Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 673 Fukalos!

"Ying, Dao Yi is also in the front row. Hey, Charlotte is also there."

Paimon and Ying also entered the scene.

After seeing Wang Daoyi and Charlotte, Paimon waved happily.

Ying and Charlotte knew each other. Charlotte went to give Mona a bonus on behalf of Fontaine Steambird Newspaper Agency, and it happened to be Ying's way.

"Hey, it's Traveler and Paimon. I'm interviewing His Majesty the Lord of Red Sand and Lord Villette. Do you want to accept my interview as well?"

Charlotte recognized the person. She also had very good senses about Yin and Paimon.

When she was interviewing the Seven Saints Summoning Competition, Ying helped her a lot.

"Interview?" Pamon tilted his head, "Are you getting paid?"

Charlotte: "This...should not be possible, but I can treat you to dinner."

"Eat!" Paimon felt a little moved and looked at Ying expectantly.

Ying shook her head helplessly: "Let's forget it."

Then he looked at Wang Daoyi and Navilette, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes: "Daoyi, who is this?"

"Yes, yes, you are all sitting in the front row. Are you also Linny's friend?" Paimon also reacted, and there are new friends here.

Paimon and Fing's seats were arranged by Linny himself, on the other side of Navilette.

Everyone was sitting in the front row, and Paimon naturally thought that Villette was also Linny's friend.

"Friend...if Mr. Linney wishes, I will be very happy to be his friend." Villette looked calm.

Ying frowned slightly, looked at Villette, and then reacted: "Your Excellency, the Supreme Judge?"

During the celebration of the Order, Navilette had appeared.

Although there was no communication between the two parties at that time, Ying still had some impression of the supreme judge.

"Hello everyone, I heard a lot of your stories when I was in Xumi last time. Welcome to Fontaine."

Villette nodded to Ying.

Before Ying could react, someone else's voice came from behind,

"...Mr. Villette! It's such an honor for you to come and watch my performance!"

It’s today’s protagonist, Linny.

Villette still maintained his demeanor: "Oh, Mr. Linney, it should be an honor for me to be able to watch your performance in person."

"No, no, no, your arrival has given me more confidence." Linni looked honored and looked at Wang Daoyi again, "And you, Your Majesty, I hope my performance will not disappoint you. .”

Wang Dao was expressionless and nodded gently: "Your father always praises you and your family. I will watch the performance carefully."

Linni looked excited: "I won't let my father down."

After making the promise, Linney went to talk to Charlotte again, seemingly about some post-show interviews.

Paimeng secretly floated to Wang Daoyi: "How strange, does Daoyi actually know Linni's father?"

Ying also looked over curiously.

They got acquainted with the three Linni brothers and sisters, and from the news they knew, it seemed that the three brothers and sisters did mention their father once.

But they had just met each other at the time and did not inquire about their family situation in detail.

Now that they saw that Wang Daoyi actually knew their father, they were even more curious.

A Sumeru god who knows the father of the Fontaine magician seems to be wrong no matter how he looks at it.

"Linni's father? Ha, we know each other. We have had some cooperation recently." Wang Dao nodded.

He had no intention of revealing Linney's identity.

The fools in Fontaine were obedient to him, and with Arecino's confession, Wang Daoyi no longer had to target them.

Soon, Linny and Charlotte discussed the matter and came back.

"Okay, everyone, sit down for a moment. My preparations are basically completed. The performance will begin after the audience has entered the venue."

Linney left to get ready.

the other side,

Funina finally overcame her inner panic and sat down in her own seat with a proud look on her face.

Holding your chin with one hand and placing the other on the armrest of the seat,

He folded his legs and crossed his legs, looking bored.

Even if she saw Wang Daoyi below looking at her,

She just looked back coldly.

It seemed that she was not the one who was frightened by Wang Daoyi before.


Wang Daoyi laughed softly and withdrew his gaze.


On the high platform, Funina breathed a sigh of relief.

Before long,

When the host came on stage, it was natural that Charlotte could not stay here any longer.

After packing up her pen and paper, she said goodbye to everyone and returned to her seat.

on the stage,

Several big lights gathered together and shined on the host,

This will grab everyone's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please go back to your seats. The show is about to begin. Now, let's invite today's protagonist, Mr. Linney!"

