Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 658 Underground Base (please vote for me)

Under the guidance of the holy warriors,

Wang Daoyi and Xi De came to the construction site of the living area.

Seeing Wang Daoyi’s arrival,

The workers present all showed excited eyes,

Compared with those brave warriors, these workers are equivalent to skilled workers.

Although the treatment Chisha gave them was not bad, it also determined that it was difficult for them to meet the Lord of Chisha.

After all, warriors can fight with the Lord of Red Sand,

And these workers have a hard time getting the Lord of Red Sand to work with them.

Therefore, when Wang Daoyi appeared beside them, they were filled with excitement.

Walking up to a worker casually, Wang Daoyi asked: "What's your name?"

The worker trembled with excitement and couldn't help but said excitedly: "My God, my name is Ian Greta."

"Greta? Are you from the Greta tribe?"

Chisha absorbed a large number of tribes, and although these tribes were eventually dispersed, they were not deprived of their surnames.

The Greta tribe, the person in charge of the oasis, Greta's tribe, is one of the largest tribal forces in Red Sand.

Ian Greta nodded quickly: "Yes, my God, I used to be from the Greta tribe."

"Yeah." Wang Dao nodded, "Is it okay to work here?"

Ian Greta hurriedly replied: "Okay, everything is okay, everyone is fine."

In front of the gods, he was a little slurred.

Wang Daoyi smiled and patted his shoulder: "Don't be nervous, I just want to ask some questions."

The god tapped him on the shoulder,

The gods encouraged him.

His whole body felt sublimated.

Ian Greta swallowed his saliva and forced down his excitement: "Yes, I am too excited. I'm sorry, my God. Please ask me."

"How long have you been working here?"

"It's been half a month, my god, and the distance has been widened by about twenty meters."

"Oh, is it hard to widen?"

"It's a little difficult. The main reason is that every time the distance is widened, reinforcement must be carried out. Large construction machinery cannot be transported in. Without the help of machinery, this is very time-consuming." Ian Greta's voice gradually became normal, and the quality of the workers Start returning.

Wang Dao nodded and looked at West Germany: "After we return, we will advance the research on small construction machinery and try to use machinery as much as possible to reduce manpower consumption."

Sid nodded immediately: "Okay, my God."

Wang Dao looked back at Ian Greta and smiled at him: "The headquarters will increase investment here, and you guys will be able to use the machinery soon."

Ian Greta's eyes were moved. He thought this was the decision made by the gods after seeing that they were working too hard: "Thank you for your kindness."

"Work hard." Wang Daoyi patted Ian Greta on the shoulder again, then turned and looked to the other side. He felt Nicored's arrival.

Sure enough, in the passage leading to the depths, Nicored with blond hair came out, followed by the Red Sand warrior who had just gone to inform.

"I'm sorry, I was planning the area below just now, so I couldn't receive you immediately." Nicholas bowed to Wang Daoyi.

"It's okay, I just happened to take a look." Wang Daoyi said with a smile.

Nicolád glanced at the people beside him, and stayed on Ian Greta for a few seconds before continuing: "The workers in Chisha are all great people, and we cannot do without their help. .”

"Hahahaha, of course, Nicholas, I will develop and mobilize a batch of small construction machinery as soon as possible."

"That's naturally the best thing."

The two of them walked deeper into the base while chatting.

After Wang Daoyi left,

Other workers surrounded Ian Greta, with envy in their eyes.

"Ian, my God tapped you on the shoulder."

Ian had a silly smile on his face: "Haha, I was so excited just now."

"What good luck. Ian, you must be prosperous."

Some workers envied and said,

An ordinary worker was patted on the shoulder by a god and had a few words with him.

You don’t need to think about it to know that this worker will become prosperous.


After a while, a manager came over and glanced at Ian with envy: "Ian Greta, you will be the engineering captain from now on. You can choose a group of team members yourself, or I will assign a group to you. .”

Ian Greta swallowed his saliva, was he promoted?

With a hint of disbelief, he looked around at the workers nearby.

Everyone looked at him with envy.

Without thinking much, Ian looked at the management: "Can I bring these friends with me?"

The manager nodded: "If they want."

The workers on the side agreed one after another: "Yes, we are all willing."

Just kidding, Ian was patted on the shoulder by God, and he may continue to prosper in the future.

Following Ian is definitely better than following other engineering captains.

Manager: "That's fine. Come with me, register your information, and then continue training on the use of construction machinery. When the small machinery arrives, you will be the first batch of mechanical workers."

Everyone showed joy.

Mechanical workers receive high wages and their work is easier than manual workers. This is a job that ordinary people envy.

Wang Daoyi, who stepped into the depths of the base, did not care about his random actions and changed a person's fate.

He was looking at a huge device suspended in the center of a huge underground space.

A large spherical device with a large number of runes engraved on it,

There are thousands of energy conduits connected around it.

Inside the spherical device, a terrifying energy reaction is taking place.

