Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 563 ‘Memory’

Port Ormos Diafa Hotel,

A few people were sitting at an outdoor dining table.

They seemed to be discussing something.

"I didn't expect you to accept this identity so easily and without any doubt..."

Dainsreb looked at Kaia, surprised by how quickly the other party accepted this identity.

Descendants of the founder of the Abyss Order,

This status is considered troublesome no matter which country in Teyvat.

The Order of the Abyss is the enemy of all mankind.

There is no doubt about this.

Even if you are a fool, when you encounter an abyss monster, your only option is to fight.

Well, the hatred of the Fools towards the Abyss is even deeper than other countries on the continent of Teyvat.

Fighting against the dark disaster is one of the reasons why the Fools were founded.

When the Fools sent people into the Strata Rock Abyss to cooperate with the Qianyan Army, it was also because of the dark disaster in the Strata Rock Abyss.

Therefore, Dain did not expect that Kaia easily recognized this identity.

Facing Dine's question, Kaia shrugged slightly: "Maybe this statement just confirmed some doubts in my memory, and..."

Kaia raised her head and looked into Dainsreb's eyes: "I recognize your eyes."

"You are also the purest Kanreyan, right!"

Kaia's tone was very certain, and he was very familiar with the other person's eyes.

The pure-blooded Kanria people all have pupils that resemble cross stars.

Dain did not deny Kaia's words. The bloodline mark of Kanria was too obvious, and it was useless to deny it.

He just looked at Kaia calmly and moved his lips slightly: "Smart guy, with all due respect, I just hope you keep your heart and don't violate what you just said to the traveler..."

Kaia curled her lips and said nothing.

Paimon glared and looked at Kaia: "Kaia...you shouldn't have anything to do with the people of the Abyss Order..."

"Hey, is our topic suddenly a little too serious? As a Mondstadt, I am not used to this kind of atmosphere..." Kaia smiled and waved his hand. In his words, he placed his status on Mondstadt, and Not Kanria, "So what if I know the origin of bloodline? Ying, do I look like the kind of person who will be bound by bloodline?"

"Don't worry. Just like before, I will be happy to teach those guys from the Abyss Cult a lesson whenever I have the opportunity."

Kaia said swornly, compared to the noble status of Kanria brought by blood, Kaia still recognized his identity in Mondstadt.

The cavalry captain of the Knights, Lord Diluc's adopted brother, Keli's brother Kaia...

These are the identities Kaia recognizes.

As for what blood brings... they are nothing but shackles.

Ying nodded: "I believe you, Kaiya."

"I think it's almost time. I also made an appointment with a spice merchant to discuss cooperation. You guys talk first..." After gaining Ying's trust, Kaiya lost interest in continuing the conversation. He looked at the time and stood up. Say goodbye to a few people.

Paimon thought that Kaia was really going to be busy: "That's it...then go and get busy, Kaia."

"Well, see you guys later." Kaia nodded with a smile, and then looked at Deinsreib, "And Mr. Deinsreib, I can treat you next time you come to the tavern, so you don't have to just stand aside and listen. chat."

Kaia left.

Dai Yin looked at Wang Daoyi funny: "It was obviously the two of us who eavesdropped together, why did he only talk about me?"

Wang Daoyi raised the coconut wine and opened his eyes slightly: "I am a god after all. Although Kaiya is always unruly, he still has a little respect for the gods."

Kaiya obviously knew Wang Daoyi's identity, so he didn't mention anything about Wang Daoyi's eavesdropping and only warned Deinsreib.

God listens, yes!

Dain listened, no.

Dainsreib: "Humph..."

He was a little arrogant. In theory, he and Kaia were blood relatives and of the same race.

But now Kaiya obviously believes in Wang Daoyi more.

Of course, Dai Yin himself believed in Wang Daoyi more.

Unless they throw themselves into the abyss, it is difficult for the bloodline of Kanria to trust each other.