The host shouted,

The lights on the stage change,

The light that originally shone on the host suddenly hit a place not far behind the host.

A magician was standing there quietly.

When the host attracts the audience's attention, the magician is already on stage.

"Welcome to the Opéra Opéra Theater during your busy schedule. I am Linny, today's performer."

Linnie took a few steps forward, then pointed with his right hand, the lights changed again, and Linnet appeared beside him,

"This is my sister and my most important assistant, Linnette. Come, say hello to everyone."

Lynette just saluted gently: "Hello everyone."

The magician and his assistant appeared on the stage, and the theater burst into applause, which was encouragement and expectation.

on the stage,

Linni and Linnette continued their performance, handed over the Eye of God, and continued to prepare for the next magic step.

And in the audience,

Wang Daoyi frowned slightly. Why was the armrest of his seat... wet?

So Villette is bleeding?

Wang Dao turned his head and glanced at Villette, and found that the other party was watching the performance carefully.

Sensing Wang Daoyi's gaze, Villette gave Wang Daoyi a strange look.

It wasn't Villette who did it!

Wang Daoyi's heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect that he would actually see something after watching the performance.

He was not worried, but rather surprised.

Being able to use water elements around Navilette to use small tricks,

With this ability, Wang Daoyi has even guessed who did it.


However, how to respond to Fukalos' little trick?

Wang Dao lost his sight and kept thinking in his heart.

Soon, the previous scene at Lu Jingquan appeared in Wang Daoyi's mind.

"Tears are the limit of all emotions. If you want to respond to Fukalos, you have to..."

"Response to the emotions of water!"

The power in Wang Daoyi's soul shook slightly, and his sensory ability suppressed by the Grand Theater slightly sensed the moisture on the armrests.

Sure enough, there was a weak force trying to pull his will.

Without any resistance, Wang Daoyi allowed it to lead his will.

next moment,

All the magic performances and audience cheers disappeared before Wang Daoyi's eyes.

An empty, silent theater appeared in Wang Daoyi's sight.

Wang Daoyi knew that it was his sight that had changed, not the Grand Theater.

He was pulled into an independent space of consciousness.


Wang Daoyi shouted directly without hesitation.


A light shines on the silent stage, and the beautiful figure dances alone under the light.

Above the dancing figure is a divine aura that is countless times purer than that of Funina.

This is indeed Fukalos' consciousness space.

Wang Daoyi did not disturb her solo dance and just watched quietly.

for a long time,

Fukalos finally stopped dancing and the lights on the stage came on.

It’s time for the dance to end and for the actors to pay tribute.

"Five hundred years has been such a long time that I didn't even know that there were new gods appearing in the outside world."

Fukalos looked at Wang Daoyi's face. This was a face that was extremely unfamiliar to her.

This was a god she had never seen before.

"The outside world won't know that for five hundred years, Fontaine's gods have been fake."

Wang Daoyi replied to her unceremoniously.

"False? I don't think so." Fukalos shrugged, "Funina, it's great. She is a strong girl. Even I didn't think she could do so well."

"What are you planning?" Wang Daoyi no longer wanted to be the Riddler with Fukalos.

"Sorry, I can't say." Fukalos was more direct.

Wang Daoyi frowned: "Then why did you drag me in?"

"Originally, I wanted to ask Naviolette, but he is not a human after all, so after I found you entering the Grand Theater, I chose you."

"Do you have something to ask of me?"

Wang Daoyi immediately realized the meaning of Fukalos' words.

Originally, I was going to leave it to Navilette, but now I have to leave it to Wang Daoyi.

Is that something that is easy for people to do but hard for dragons to understand?


Fukalos didn't hide it at all.

"As you can see, I have my plan, but I can't say it, and neither can Funina."

Ignoring the silent Wang Daoyi, Fukalos continued: "I'm sorry for Funina, but I have no choice, so if my plan succeeds, I hope you can help me take care of Funina, at least, let her You can live like ordinary people."

"Haha, I don't even know what your plan is. How do I know if your plan is successful?"