"This is...an energy generating device?" Wang Daoyi looked at Nicoreid.

Nicoreid nodded: "Whether it is to build the underground base next or the magic weapon you want, it will require massive energy support, so I built it to serve as a technical reserve for energy devices for future spaceship plans."

Building an underground base naturally requires a lot of energy.

Making a suppressing device requires a huge amount of energy. When Liyue cast the "Secret Book of Forbidden Exploration", Wang Daoyi mobilized the elemental power of an area to complete the final baptism.

A weapon of the same level as the "Forbidden Exploration Codex" requires a total of thirty-six pieces.

If there is no energy source, these thirty-six pieces of suppressive equipment can drain away the elemental power wandering in the desert.

"How much does this thing cost?" Wang Daoyi looked at Nicored.

"Ahem, if you don't count the red sand energy purification crystal, which is a material we already have, it would be about 80 million mola." Nicholas' old face turned red.

I understand, not counting the core energy source, the cost of the external device is 80 million molad.

Seeing the strange looks in Wang Daoyi's and West Germany's eyes, Nicoreid began to defend himself: "This thing was not formed in one go. Look at those energy conduits, don't you think they are familiar?"

Wang Daoyi frowned and looked, it seemed that he was a little familiar.

"The God of True Machines?" Suddenly, he thought of an equally expensive machine.

Nicored nodded proudly: "I searched for a lot of materials to transport the terrifying energy in the core, but all failed. Then I remembered the mechanical god you once said, a machine that can rival the gods, and the materials it uses, It’s always possible.”

"So you dismantled the God of Zhengji?"

"Ahem, that's not the case. I just went to see His Majesty the Little Lucky Grass King, and then visited the God of Zhengji, and obtained some of the remaining information."

Nicored looked proud again: "Although there is only partial information, I still reproduced these energy conduits."

Wang Dao was noncommittal, but his eyes were still on those conduits.

The conduit that can carry the violent energy of the Heart of God is naturally used to transmit the energy of this energy core.

"What is its current use?" Wang Daoyi asked again.

"Uh..." Nicored was speechless.

Wang Daoyi: "Huh?"

Nicoreid's eyes dodge slightly: "For now, it can provide lighting for the entire base."

"That's it?"

You spent 80 million molas just to light the base?

Wang Daoyi looked at Nicored in disbelief.

"Of course it's not just that, it's just that the current energy supply demand in the base is too low. When the base gradually improves, it will be time to exert its power.

In addition, when I move those things deep in the alchemy workshop, I will need cores to supply energy. "

Wang Daoyi's expression softened a little.

"Okay, as long as you have an idea. If the base needs anything in the future, just ask West Germany to apply."

Nicorette nodded: "Don't worry, you won't spend money recklessly. Just keep going down, there are still things down there."

He continued to lead the way deeper into the base.

Obviously, this base has many levels.

Arriving at the third underground floor,

This is a slightly smaller space than the second floor.

"The first floor is the living area, the second floor is the industrial construction area, and the third floor is the research area."

Nicorette introduced to everyone,

Although it is said to be a research area, there are not many people here. A few core apprentices from the alchemy workshops are busy here, and there are also a few people dressed as scholars here.

"The research area has not yet been opened. There are currently only thirteen people here to help me study the energy core above. But in the design, this will be the most important area in the base, and new technologies will be continuously produced here."

Seeing Nicholas and Wang Dao and others coming down, the busy researchers immediately stopped what they were doing and walked over.

"My god, teacher, and Elder Xide."

Nicorette waved his hand: "You continue to work, and we will take a look."

The researcher glanced at Wang Daoyi, saw that he nodded, and then dispersed.

"With the help of the energy core on the upper level, we can do some energy-consuming research here, but we have to wait until the energy conduit is connected."

When he spoke, Nicoreid's face lit up.

As an alchemist, a space of experimentation with vast amounts of energy at your disposal.

This is simply not cool.

Nicored thought again of his brother who was still in Mondstadt.

As the chief alchemist of the Knights, Albedo does not have such a good research environment.

Albedo’s private alchemy camp Nicorette has also been to many times.

It's nothing compared to the research area here.

Wang Dao glanced at Nicored and saw that he was radiant. It was obvious that he really liked this level.

However, the half-finished research area was not very attractive to Wang Daoyi.

He looked down: "This is the research area. It seems that there is another layer below."

Living areas, industrial construction areas,

Research and development area, logistics material area,

Wang Daoyi had just heard of these four areas, so naturally he had not forgotten them.

Having seen the first three areas, the logistics area must be at the bottom.

Nicorette nodded: "Of course, let's continue. The logistics area is currently the most well-constructed area."

Wang Daoyi nodded slightly, and he also saw it.

People have already settled on the third floor, a huge energy core has been built on the second floor, and the first floor is still being expanded.

This base is truly more perfect the deeper it goes.

Continue down with Nicored.

The fourth floor of the underground base is a larger space than the previous three floors combined.

