Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 190: 【190】Yellow leather

People who have seen Mount Everest will naturally no longer be interested in ordinary peaks.

Therefore, when Jiang Le was climbing by hand, all the friends in the live broadcast room were accustomed to seeing them. When Jiang Le climbed all the way, he kept driving nails into the mountain wall, and soon When you come to the top of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Grottoes, you will find that when you get closer, there are a lot of cracks on the top, some of which can even be climbed in. Jiang Le found a crack suitable for drilling in, and grabbed it directly. The stone edge got in.

With night vision ability, Jiang Le does not need lighting equipment at all, so he can see the situation clearly. After climbing a few meters up, Jiang Le finally came to another space, a place full of rotten smells. .

When he saw the situation in front of him clearly, Jiang Le's expression suddenly changed, and he couldn't even speak for a while.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have imagined that there would be such a place in this world.

What a cruel picture this is.

After crawling out of the crack, there was a water pool not far away. This water pool was actually made up of accumulated mercury. Above the water pool, there were a large number of human corpses wrapped in animal skins hanging, one by one. It was fishing like a lantern.

Although there is no wind or cold here, Jiang Le just inexplicably felt a chill directly from his heart to his mind, causing his limbs to be slightly out of control.

What a weird place!

It didn't take long for the crow to crawl out of the crack that Jiang Le had drilled before, and he could see that his physical strength should be the best among the people.

"Why is it so dark here, Jiang Le, Jiang Le, are you here?"

Without the ability of night vision, the subconscious reaction of the crow crawling out was to call Jiang Le. However, his voice triggered a big taboo. Jiang Le didn't even have time to respond to him. He saw the corpses hanging on the mercury pond. On his body, eyes the size of soybeans lit up one after another, like fireflies in the forest at night.

"Fuck, there are fireflies here?" The crow said in surprise without knowing what those things were.

But Jiang Le is looking at the hair, what kind of fireflies are those light spots, they are clearly weasels!

The existence of that large group of foxes has surprised Jiang Le very much. Now that so many yellow skins have appeared, the weirdness of the Five Immortal Kings has really been revealed to Jiang Le.

"What happened?" As soon as the crow crawled out of the crack, Gong Xiran appeared immediately afterwards. At this time, his sight was also matched with the yellow leather.

At this moment, something strange happened.

Seeing Crow and Gong Xiran with blank expressions, their bodies walked towards the Mercury Pond in a daze, seeing their stiff bodies resembling puppet zombies, making Jiang Le very anxious.

Although he didn't know why he didn't have an accident, the first thing to do right now was to stop Crow and Gong Xiran, or let them walk into the mercury pond, and in the end there would be only one dead end.





Huang Pizi stood up from the corpse excitedly, looking at the two crows who were getting closer and closer to the mercury pond with a full face of evil.

Jiang Le became more and more anxious, but for a while, he couldn't think of any way to stop it. In a hurry, he had to take out his revolver and shoot one of the yellow leathers standing on the corpse.


The gunshots resounded like thunder. Many yellow skins fell into the mercury pond because they were frightened. At this moment, Jiang Le rushed up and grabbed the two crows. Brought these two guys back.

The frightened Huangpi immediately became irritable, and they all glared at Jiang Le, and the whine in their mouths became louder and louder.

Jiang Le only felt a flower in front of him, and his whole body's consciousness suddenly fell into a trance.


"Jiang Le! Jiang Le is awesome!"

"Brother Jiang is definitely Tiger Shark TV's brother, Niubi."

"From now on, Tiger Shark TV will look at Brother Jiang."

"Everyone, now there is the best anchor of the year... Jiang Le!"

Under the spotlight, Jiang Le walked out of the backstage wearing a straight suit, and he looked so dazzling under the attention of the public.

Best Newcomer Anchor of the Year, Top Ten Gold Medal Anchor of the Year, Best Anchor of the Year, Most Popular Anchor of Outdoor Channel...

All the titles fell on him. For many years, there has never been a streamer who can win a Grand Slam like Jiang Le in just one year.

Waiting for the host with a smile, Jiang Le slowly walked towards the podium, where there were eight microphones and flowers on the left and right sides, which was the most dazzling spot tonight.

In the audience, there were many first-rate anchors and top anchors. They all looked at Jiang Le with congratulations, and their faces were full of kindness.

"Jiang Le! Jiang Le!"

"Jiang Le! Jiang Le!"

"Jiang Le! Jiang Le!"

The cheers of the mountains and the tsunami almost made Jiang Le lose himself. Under this atmosphere, he was getting closer and closer to the podium.

But suddenly, when there was only one step away from the podium, Jiang Le suddenly stopped.

Look at the people around, look at the trophy of the best anchor of the year on the podium.

Suddenly a doubt popped up in Jiang Le's mind.

When have you played the PK game for the best anchor of the year? Why is there no impression at all?

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