You are a good person and I am a good person, but how do I know that you are not pretending to be a good person?

Beside him, Paimon was a little amused when he heard Dain's arrogant snort: "You still don't believe in Kaia, Dain... You two are both from Kanria, but you seem to be incompatible..."

"I really don't know him well yet, so there's no point in jumping to conclusions." Dain nodded slightly, admitted that he didn't believe in Kaiya, and then continued in an unbelievable tone, "Bloodline... can really Doesn’t it have any impact on people? I’m just skeptical about it.”

"By the way, Alberich founded the Abyss Order?" Ying interrupted the topic about Kaia. She was more interested in the Abyss Order than Kaia.

Dainsreib nodded: "Your blood relative is called a prince by the Abyss Order, probably because it is an 'inheritance' relationship."

Paimon: "Well, that's right. Otherwise, should we call him the "King" of the Abyss Order?"

Ying remained calm, thinking about her brother and Abyss, and then looked at Dain: "What are your plans for coming to Xumi this time?"

Dainsreib did not answer, but looked at Wang Daoyi.

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Wang Daoyi showed a smile: "What are you looking at me for? Just do whatever you want. I just came out to take a look on a whim, and I won't stop you."

Wang Daoyi had a hunch that when he came out this time, he could know some knowledge that was not available in the World Tree.

For Wang Daoyi, the knowledge contained in the World Tree is no longer valuable.

And the things that are not in the World Tree are more and more attractive to him.

"Tch~" Dain curled his lips. He had always had a different attitude towards Wang Daoyi.

He believed that Wang Daoyi would not be a bad person, but he also believed that if someone gave him the bidding code, Wang Daoyi would definitely take action against him.

After saying "cut~" to Wang Daoyi, Dai Yin ignored Wang Daoyi and looked at Ying again: "Do you still remember [The Loom of Destiny]?"

Paimon nodded immediately: "Of course, it was the plan of the Abyss Order that we discovered when we were in Mondstadt!"

The inverted statue of the god, the original cultivator eyes...

These were the conspiracy of the Abyss Cult that they discovered.

And these conspiracies can all be attributed to the [Loom of Destiny].

Ying's eyes lit up and he looked at Dyne: "Are there any new clues?"

"It can't be said to be a new clue, it's just that... I have been helpless with the wear and tear of my memory, and during the previous recovery period, I accidentally recalled some things..." Dainsreib shook his head slightly, and then explained the source of his memory to Ying, "When I was traveling with your blood relative, he once mentioned this word..."the loom of fate." "

Ying looked surprised: ""So early? "

Ying always thought that [The Loom of Destiny] was a conspiracy recently conceived by the Abyss Order.

And Dyne now said that he had heard this name when he was traveling with Sora.

In this case, the appearance of [Loom of Destiny] will be hundreds of years earlier.

Dainsreb also had a hint of sigh on his face and nodded slightly: "Well, I was a little surprised when the memory matched. In my memory, it was exactly what happened when we traveled to Sumeru together."

After the fall of the ancient kingdom, although Dainsreb was cursed, he still retained his sanity.

He and His Highness the Prince, Kong, traveled together on the continent of Teyvat.

Well, the situation is roughly the same as Ying and Paimon's trip now.

"So Dáin is going to investigate the place he mentioned back then?" Paimon asked.

"Yes, there should be some kind of opportunity for the emergence of this [concept]... If I remember correctly, it was somewhere in the Xumi Dao Chenglin..."

Although hundreds of years have passed, now that there is such a clue, Daine will always go over to investigate.

"Oh, let's go there together, Ying." Paimon looked at Ying.

"Since it's about the Abyss Cult and my brother, I should go and have a look." Ying nodded and looked at Dine, "Can I go together?"

"Of course." Dainsreib nodded and shook his head, "But now is not the time."

"Ah, why? Is there anything else?" Pamon was surprised.

