The violent gunfire made the explorer in front react immediately

, even in the water, the gunshot could be transmitted, but it was weaker than the air.

The explorers, including Qin Chuan and the others at the front, hurriedly turned their heads to look.

I saw that in that deep underwater, there were gunshots and dazzling fires from time to time.

And a dark and huge shadow completely disappeared after the flickering of that firelight!

There are monsters in the water! And the body size is very scary!

The explorers suddenly raised their hearts, and with the dark shadow illuminated by the fire just now, it was completely certain that the size of that monster was probably even bigger than most people thought!

"Groove! What the hell is that??

"I don't know, I retracted as soon as I showed my head."

"I didn't see it clearly, but that monster face just now scared me!"

"Under this deep water, there is even a monster accompanying the explorers... It's scary to think about! In

the live broadcast room, many netizens were also frightened, after all, the monster was too sudden, as soon as it appeared, it directly dragged away an explorer!

It was definitely swallowed alive!

And at this moment, the Dragon Kingdom Central Research Institute.

"What kind of unknown creature is that?"

A group of scientific experts froze the live broadcast screen in the frame where the underwater monster appeared.

A scaly head, sharp teeth, its eyes....

Wait, it has no eyes!

A group of scientific experts were puzzled.

No eyes?

You know, basically more than 99.9 percent of the animals on the earth have evolved eyes, not to mention its huge creatures!

And, without eyes, how does it prey?


At this moment, Dean Zheng Dajiang, who had been observing the photo, suddenly spoke up.

"Zoom in, zoom in where it should have eyes."

Zheng Dajiang said in a somewhat excited tone.

The staff immediately enlarged the freeze-frame photo according to his direct gaze, only

to see that in the place where the unknown creature should have eyes, it turned out to be two swarthy sarcomas!

"I know!"

Zheng Dajiang slapped his head sharply.

"This creature is not without eyes, but its eyes, degenerate!"

"It can be inferred that what creatures survive in water and degenerate their eyes because they don't see sunlight all day long?"

Zheng Dajiang seemed to remember something, hurriedly picked up the mobile phone in front of him and flipped through it, and

a moment later, he connected the mobile phone to the projector, and then passed the information in the mobile phone.

"This is ... Newt? A

group of scientific experts looked at the picture, a finger-length, pink, and somewhat cute creature.

Isn't this a salamander!

"Teacher, you also saw that the size of the unknown creature just now is estimated to be at least more than ten meters long, how can it be such a small creature?"

Hao Aiguo next to him said with a puzzled face

, Zheng Dajiang shook his head, and then said.

"The creature I'm talking about is not this modern salamander, but the ancient overlord salamander!"

Overlord salamander! A mammal creature that lived in ancient times, but according to modern scientific investigations, this creature has been completely extinct in the ice age.

"Teacher, are you saying that this unknown creature is an overlord salamander and has survived from ancient times to the present?"

Hao Ai said Chinese surprised.

Zheng Dajiang nodded, and then said. "It's not that it has survived from ancient times to the present, but it may be that in ancient times, there was a race of overlord salamanders that entered the Kunlun Mountain range, and adapted to the environment there, and multiplied to this day..."

"Teacher, what do you mean, there may be more than one overlord salamander in this river?"

Hearing this, the scientific researchers present were shocked, a tyrant salamander is so terrible, if there are a few more....

Looking at the hideous picture, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

Those explorers, dangerous.

At this moment, as the unfortunate explorer was dragged away, the explorer who went down into the river also panicked.

It's so dangerous here, and there are such terrifying creatures!

Who knows if it will pop out again and eat itself!

For a time, there were several explorers desperately going upstream.

But who knew that as soon as it appeared on the surface, the fire ladybug hovering on the surface of the water immediately pounced!



The miserable scream suddenly sounded, and several people in Qin Chuan looked up, only to see that those unlucky explorers had turned into a blue strange fire at this moment!

There is danger underwater, and it is even more dangerous on the water!

What to do now?


At this moment, the familiar water pattern fluctuation came again, and everyone's expressions were tense, and they hurriedly looked over, and they got that the huge black shadow was already less than a few meters away from Qin Chuan and them!

"Damn, don't come and bite the old man me, my meat is not delicious!"

Old Man Chen hurriedly swam forward in fright, but who knows, it's good that he doesn't swim, as soon as he swims, the water ripples generated by his limbs immediately attracted the attention of the unknown creature!

Its huge size did not have the slightest resistance in the water, and almost in the blink of an eye, it rushed to Old Man Chen's side!

Then he opened that blood basin and bit Old Man Chen!


Qin Chuan's hearts sank, if this old man Chen was bitten, it was estimated that he would be completely finished.

Qin An pulled out the black gold ancient knife, and his legs quickly swung to free Old Man Chen.

But the speed of that monster was too fast, and after biting Old Man Chen, it immediately disappeared into the water.

"It's over, Old Man Chen, this is completely finished."

"You said that Old Man Chen is full of old meat, what is the monster that can't think of it, it has to eat Old Man Chen?"

"It is estimated that monsters like to eat muscles and brains..." Many

netizens in the live broadcast room also felt sorry for Old Man Chen's death.

Although Old Man Chen is usually quite out of tune, but at the critical moment, he can still make some efforts

, however, who knows, not long after disappearing in the darkness, the terrifying monster actually appeared again, approached Qin Chuan and several people, and then slammed his mouth and spit out Old Man Chen!

What's the situation?

Qin Chuan and the three were dazed, why did they still spit out Old Man Chen?

"Look at it, that monster's mouth is full of lice crawling down from Old Man Chen!"

I don't know who sent a barrage in the live broadcast room, and the camera equipment was immediately close to shooting.

Sure enough, I only saw that the mouth of the unknown monster was crawling with lice!

They all climbed down from Old Man Chen!

Qin Chuan and several people also noticed this situation, especially Yang Xueli and Liu Xinyan, looking at the frightened old man Chen with extremely strange eyes.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, it was the lice on Old Man Chen's body that saved his life!

But this lice is also strange, drowning in the water, not dead.

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