"When the prophecy comes, you will naturally know whether I failed or succeeded." Fukalos said softly.

Wang Dao glanced at him: "Do you know Nico?"


"never mind."

Wang Daoyi tried a little test, but the answer was not very good.

Sure enough, the water in the Witch Association has become deeper.

Nico probably knew what Fukaros was planning.

But Fukalos didn't know Nico's existence.

Good guys, who are these witches who claim to be just a tea party?

While thinking, this space of will fluctuated slightly,

It seems that someone from the outside world is calling Wang Daoyi.

"Someone is calling you outside. At the last minute, if you have anything to ask, please do it as soon as possible." Fukalos said with a smile.

Wang Daoyi's thoughts surged and he asked:

"As the god of Fontaine, can't you contend with the so-called prophecy?"

Fukalos: "That is the punishment of heaven for Egolia's transgression, and heaven... cannot be an enemy of her."

Wang Daoyi: "What kind of transgression?"

Fukalos: "Egolia has usurped the authority of the original and the ancient dragon. I can't tell you the details at the moment."

I understand, Egolia’s transgression is related to the underlying logic of the prophecy.

It can't be said now that it will affect Fukalos' plan.

Wang Daoyi continued to ask: "How powerful is Tianli?"

God's law, everyone seems to be afraid of him,

There are quite a few demon gods in Teyvat, but so far no one has dared to face the authority of heaven.

Even if the Ice Queen said she was raising a flag of rebellion, she was still in the stage of quietly acting.

At the end of winter, I didn’t dare to wake up the Heavenly Law.

Fukalos thought for a while and said: "The Heavenly Law once had the power to suppress the entire Teyvat, but now, I haven't seen the world for five hundred years, so I don't know anymore."

I understand, the laws of nature are definitely greater than the seven ruling powers.

But the current heavenly law probably does not have the power to suppress the entire Teyvat.

That's why the Seven Consuls dared to start making some small moves more or less.

The will space is becoming increasingly unstable,

Wang Daoyi already felt that this space could no longer carry his will.

I can only ask one last question:

"What is your relationship with Funina?"

Fukalos smiled: "Funina is Fukalos, Fukalos is Funina, I am [me], I am her in the mirror, she is me in reality, we are the water gods."

Before Wang Daoyi could continue to think, the will space was suddenly destroyed, and his eyes returned to the Grand Theater in reality.

At this time, the Grand Theater was noisy.

"Dao Yi, Dao Yi, what's wrong with you? I just talked to you and you didn't respond?"

Paimon pulled on Wang Daoyi's sleeve with an anxious look.

Wushen's eyes brightened again, and Wang Daoyi stretched out his hand to stop Paimon from continuing to pull him: "I thought of something and got a little distracted. What happened?"

"Something happened, something bad happened during the performance!" Paimon looked horrified.

Wang Daoyi looked at the stage, and there seemed to be...an accident.

As soon as his ears moved, waves of whispers from the audience reached Wang Daoyi's ears,

"A dead person, how could this happen?"

"Oh my god, was this an accident or murder?"

"It's so funny, the magic show turns into a trial show."

"Ms. Funina and Navilette are both here. It seems that today's performance will be extended."

The magic show is killer!

Wang Daoyi's first reaction was that it was done by fools.

But he quickly realized that the fools in Fontaine would not do this in public.

Arecino's purpose is to solve the prophecy and the heart of God,

Killing people in public is not in the interest of fools.

In an instant, Wang Daoyi eliminated the suspicion of the fools.

Since it was not done by fools, it means that there are bad people among the people of Fontaine.

"Daoyi, someone is dead." Paimeng said close to Wang Daoyi's ear.

Wang Dao nodded calmly: "I understand."

the other side,

Villette looked at Linney who was surrounded by guards: "Mr. Linney, do you have anything to explain?"

"Sorry, Mr. Villette, I didn't do this." Linnie frowned, but there was not much panic on his face.

The crowds are noisy...

"Let Lady Funina judge this murder."

"Yes, Lady Funina is here, and she can definitely restore the truth."

"Yes, Lady Funina can definitely judge the murderer."

The people of Fontaine can't wait for a grand trial.