Wang Daoyi said quietly from the side: "Because we haven't finished the wine yet."

Dyne: "Yes."

Paimon, Ying:......

Paimon: "Dao Yi, do you want to go too?"

"Of course, it's related to the abyss. As a god on the continent of Teyvat, I should check it out together." Wang Dao nodded.

Everyone confirmed the target, and after Wang Daoyi and Dain Sleib finished drinking the wine, they looked at Wang Daoyi and Dain who were looking at each other, twitched their lips, and went to pay for the drinks.


A few days later,


Dain took everyone through the rain forest,

His memory is imperfect;

Plus hundreds of years have passed,

Dyne couldn't remember the specific location either.

I can only take everyone to look for it.

"I'm so tired. Daochenglin is so big. How long will it take for us to find it?"

After searching in the rainforest for several days, Paimon felt that his phantom limb began to hurt again.

Obviously they went to Port of Ormos to relax.

Why did he suddenly start to get busy again?

"The terrain here is already somewhat familiar. I think we have found it soon." Dain looked at the surrounding environment. They were already at the edge of the rain forest, which was close to Liyue's rock abyss.

After looking around, Daine's eyes looked towards the hillside on one side.

"I vaguely remember that it should be over there."

"Oh, what are you waiting for? Let's go there quickly." Paimon became happy.

Ying also echoed: "Then go over and have a look."

Dain nodded: "Please come with me."

As an important area in Xumi, Daocheng Forest has a very large actual area.

In addition to the rainforest part, there is also a part of the range on the hillside.

After passing the hillside, it is the territory of the layered rock abyss.

After walking up the hillside for a while,

Passing by an abandoned field.

"Hey, everyone, look, there are human traces here." Paimon called.

Everyone looked over and saw a bonfire in an abandoned field, but it was obviously from a long time ago.

"Is this... the bonfire left by the ranger?" Ying glanced at it and said with some uncertainty.

Wang Dao nodded: "This place is basically an inaccessible place. Generally speaking, only rangers come here."

Daochenglin is very large, but not all areas are inhabited.

Most of the population is concentrated in the Huachengguo area, and only a very small number of people will settle in the wild.

I looked at the bonfire and then at the abandoned fields beside me.

Wang Dao raised his head and looked around, and sure enough he found a dilapidated hut not far away.

"Over there, look, that house and the farmland here should have been developed by the people who live here. It seems that this place has been abandoned for a long time. However, you can go and have a look, maybe you will get some clues."

Dainsreib followed Wang Daoyi's gaze and looked into the distance. Sure enough, there was a wooden house with Xumi characteristics located not far away.

"Well, there's nothing worth noting around here. If there's a clue, it should be that house."

Paimon looked at it and hesitated: "Isn't it okay to just investigate other people's houses?"

She was actually afraid that there would be something scary in the house.

Dyne glanced at her and saw the fear in Paimon's heart. He shook his head slightly: "It looks like it has been abandoned for a long time. It won't disturb others. I'll go in first. You can follow me."

Paimon: "Okay, then you go ahead."

Wang Daoyi and Ying naturally had no objection, so the group of people walked towards the hut, with Dai Yin walking in front.

Open the branches and leaves that serve as door curtains,

A group of people entered the room.

"Ahem, sure enough there is no one here anymore, the dust is a bit heavy."

Paimon coughed a few times, choking on the dust in the house.

Dyne looked around, seeming to be thinking about something: "Look around, don't miss any details."

Everyone spread out and started investigating.

Wang Daoyi did not go deep into the room.

Leaning against the door edge of the wooden house, a ray of gold flowed in his eyes.

"Abyss, Qiuqiu people, and... the smell of medicine."

Although this place has been abandoned for a long time,

But probably because it is relatively well preserved, the atmosphere here has not been disrupted.

The aura was very weak, almost undetectable, but it was also very pure, and Wang Dao could easily distinguish it.

"Has anyone performed treatment on Qiuqiu people here?"

