
This situation... Some............

Masao Nakagawa and Jackman looked at each other and saw a touch of lust in their respective eyes.

After a few days of dry and boring rushing, they have long been exhausted.

And now, suddenly came a dragon country woman, it seemed so tempting!

The two only felt that their lower abdomen seemed to be burning with flames,

and the explorers who followed them also fell on this woman holding the child like a hungry wolf.

Enchanting figures, torn

clothes! It's just that they are not from the Dragon Country after all, and they don't know anything about the culture and history

of the Dragon Country! This woman is wearing a flower dress, cloth shoes, at least the dress

of decades ago in the last century! Isn't it weird enough to walk out of the mountains and forests a woman wearing clothes from decades ago?!

"Hehe, beautiful Dragon Country woman, what danger have you encountered?"

One of the Ozawa explorers smiled and walked up to the strange woman.

"I, I don't know, I don't know..." The

strange woman shuddered, holding her child tightly.

"Yossie, what are you holding the child for, might as well give it to me?"

the Ozawa explorer laughed viciously, and then directly grabbed the

woman's infant child! "Damn, Ozekuni's garbage, what do you want to do

!" "Let go, let go

of that child!" "It is estimated that this woman came from a nearby village, and I am afraid that she will be unlucky to encounter this group of beasts!"

Mongrel, let them go!" In

the live broadcast room, there were also many viewers of the Dragon Country watching the live broadcast, and seeing this scene, many Dragon Country viewers immediately cursed.

"Hehe, this is a forbidden place, and everything that happens is not governed by the law.

"Hmph, the women of the Dragon Country are just playthings, what's wrong with playing?" "

You can only watch, see how our men from Ozawa Country and men from the United States torture her!"

Similarly, there were many viewers from both countries in the live broadcast room, but they did not have any shame for the actions of their country's explorers, but were still proud!


this moment, the weird woman suddenly went crazy, opened her mouth and directly bit the explorer of the Ozawa Country

! A piece of flesh and blood was directly torn off by the woman!


!" "Damn woman, I will torture you in the most cruel way!"

The explorer of Ozawa Country cursed bitterly, endured the severe pain in his wrist, and dragged the infant child over.

But who knows, he subconsciously looked.

"Ah!" "

Lying groove, what is this?!" The

explorer of Ozawa exclaimed, his face instantly turned pale

, and he saw that among the swaddles, where was a child? It was completely an arm-length wooden stake!

The explorer of Ozawa Country screamed strangely and threw the swaddling child's stake directly!

With a muffled sound, the swaddling "child" fell solidly onto a stone.


!" "My child!"

The strange woman saw this scene, and suddenly let out a numb, miserable howl, and hurriedly threw herself on the ground, trying to pick up her child.

But who knows, that explorer of Ozawa Country saw the opportunity and suddenly pressed

the strange woman under him! "Haha!" "

Dragon Country woman, how can you resist this time!" The

Ozawa country man screamed strangely, holding the strange woman's shoulders with both hands.

But who knew that the next moment, the strange woman suddenly shook, and then, from her neck, there was a numbing sound of bone friction

! Nakagawa-kun, Jack-san, I'm here first!" The

Ozawa explorer laughed at the two of them, and immediately turned his head, about to do that animal thing that is inferior to pigs and dogs

! But who knows, when he turned his head to look, he just met the eyes of the weird woman!


This Ozawa country explorer screamed in horror, even her throat broken!This

woman, how did this woman's head turn?

You threw my child......... Let's make up for it with your flesh and blood..." The

voice fell, and the weird woman's fierce terrifying mouth directly bit the call of the explorer of Ozawa Country!

Suddenly, the sharp fangs directly cut the skin on the face of this explorer of Ozawa Country, and even wrapped his entire face, without even a scream.

"Haha, Kameda is still so anxious, at least flirt!"

Masao Nakagawa walked over with a smile and pulled the head of the explorer in Ozawa Country.

Nakagawa Masao's face changed suddenly, and then he slammed his strength

! A violent tearing sound suddenly sounded, Nakagawa Masao hurriedly looked over, and his face changed wildly in an instant!

Only his bloody head remained, his eyes showed two huge blood holes, the white brittle bones on his nose were exposed, and only two rows of miserable white fangs remained in his mouth!

"Damn, Kameda, what about your eyes!"

"His eyes... In my mouth!" This

is, the weird woman's contemplative voice sounded, Nakagawa Masao subconsciously looked, only to see the strange woman who was pressed to the ground on the forehead, sharp fangs, is biting two miserable white eyes and smiling at him

! The next moment, the weird woman jerked hard, and the two miserable white eyes were crushed like bursting cow balls, spewing out a large amount of fishy liquid!


Masao Nakagawa screamed, just now, his lower abdomen was full of impulse, just such a second of effort, he is afraid that he will not be able to personnel for the rest of his life!

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