Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 501: 【501】Seize the clues and start to break the game

"Wood generates fire, fire generates soil, native gold, gold generates water, and aquatic wood. There is only the last link in the five elements. I must hurry up." The iron plate was re-covered to the well, which cut off the connection between the well and the outside world. Together with.

At that time, police officers who are concerned about this case will come here to deal with the corpses, but before that, it is still necessary to isolate the possibility of those crows coming to eat carrion.

I was taken by Jiang Le and saw three corpses with different methods of death. The curiosity of the water friends in the live broadcast room about this case has reached its peak. There are more or less in everyone’s heart. problem.

And Jiang Le quickly thought about where the last aquatic woodland would be.

For Mie Mountain, soil and wood are the easiest things to see in this kind of forest terrain. If you want to find a specific ‘wood’ place in Mie Mountain, the difficulty is no less than finding a needle in a haystack.

If you want to get in quickly, you must master the mysterious Feng Shui master's way of thinking and the law of action, so that you can put yourself in the situation and use the opponent's thinking to act with the other party's thinking and act to judge the other party's next goal.

But Jiang Le had never seen the cruel mysterious Feng Shui master. He wanted to assume that he was the other person, and cos came to the other person's way of thinking. It was so easy to talk about.

As a result, Jiang Le quickly recalled all the knowledge points that he had in his mind after purchasing the "Master of Fengshui", and wanted to find out the existence related to the unknown Fengshui bureau in the Mieshan Mountain. If he could understand the mystery What kind of game does the Feng Shui master want to deploy, and maybe he can still put it together.

Soon, Jiang Le thought of an ancient Feng Shui bureau very similar to the current situation.

Liu Bowen is the most powerful feng shui warlock in the Eastern country in recent dynasties. It is rumored that he can pass through the longitude and latitude of the heavens and earth. He sees mountains in his eyes, listens to the sky and sounds of the sky, and he can observe the stars, knowing the future a little broken picture.

This person is extremely mysterious in history, and his deeds are extremely shocking.

Rumor has it that Zhu Taizu feared that after his death, the country left to his descendants would be changed hands by others, he asked Liu Bowen to go out and cut out the dragon veins in the world of Kyushu, so that no one can have the destiny of the true dragon emperor from now on, and no one can rebel and ascend to the throne.

Liu Bowen did just that, cutting the dragon veins on the land of Kyushu completely, but it happened that the dragon veins of Changbai Mountain outside the pass were left alone. This enabled the Jurchen tribe to move into the pass and dominate the Central Plains hundreds of years later. The emperor of the Central Plains for more than 200 years.

Liu Bowen is such a powerful feng shui magician, and he inevitably left some books that record his efforts. "The Great Thousand of Heaven and Earth" is one of them. It is a pity that few people can read this book, let alone understand the various feng shui avenues.

In "The Great Thousand of Heaven and Earth", there is such a feng shui bureau that hurts the sky and violates human principles. It is called "Five Monarchs Return to the Soul". Burning, crushing, drowning, and holding people, arranged with five living people in five different methods of death, can finally achieve the effect of returning a deceased person to his soul.

The simple explanation is: This Feng Shui Bureau uses the lives of five people, and it is possible that one person can be resurrected.

Although the effect was very powerful, it was a wicked way to go on stage after all. When Liu Bowen left, "The Great Thousand of Heaven and Earth" was destroyed by him, and no one knew about it except his two disciples.

However, Jiang Le never expected that the Feng Shui Bureau of "Five Monarchs Returning to the Soul" would appear in these three mountains today, which is really shocking.

Holding a person, as the name implies, is to suffocate a person alive, and the key to the last link is ‘aquatic wood’. This holding person and wood complement each other and are indispensable.

The murderous mysterious Feng Shui master must be ready to do something in a wooded place at this moment.

"Muzhu Dongfang, the east side has all been planned as tourist attractions in the past few years. There is no undeveloped land. The feng shui master wants to start the east side and complete the last step, and he will definitely enter the scenic spot. "Jiang Le is overjoyed, and hastened the Skyeye Live Broadcaster to fly towards the east first, without taking pictures of himself.

He himself quickly took out the laptop from the space backpack, directly used means to remotely hack into the security system of the Sanchong Mountain Scenic Area, and quickly took over every camera in the scenic area.

The daily maintenance of the scenic area of ​​Sanchong Mountain is done well. Over the past few years, every camera is still in working condition, and none of the equipment is faulty. This allows Jiang Le to quickly browse every part of the scenic area. The place that was filmed was looking for the mysterious Feng Shui master who planned to perform the last part of the "Five Monarchs Return to the Soul".

At the same time, Jiang Le was not idle, and began to check the images taken by these cameras in the previous few hours.

Soon, in a video stored in the backstage memory, a sneaky figure in black, intending to sneak past the camera to shoot a blind spot, caught Jiang Le's attention.

I saw that this guy was dressed in black with a black peaked cap on his head, but he didn’t want others to discover his appearance, and on this person’s back, he was carrying a sack more than one meter long, which seemed to Something heavy is installed.

"I found you!" Jiang Le said cheerfully.

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