious person. Self-destructive."

"After he knew that his life was being played with, he sacrificed himself, changed history, and redeemed everything. I'm not surprised at all."

"It's just a pity that when he made the choice, he didn't seem to understand World Tree, so his choice seemed very ridiculous."

After saying that, 'Wang Daoyi' suddenly raised his head, and then looked at a few people: "Time is running out. If you have anything else to ask, please hurry up."

Dreams have a duration. Although 'Wang Daoyi' jumped out of the logic of dreams, when the duration of the dream ends, he will still disappear if he should.

The wanderer shook his head: "I have nothing more to ask."

Ying and Paimeng looked at each other, and then Paimeng suddenly said: "So, you are Dao Yi?"

"Yes and no."

The ambiguous answer made Paimon pouted.

Ying looked at 'Wang Daoyi' in front of him, his eyes lit up, and he asked: "Where are you from?"

She knew that Wang Daoyi, like her, came from other worlds.

But where Wang Daoyi's hometown is, Ying has never heard from Wang Daoyi.

outside world,

Wang Daoyi twitched the corner of his mouth, "As expected of you, Ying, you want to take advantage of this, right?"

in dreams,

'Wang Daoyi' shook his head at Ying: "This question is too broad and I can't answer you. If you want to know, you can ask my body."

After saying that, 'Wang Daoyi' looked up again, showing a trace of regret: "Time is over, this dream is about to be shattered, then I wish you a smooth journey."

As soon as he finished speaking, the dream quickly distorted, and everything in front of him disappeared.

Everyone knows that this is about to enter the next dreamland.

outside world,

Nasida looked at Wang Daoyi: "Where is Daoyi from?"

Wang Daoyi smiled: "Nasida, do you want to know?"

He and Wang Daoyi looked at each other quietly,

Finally, Nacida smiled and shook her head: "I don't want to know."

Since Wang Daoyi didn't answer directly, it means that this is Wang Daoyi's deepest secret.

Naturally, Nasita would not ask further questions.

Watching Nasida turn her gaze back to the dreamland,

The smile on Wang Daoyi's lips remained unchanged.

He knew Nacida wouldn't ask further questions;

Just like he wouldn't ask Nasida anything.

in dreams,

The wanderer and the firefly move on,

After experiencing several scenes related to the Doctor,

The wanderer's mood gradually became less stable,

He saw the stragglers doing many wrong things under the guidance of the doctor.

at last,

The wanderer stopped before his last dream,

He raised his head and said, "God, do you think I am evil?"

Ying and Paimon looked at him in surprise.

Outside, Nacida was slightly silent, and then responded to the wanderer's question: "If you think those [you] are you, it is evil."

The Wanderer nodded. He understood that Nasida treated the Skirmishers and Wanderers separately, but if he recognized that the Skirmishers were himself, then the evils of the Skirmishers would be the Wanderers' evils.

So, the wanderer continued to ask: "In your eyes, is there any difference between humans and dolls?"

Nasida: "Do you think that you are different from yourself in [previous life] or even [next life]? If not, then what is the difference between humans and dolls?"

"Those who bear the ups and downs of the world and taste the joys, anger, sorrows and joys are human beings, and those who love to cry and cry out in anger over birth, old age, sickness and death are also human beings."


The reason why the wanderer wanders is that he is a doll, but he longs for people. He wants to find his own heart.

Now, Nacida told him, there was no difference between humans and dolls.

Just like there is no difference between his previous life and his current life.

As long as you bear or bear those things, then you are a human being.

The puppet is just the identity of your existence, but the person is your essence.

I figured everything out in my heart,

The wanderer looked up again: "I have seen enough past events. If possible, I want to take back the sins that should have been shouldered by me."

There was determination in his voice, but also a hint of relaxation: "No matter what the outcome is, I will not evade the accusations and sanctions imposed on me. Let what you deserve happen."

Ying was suddenly in a trance, as if she had seen this scene before her before.

It seemed like the scene where Yora admitted her mistake in front of the people of Mondstadt.

The wanderer made the same choice as Yura,

Carrying sins that ‘do not belong’ to them.

"God, can you give me that memory?" the wanderer prayed.

Beside him, Paimon looked confused: "Huh? But if you do this, won't you lose your current identity?"

Nasida's voice also appeared in everyone's ears: "Retrieving your memory means that you will completely return to the position of [previous life], and all the emotions you abandoned will also return to your body. Are you sure you want this?" ?"

The reason why a wanderer is a wanderer is because he has no memory of a skirmisher and is an independent individual.

If he gets back the memories of the skirmishers, it would be equivalent to inheriting everything from the skirmishers.

Then he is no longer alone, but the one who bears the sin of stragglers.

The Wanderer nodded: "I have always believed that living individuals like humans are born according to laws and are the summary of past experiences. I was born as a doll and also followed this law."