A large amount of materials are placed here. There are several large construction machinery that Wang Daoyi originally thought were not used here.

Seeing Wang Daoyi's gaze resting on those machines, Nicolád looked a little regretful: "I originally thought that they could be used if they were sent over, but it turned out that these machines couldn't be deployed at all. It would be a waste of transportation power to send them back, so they are left here. ”

With that said, Nicored led Wang Daoyi and walked further inside.

food, medicine, cloth, building materials,

A large amount of supplies are neatly placed here.

In the deepest part of the logistics area, Wang Daoyi had already heard human voices. Obviously, there were people working here as well.

Come closer,

Sure enough, a large number of people were carrying materials, sorting them into categories, and sending them to other places for storage.

West Germany was shocked that there were so many people here,

Wang Daoyi looked at an independent space not far away.

He just saw a pile of supplies appearing out of thin air from over there.

"Is this a space teleportation array?"

The only technology that can deliver materials out of thin air is space transmission technology.

"Yes, I went to the Order to ask for this." There was resentment in Nicholas's voice.

Wang Daoyi's expression was stagnant, a little embarrassed.

He indeed took this technology from the doctor,

After it was handed over to the Order Council to communicate with the expedition camp, it was not managed much anymore.

Unexpectedly, Nicolaide knew about this technology and went to the Order Academy to ask for it.

Nicolaide works for himself, but also goes to others to ask for the skills he knows.

No wonder there was a hint of resentment in Nicoreid's voice.

"Ahem, I did something wrong in this matter. Let's suppress it for now and talk about it later." Wang Dao couldn't help but avoid Nicoreid's eyes.

Whatever happened to the gods, the gods must be reasonable.

An unreasonable god will only end up alienating his subordinates.

Seeing Wang Daoyi speak like this, Nicorette also put away his resentful eyes.

There are some things that you can just play with occasionally,

If there is no sense of proportion, it will be a disaster.

"There are six teleportation circles engraved here, three leading to Xumi City, one leading to the source of the canal, one leading to Chisha headquarters, and the last one has not yet been anchored.

Currently, it starts every two hours, and a large amount of resources are transferred here each time. "

Nicored introduced formally.

There was shock in Sid's eyes. He, the great steward of Chisha, didn't know anything about this kind of project.

Yes, West Germany doesn't know the location of either the teleportation circle at the source of the canal or the teleportation circle at Chisha headquarters.

Obviously, the alchemists under Nicoreid handled the matter themselves and did not borrow the power of other departments in Red Sand.

Moreover, the three magic circles in Xumi City are still sending supplies continuously, which West Germany doesn't know about.

This time, it was West Germany's turn to look at Nicored with resentful eyes.

We agreed that we would all work together for Chisha.

Why, you are doing things secretly now, right?

This is the first time that someone under Chisha's command is doing something, and Xi De doesn't know about it.

This was also the first time that West Germany felt that his control over Chisha was not strong enough.

Not long ago, he was reporting the latest news to the Lord of Red Sand in the temple.

As a result, he didn't know anything about so many important things.

It's just a joke.

Noticing West Germany's resentful eyes, Nicorette was also a little embarrassed.

To be honest, after Nicoreid came to Chisha, West Germany was really nice to him.

From the establishment of the alchemy workshop to the various materials needed later and a large amount of funds,

West Germany didn't skimp on him at all.

Now he has done so many things without telling West Germany, which is really unethical.

If it was Nicored from the beginning, he would naturally not care about this.

But now, Nicored has blended into Red Sand and is more like a human being.

Faced with West Germany's resentful eyes, he could only sneer and look apologetic.

"Haha, well, I entrusted the matter of the underground base to Nikolaid. Without my order, it would be difficult for him to reveal it to you."

Wang Daoyi spoke softly and took the responsibility on himself.

He is not an ancient emperor, and he does not need to balance power.

Therefore, it is better for West Germany and Nicoreid to be in harmony.

Seeing that Wang Daoyi had spoken, Syd couldn't continue to look at Nicorette. He moved his lips slightly and looked elsewhere.

Nicolaide understood lip reading and saw what Syd meant.

"a meal."

This means that this matter has passed.

After Wang Dao took over the responsibility, he ignored the private exchange between the two people and took a few steps deeper into the teleportation circle.

He looked at the last unactivated magic circle.

"Are you going to give this magic circle to Albedo?"

Although it was a question, there was not much doubt in Wang Daoyi's tone, but rather confirmation.

Nicorette did not hide anything and admitted generously: "Although I hate to say this, Albedo's alchemy skills must indeed surpass mine. Only with his help can we carry out our plan."

Wang Daoyi was silent for a while, then nodded: "That's fine, you can make your own arrangements."

Neither of them considered whether Abedo would agree.

In other words, in front of their plan, Abedo will definitely agree.

Break through the barriers of the world, go outside the world, and explore the world's biggest secrets.

This is what Abedo is pursuing.

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