But what is disappointing is that Ms. Funina, as the biggest trial lover, showed amazing calmness.

From the high position, Funina looked around coldly, and then set her sights on Wang Daoyi.

I have to say that Fu Nina is really like a god now.

Of course, Wang Daoyi, who had communicated with Fukalos, also knew for sure that Funina was Fukalos.

At least, that's what Fukalos said.

"Your Majesty, Lord of Red Sand, what do you think?"

Standing up from her high position, Funina looked down at the audience and asked Wang Daoyi.

"Lord of Red Sand?"

"I know this name. It is the god of Sumeru."

"Oh my god, there is actually a god here."

"It turns out it's him. No wonder he can sit with Master Navilette."

The crowd's exclamations did not affect Wang Daoyi at all.

He raised his head and glanced at Funina,

Ms. Funina looks cold, but if you look closely, you can see that her fingers are a little pale, and she is obviously under great psychological pressure.

Showing a smile, Wang Daoyi shook his head: "I was distracted just now and didn't observe anything. However, I think Ms. Funina can give the answer."

After hearing Wang Daoyi say that he didn't know what happened, Funina's face relaxed a little.

It would be bad if Wang Daoyi knew but she didn't.

"Humph, as the God of Justice, of course I know!"

Funina put her hands on her hips.

However, Wang Daoyi ignored her. His mind was still immersed in the exchange of information with Fukalos.

Fukalos is definitely playing a big game.

And his arrival gave Fukalos a chance to save some regrets.

This regret... is most likely Funina.

So, what happened to Funina that made Fukalos feel so sorry for her that it turned into regret?

the other side,

Seeing Wang Daoyi fall into silence again,

Funina became a little bolder,

She pointed her finger and said to Linny: "The murderer is you, Linny!"

There was an uproar in the performance hall.

"How could it be? Didn't Linny just say it, wasn't he?" Paimon exclaimed.

Funina looked arrogant: "Of course the murderer will not say that he is the murderer!"

"Ms. Funina, do you want to file charges against Mr. Linni?" Navilette looked at Funina.

Funina's expression froze: "Qin? I just think it's too early for him to talk about "accusations" now..."

Before Fu Nina could finish speaking, the audience began to support Fu Nina.

"Lady Funina's analysis just now is really reasonable. It seems that she will personally administer justice!"

"The kidnapping and murder hidden under magic were revealed by Lady Funina..."

Navelle: "Ms. Funina, you accused Mr. Linni of being the murderer. Do you have any evidence?"

As the supreme judge, Navilette has his own position - evidence, and evidence is the most important thing.

"Evidence, of course, of course, of course I have evidence."

"The whole incident happened during a magic show. The girl was selected and then disappeared. The person who died was still your assistant..."

When Funina said this, she couldn't help but glance at Wang Daoyi,

After seeing that he had no reaction, he continued: "It was Linny's magic props that killed the deceased. This is Linny's performance venue. The deceased was a member of Linny's magic troupe. Everything is related to Linny. How can this be? Can’t you explain Linney’s problem?”

"Now that I think about it, the opening line of "from something to nothing, from nothing to something" seems like a provocation. "

"This, this doesn't make sense at all!" Paimon said anxiously.

Funina said a lot, and it was indeed related to Linni, but there was no direct evidence to prove that Linni did it.

"Oh, so, you want to argue with me?"

Funina raised her chin and looked at Ying and Paimon.

"Ahhhhh, damn it, we are not afraid of you." Pamon stomped his feet angrily.

Ying frowned and looked at Linni on the other side, then at Fu Nina, and finally accepted the lawsuit.

When they first arrived in Fontaine, it was Linni who helped them resolve Funina's difficulties.

Now of course she couldn't leave Linney alone.

"In this case, the traveler will argue with Ms. Fonina as Mr. Linney's agent, and the trial will be held one day later. Mr. Linney and his magic group, as parties, need to all stay at the opera house. As for Other spectators, please leave in an orderly manner after security inspection."

After Navilette sought Ying's opinion, he announced a solution.

On the high platform,

Funina was still aloof, she looked at Ying: "One day is really not that long. What kind of waves can you, a famous person like you, make... Hehehe, I sincerely look forward to it."

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