"I have been living with this hole in my chest. The person who created the doll didn't need me. When I woke up, I wandered around."

As he spoke, the wanderer smiled, a smile of relief and relief.

"It wasn't until I met the Lord of Red Sand and you that I realized that this disappearing sin might be the opportunity for me to become [me]."

Ying looked at the wanderer in front of him who hoped to return to his sins, feeling a little dazed in his heart: "So, is this the true meaning of King Daci Shu's words? You can't delete yourself. Even if the original stragglers are erased, there will still be such individuals. To exist in his place is an inescapable sin and destiny?"

The Daci Tree King took the initiative to cultivate the Little Lucky Grass King to replace himself.

The appearance of the wanderer is passive.

But both have one thing in common: they fulfill unfinished responsibilities in place of their previous lives.

The Little Lucky Grass King takes the place of the Great Loving Tree King to protect Xumi.

The Rangers continued their atonement in place of the Skirmishers.

in dreams,

The wanderer's words continued: "I am naturally more likely to conceive wishes than others. Even if I become a shugenja, I cannot fully understand them. It seems that this is a curse I have incurred myself."

"So I beg you... to give me the meaning of changing my destiny and end my wandering."

The space fell into silence,

Soon, Nacida's voice appeared again: "I understand, now that you have made up your mind, I will return these to you."

A little glimmer of light emerges from the dream, flocking to the wanderer like a moth to a flame.

The memory contained in the glimmer returned to the wanderer's heart,

Scenes from when he was a [skirmisher] flooded into his mind.

This huge impact caused the wanderer great pain.

Ying and Paimon just showed worried expressions,

In the huge dream space,

A huge mechanical god leaned out,

Killing the wanderer with endless fury.

"Obviously I have chosen to disappear, why do you want to call me back!"

"Everything is clearly over, why do you continue this crime?"

With the resentment and escape of the skirmishers, the God of Opportunity launched an attack on the wanderer who was struck by memory and unable to move.

In desperation,

Ying did not hesitate and chose to stand up and withstand the attack of the God of Opportunity.

The God of Zhengji in the dream is different from the God of Zhengji who was easily suppressed by Wang Daoyi.

Its attack frequency is extremely high, and even if Ying is very skilled, it is still difficult to resist.

In the wanderer's mind,

The stern soldier with a stern face looked at the calm-faced wanderer in front of him,

With dissatisfaction and self-destructive desire in his eyes,

The wanderer didn't speak, just looked at him quietly,

Then, he extended his hand.

The old me, let me, come and redeem you.

The Wanderer knew that as long as he accepted the memory of the soldier, it would mean the rebirth of the soldier and his disappearance.

But the wanderer did not hesitate, nor was he sad. Instead, he was a little happy.

He found his own meaning as a human being.

The skirmishers in front of him looked at the pure white wanderer with some sadness.

The pure white wanderer and the sinful self seem to be two completely different individuals.

"Why, why do you still want to retrieve this sinful memory!"

Skirmishers don't understand the Rangers' choice.

"Because you are me and I am you. Come back and let us take responsibility together and complete our redemption."

The answer was revealed in the wanderer's eyes,

The hand reaching for the skirmisher moved a little further forward.

The contrast between pure white and pitch black,

Clean and dirty look at each other,

The skirmisher tried hard to look away at the wanderer.

Then he closed his eyes.

"I am sinful and unclean. How can I pollute your life?"

Skirmisher once again chose destruction, allowing the evil tentacles to pull him into the abyss.

The wanderer's eyes trembled, and without any hesitation, he followed the skirmisher's consciousness and rushed into the abyss of sin.

Then, he grabbed the skirmisher's hand.

next moment,

Pure white and pitch black entangled,

Clean and dirty merge.

in dreams,

Ying can no longer resist the furious god of opportunity,

He was knocked away by a blow, and when he couldn't dodge, he was about to be hit by the energy ray of the God of Opportunity.

The huge explosion created a mushroom cloud,

The smoke dispersed, but Ying was not harmed in any way.

A figure stood in front of Ying, it was Wanderer.

The wanderer who regained his memory became one with the "skirmishers" from his "past life".

A shining blue eye of God floated in front of him.

"Huh... it's really unpleasant." The wanderer twitched the corner of his mouth.

Paimon: "Have you fully recovered your memory?"

Although the wanderer didn't say a few words, the mutated temperament still made Paimon feel that the annoying skirmisher was back.

The wanderer glanced at Paimon and then at Ying behind him: "Stop talking nonsense."

Looking at the God of Opportunities,

"You stupid thing, get out of my sight!"

"!!!" The God of Opportunity had a crazy will. He felt it. The skirmishers abandoned him and chose the wanderer.

"It's just a sin dream, but you dare to be so presumptuous!"

There was a hint of disgust in the wanderer's eyes;

The endless wind gathered around him,


The violent wind element tore the tall God of Zhengji apart instantly.

