And the direction in which he fell was not east, but still northwest.

In the blink of an eye, several people buried the body under the sand, which can be regarded as finding a home for this pioneer explorer.

After continuing for an hour, after climbing over a sandy slope, a blue water appeared in front of the three of them.

About a few hundred meters in diameter, surrounded by emerald green plants

! Lakes! Plants

! These two objects should not exist in this land of death at all

! But at this moment, it is extremely real in front of the eyes of several people!

"This, this won't be a mirage, right?" Yang

Xueli was a little hesitant, mirages are a sight that can often be seen in the desert.

Cities, oases, mountains, and even rivers

can be refracted through space and finally appear in the desert.

And once you encounter a mirage in the desert, it will be a very dangerous thing.

It is not that there is any danger in the mirage itself, but the explorers, crossers, and general supplies and water sources that enter the desert will not be enough.

When they find a mirage, they will eagerly want to replenish supplies, walk towards the mirage, but go farther and farther, and finally die of exhaustion, or dehydration!

"If this is a mirage, it is really real enough

!" "This is the magic of nature, something that is obviously not there, but it is presented in front of our eyes!"

In the live broadcast room, netizens who saw the "mirage" on the screen were also curious.

This kind of natural landscape is rare, and ordinary people can't see it if they want to see it.

Qin Chuan shook his head, then stretched out his hand and pointed to the side of the lake in front of him.

"This is not a mirage. I

saw that on the side of the lake, several figures were staggering towards the lake, Yang Xueli hurriedly took out the binoculars she carried with her and looked over, but frowned.

It was Jones, the female ninja with Ozawa's severed arm, the black wizard, and the white man who were thrown off by them on the first night.


Chuan frowned, he didn't expect that these four people had a lot of lives, and they survived the attacks of those black wasps.

The reason for determining that this is not a mirage is too much more than Jones and his group.

There is also the source of water vapor that Qin Chuan detected with his hair mound finger before, which also points here.

But at this moment, these four explorers are already quite embarrassed, and the equipment on their bodies has long been unknown where to go, and the food and water sources are gone.

The black wizard's head also had a huge bulge, which seemed to have been stung by a black wasp, and used some method to remove the toxin.

From a distance, it looks like a night pot overhead.

And that female ninja of Ozawa Country is disheveled, as if she was ruined by seven or eight big men.

Her broken arm still hangs behind the stone statue that corresponds to her.


they were beaten by Qin Chuan, and then stung by black wasps, and finally got rid of those black wasps, but they got lost in the desert and walked for two days before coming here.

"Damn, it's a few of them!" Seeing

the three of Qin Chuan not far away, Jones gritted his teeth, tears were about to flow out.

It's not just grievances, it's more anger.

If it weren't for Qin Chuan, how could they have been attacked by the black wasp and even lost food and water.

However, when he saw this lake, Jones's eyes flashed with malice.

"Hmph, boy, this lake was discovered by Lao Tzu first, it belongs to Lao Tzu, you guys let me go away!" After

that, Jones took out his pistol and aimed it at the three Qin Chuan who were walking towards this side.

"Didn't you say that a knife is faster than a gun in three steps, and now ten steps away, I see if you can still be faster than a bullet!"

said Jones with a smug face.

"Lying groove?

!" "Tai Te, don't you want to be faceless?" "

The lake is still in the land of our Dragon Kingdom, owned by the Dragon Country

!" "Damn, foreign devils are really not good things, such a big lake, enough to drink for several months, he actually wants to occupy it alone!" There

was a curse on the Internet, but Qin Chuan slowly stopped.

The knife is faster than the gun within three steps, and that is when the gold sword method has not yet been activated.

And now, with the golden knife method, Qin Chuan is sure enough to instantly kill Jones within ten steps

! However, there is no need

! Because this lake gives Qin Chuan the feeling that it is not so simple!

"Jones, the lake belongs to you, we are just passing through.

Yang Xueli noticed Qin Chuan's expression and said to Jones.

"Hmph, you're a little self-aware!"

Jones snorted coldly, and then ordered the white man beside him.

"Krut, go and see if the water of the lake can be drunk!" The

white man was already hungry and thirsty, and when he heard this, he hurriedly rushed to the lake, eager to plunge his head into it

! "

Hahaha! It's fresh water! It's fresh water!" "Boss Jones, we've found fresh water!"

The next moment, the white man's ecstatic voice sounded, he buried his face directly in the lake, gulping the lake water!

However, before they could start drinking water, they saw the white man kneeling by the lake shook violently, and then, as if something was dragging his face under the lake!


Don't be afraid, I just didn't stand firm and fell into the lake!"

No......... Ho~~Ho~~

" "My voice... My voice... There is something... To climb out... Shhhhh


saw that the white man was blue in the face, nearly half of his two eyeballs were staring out, and a large amount of pus smoke was coming out of his mouth, mouth, and nostrils!

Ahem... Save me...... Save me..." The

white man coughed violently, as if something was stuck in his throat, his face twisted, and he stretched out his hand, wanting to call for help from the black wizard on the shore.

But the black wizard had long been frightened, and did not dare to stretch out his hand, for fear of being dragged into the lake by him

! "Ah!!

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