Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 504: 【504】The truth

This ruthless character who successively killed four innocent lives by different means seemed to have given up any resistance at this moment. Facing the old police officer's problem, his expression was full of compromise.

"They **** it."

"No one deserves to die. Even if you deserve to die, there should be a law to judge what your motives are."

Under everyone’s gaze, the man’s eyes seemed to have returned to the past. After more than ten seconds, he slowly said, “My daughter is a student of Yucheng No. 2 Primary School. Our family of three is from outside. I settled in Yucheng. Not long ago, my wife took her out to play. I didn’t expect to be bullied by a few local children. My daughter was the treasure of our family since she was a child. My wife wanted to reason with the parents of these children. Ask for fairness, but how can one want to get the parents of these children more savage than the other, totally unreasonable."

Speaking of this, there was a hint of crying in the man's tone: "They still beat my child. My wife was too angry, so she fought with them. In the chaos, I don't know who picked up a beer bottle and hit my daughter, kid. How can I withstand such a smash, my daughter, my daughter has a broken head, and she left after a few days..."

Everyone's heart trembled, never expected that there would be such a thing.

For the person who knew the most about this incident, Jiang Le suddenly realized for a while, and understood why this man had planted the "Five Monarchs Back to the Soul" in Sanchong Mountain, originally to resurrect his daughter.

Although I think about it carefully, I feel that this kind of thing is very unreliable, but for a father who has lost his daughter, he may also know that the success rate is not high when doing such crazy things, but he just wants to deceive himself. Come and let yourself still have a glimmer of hope in your heart, so that your life won't collapse completely.

"Those kids, everything was caused by them. They deserve to die. That woman, my wife asked her for justice. She refused to apologize and dared to talk back. Damn! They all deserve to die! My daughter's life They were killed by them, they should pay me!"

The man shouted to the old police officer hysterically.

Everyone is silent, and there is a good saying, you are not someone else, you don't understand the pain of others, but if you persuade others to be generous, then you really should be thundered.

The man killed four people with cruel methods. It was his mistake. Even if those people let him lose his daughter, and now he has confessed his crimes, what awaits him next is the trial from the law.

Jiang Le couldn't help but sigh. A good family was surprised because of some small contradictions and accidents. Several families were fragmented as a result, leaving scars that could never be healed. I have to say that it was really good fortune.

The doubts of others have been answered by the man, but there is still a problem in Jiang Le's heart.

That is, through the police investigation of this man’s resident files, detailed information has been obtained. This person’s job is just a wall painter and has nothing to do with any Feng Shui magician. Then Jiang Lexin’s doubts will come. .

Where did this person learn the "Five Monarchs Return to the Soul"?

"Officer Tan, can I go in and ask him a few questions?" Jiang Le asked.

As the most important person in this case, Jiang Le's current position is very large. After all, if it weren't for him, today's case would definitely not be forced to be so early. In the end, he would have to take in more lives.

"Yes, you go." Officer Tan, the highest-ranking officer here, nodded and agreed.

I walked out of this room and entered the interrogation room next to him. When the two police officers saw Jiang Le appearing, they immediately got up and walked out. For a while, only Jiang Le and the bearded man were left in the interrogation room.

Seeing Jiang Le's appearance, the bearded man instantly became irritable, his eyes full of anger and hatred.

Had it not been for Jiang Le's interference, he had already completed the last step of the "Five Monarchs Returning to the Soul". As for whether he could finally bring his daughter back to life, there is hope in any way.

But with Jiang Le's interference, all of this disappeared, and he would never have the opportunity to complete the last step of "Five Monarchs Return to Soul".

"You dare to come and see me." The man gritted his teeth and said.

"Wujun's return to the soul is fake, this Feng Shui bureau can't save anyone at all." Jiang Le sat opposite this person and said lightly.

Hearing these four words from Jiang Le's mouth, the man's expression suddenly stiffened: "You, how do you know..."

"Your Five Monarchs have not been completed. I think you have regrets even if you die. I will tell you the result now and let you die." Jiang Le lowered his voice: "At the same time, I hope you can tell me. How did you know this Wujun Huihun Fengshui Bureau."

"Impossible, you lied to me, you must be lied to me..." The last glimmer of hope in my heart was overturned by Jiang Le. How could the man accept it for a while, and he immediately retorted.

"In terms of Feng Shui Bureau, I know that it is much better than you. If Five Monarchs are useful, do you think our Eastern Kingdom will still be unable to dominate the world?" Jiang Le sneered: "Wake up, this book It's impossible."

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