Ying and Paimon looked at the scene in front of them dumbfounded.

"Disappeared...did we win?" Pamon looked confused.

The wanderer smiled disdainfully: "Do you still need to ask? There is no way I can lose to it."

Paimon: "Ah haha, this tone has gotten louder again, which means you have found yourself."

Then Paimon curled his lips: "But it's you in there too, what's there to be proud of!"

"Oh, I'm really sorry. I'm just as mean to myself as I am to others." Wanderer raised his eyes slightly and said apologetic words, but his tone was not apologetic at all.

Ying looked at him: "Once your memory is restored, the past will catch up with you."

Wanderer raised his eyebrows: "Ha, from your tone, it sounds like you are worried about me."

Then without waiting for Ying's answer, the wanderer's eyes changed, and a hint of coldness appeared: "Don't worry, thanks to you, although I can't change anything, I still know a lot of truth."

Then Nacida's voice appeared again: "The memory reading should go smoothly. The mission of this dreamland has ended."

The wanderer curled his lips, knowing what Nasida meant: "Let's go. If you have anything to do, let's talk about it after we go out."

The dream was shattered and the three of them woke up in reality.

The wanderer opened his eyes and saw Wang Daoyi looking at him with a faint smile.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly. After recovering his memory, he naturally knew what Wang Daoyi was laughing at.

"Welcome back, but what should you be called now? Skirmisher is the name given to you by the Queen of Solstice. You probably won't be able to use it anymore. Wanderer has ended his wandering, and it doesn't suit you anymore, so , give yourself a new name."

Wang Daoyi looked at the wanderer and said.

After hearing Wang Daoyi's words, everyone else also looked at the wanderer.

"I thought you would put a mark on me first, but I didn't expect that you would actually care about my name first." Wanderer said half-sarcastically.

"Don't worry, as a prisoner, you can't escape the mark. However, since you have chosen to take responsibility, I will still give you some trust. At least, it won't be too late to wait until you give yourself a name before placing the mark. "

Wang Daoyi said with a smile.

The wanderer who has the memory of a skirmisher is still different from the skirmisher. At least, there is less harshness in his eyes.

It seems that there are still some gains and changes in this trip.

"The name is just a code name. You can call it whatever you want." The wanderer didn't care what his name was.

Most of his previous names had different meanings.

A strange person means that he is different from ordinary people.

The collapse of the Thunder Nation represents his hatred for Thunder Movie and Rice Wife.

The skirmisher represents his recognition by the crowd of fools.

The wanderer represents his wandering where he has lost his memory.

Now, he doesn't care about the name anymore.

They are all code names anyway, call them whatever you like.

"Oh, in that case, Paimon, aren't you the best at giving nicknames? Then give him a name." Wang Daoyi smiled and looked at Paimon.

"Huh? Shall I come and get it?" Pamon looked surprised, then smiled, "Hehe, that's not good~"

The wanderer's eyes flashed and he looked at Paimon: "If you want."

"Eh~" Pamon shuddered, "I feel like you are threatening me."

The little guy hid behind Ying: "Ying, come and give him a name."

The wanderer's expression remained unchanged. If Ying had given him a name, he would not have refused.

After all, although the relationship with Ying is still not good, he still trusts Ying's character.

Ying waved her hands repeatedly: "I don't know how to choose a name either."

On the side, Wang Dao curled his lips: "In that case, why not come and get it."

"You like to wear hats and hats, why not call me Ah Mao." Wang Dao smiled, and then continued, "Then take my last name, and you will be called Wang Ah Mao from now on."

The wanderer's eyes turned cold, knowing that Wang Daoyi was taking advantage of him.

But considering that Wang Daoyi is better at fighting than him,

So the wanderer suppressed his inner anger and said, "Then let's call him Ah Mao. As for the surname, there's no need for it."

Wang Dao wasn't angry at all when he heard Ah Mao rejected his surname.

Beside, Ying and Paimon breathed a sigh of relief. Ying really didn't know what to name him.

Paimon was worried that if she chose a bad name, Ah Mao would take revenge on her.

"Hey, what's Ah Mao's next plan?"

Ying asked.

Ah Mao curled his lips and looked at Wang Daoyi and Nasida: "I am a sinner, and sinners have no freedom. These two have the final say on what to do next."

"Hey, aren't you going to go back to the Fools?" Paimon asked.

"Knowing what the Doctor has done, how can I return to the Fools? Moreover, the Fools now have probably forgotten me."

The skirmisher sneered.

Nasida nodded: "Although many people have forgotten you, it does not mean that your past has disappeared."

Ah Mao nodded: "That's natural."

"In addition, even though you have devoted all your efforts to pursue your affairs, his core purpose has not been achieved. I hope you understand this."

"Changing the world, changing the past, and changing the fate of others is not that easy."

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