After integrating the breaths, Wang Daoyi came up with an answer.

"Healing the Qiuqiu people, um~ it's the Qiuqiu people who have awakened their wisdom, or... the Kanreiya people."

Qiuqiu people, as one of the most common monsters on the Teyvat continent,

Few people would treat them, and even the Qiuqiu tribe itself would rarely treat injured Qiuqiu people.

On the one hand, Qiuqiu people rarely have medical knowledge.

On the other hand, Qiuqiu people have no concept of treatment at all.

If you're injured, just wait for it to heal.

The concept of treatment rarely appears in the minds of Qiuqiu people.

The Qiuqiu people who were treated by the Qiuqiu people tribe were probably not treated as much as the scholars who studied the Qiuqiu people's civilization.

"So, this place was either left by scholars who studied the Qiuqiu people. Or it was left by the Kanreyan people."

While Ying and others were still looking for clues, Wang Daoyi had already deduced the information here.

the other side,

Ying opened a small box and took out a broken mirror.

"The broken mirror, I thought it was some kind of treasure." Beside Ying, Paimon complained, "But why is the broken mirror still put in the box?"

Yingye shook his head, a little confused.

The edge of the door,

Wang Dao's eyes lit up,

Just when Ying picked up the mirror,

He could clearly feel,

Inexplicable power wrapped around Ying.

"This power...is it a memory left by some kind of high-ranking being?"

In Teyvat, especially Sumeru, memory is also a very advanced power.

Like Lanaro, as a dependent of the God of Grass, they can use their memory as a price in exchange for powerful power.

The God of Grass himself can also use memory as a price to reverse himself in exchange for terrifying elemental power.

Memory is an important component of intelligent life.

When Wang Dao saw a trace of memory wrapped around the screen, he immediately showed a hint of interest.

"It seems that my whim is based on this memory."

While Wang Daoyi was thinking,

Others have looked around and found no clues.

A broken bowl filled with medicine, a dark and damp bed, and a hidden broken mirror.

That's all the 'clues' in the house.

"It feels like there are no special clues here." Paimeng curled his lips, then looked at Wang Daoyi standing by the door, "Daoyi, are you lazy?"

Everyone was looking for clues, but Wang Daoyi stood still, which made Paimon very unhappy.

With a little force, his back moved away from the edge of the door. Wang Dao waved his hand: "It's just a small house. There's no need for me to do anything. Besides, with Paimon here, there won't be any clues, right?"

Being praised by Wang Daoyi,

Paimon showed a silly smile: "Haha, yes, as long as I'm here, you won't be able to miss any clues."

Then he looked at Daine: "Daine, is your memory really correct? Are you sure it's here?"

Since no one has missed any clues, could it be that there is something wrong with Dine's memory and that he took him the wrong way?

Paimon was a little skeptical.

Dainsreib frowned slightly, but he still chose to believe his memory: "Although my memory is vague, my subconscious and instinct have always told me that something did happen here."

Subconsciousness and instinct, this kind of thing, if it is an ordinary person, it really has no credibility.

But the subconscious and instinct of a strong man like Dyne, combined with the vague memory, is also a kind of direction.

However, he looked at Paimon who couldn't believe it, Ying who frowned, and Wang Daoyi who looked indifferent.

Dain knew that he couldn't spend any more time here.

"Well, aimless investigation will only consume your mind. I seem to hear some noises outside. Let's go out and take a look."

At the door, Wang Dao nodded: "Some monsters have come over, and it seems that there are some fluctuations in the earth's veins."

Paimon glared: "It's okay if Wang Daoyi can feel it. After all, he is a god, but Dyne, you are so old, do you have such good ears?"

"Haha, even though Dain is so old, he is a hunter of the abyss. If his perception was not sensitive, he would have been solved by the abyss long ago." Wang Daoyi laughed.

Dain curled his lips, said nothing, and took the lead out of the door.

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