Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 352: 【352】Mysterious round jar

Relying on his strong rock climbing ability, Jiang Le found a hidden dead spot and easily climbed the rock wall and entered the ancient city.

In terms of volume, the exposed ancient city should be only about one-tenth of the whole, and the streets are full of mud and rocks. At the same time, Jiang Le also saw several artificially built signal towers, power towers and cables and other modern equipment.

It seems that the Viper Organization has made a plan to stay in this place. It can be seen that there must be some important value in this ancient city. This makes the Viper Organization pay so much attention to it and are willing to pay so many resources.

Since it is currently unclear how many people from the snake organization are in this ancient city, Jiang Le can only choose to sneak in quietly in order not to stun the snakes.

For Jiang Le, who has an S-level master of ninja, playing and diving is as simple as eating and drinking, and it is completely instinctive.

Inside the ancient city, there are many brand-new iron-skin factories, and there are also many members of the Viper Organization patrolling some entrances, and the supervision is very strict.

These people are constantly walking around the factory, holding firearms, as long as they find something wrong with an outsider breaking in, they will shoot immediately without hesitation.

But this is not difficult for Jiang Le. After quickly finding a blind spot, Jiang Le sneaked into one of the factory buildings silently. This factory has two floors. There are many sports drink cans and scattered on the ground Some oil barrels.

When Jiang Le sneaked into the factory building, he saw a few men in suits standing on the ground floor. They were discussing intensely at this time.

"We have successfully broken through that gate. The situation below is far beyond our imagination. You can't guess what's under it."

"Is there something that the organization wants?"

"It's still unclear. We are only breaking through the first layer of defense."

"Hurry up, the boss is on his way here, this time he is very concerned about this, and must not let him down."

"What? The boss is coming here? Isn't he afraid that Interpol will come after him."

"You don't have to worry about these, the boss naturally has his own ideas."

Listening to the discussion of these few people, Jiang Le couldn't help being shocked, the boss of the Viper Organization was actually coming here? It seems that the secrets hidden in this ancient city are really huge, and they can attract such mysterious figures without fear of danger.

From these conversations, it can also be judged that there must be something that the snake organization boss desperately wants in this ancient city.

"The door has been successfully broken through, and the following situation is beyond imagination..." Jiang Le meditated on the personal words just now, and immediately took out the terrain detector from the space backpack to check it out. As expected, there was a huge space hidden under the ancient city. , But this space does not seem to have a path to the outside world.

After bypassing the area where the men in suits were standing, Jiang Le came to a large room in the innermost part of the factory. On the ground of this room, a large hole with a diameter of more than three meters was dug out, and he did not know the way to the underground. How many meters deep.

Around the big hole, there are many gray round cans. Some round cans show a lot of cracks on the surface, some are intact, and some have long been broken into disabled products.

It seems that these round cans were dug out from the ground by people from the snake organization, and I don't know what they are in.


Just when Jiang Le wanted to open a round can, the sound of the machine started suddenly rang under the big hole, and the sound became louder and louder, and it seemed that something was rising rapidly.

Jiang Le quickly hid behind a pile of oil barrels not far away, and looked at the situation on the side of the big hole through the gap between the oil barrels.


A simple elevator came up from the ground, and several members of the Viper Organization walked out of the elevator with wounds. Some had blood on their faces, some injured their arms, and some even had a leg. It's all gone, it looks very miserable.

It seems that these people had a fierce battle underground.

"Come here! Medical kits, we need treatment!" The members of the Viper Organization headed by them immediately screamed, and after a while they ran in from the door, a group of men and women in white clothes, all of them holding medical kits. Started to treat the injured at the scene.

The wounds were bandaged, and the tranquilizers were used for tranquilizers. The scene was quite chaotic.

After hitting the group of people out of the elevator, Jiang Le's gaze has been on the last member of the Viper Organization.

The other party is a tall blonde girl with very delicate features and a very good-looking appearance. Coupled with wearing a tights to outline her good figure, the visual impression is indeed very impactful.

But these were not the places that made Jiang Le pay so much attention to her. What Jiang Le cared about was the golden round pot she was holding in her arms.

This round can is exactly the same as the round cans around the big hole. The only difference is the size and material.

From the posture of the blonde girl holding the golden pot tightly, she seemed to attach great importance to this thing in her arms, which made Jiang Le couldn't help but arouse curiosity.

The Viper Organization took so much trouble to establish a temporary base in the Amorite Mountains. Is it possible to achieve this kind of round pot?

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