Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 507: [507] The man who brought up the "wind of adventure"

The environment on the train is very noisy. Every passenger is discussing their own affairs. It seems that the whole carriage is noisy. Next to Jiang Le sits an old Turkish man whose stomach is more than several months pregnant. All of the pregnant women are twice as big, which really makes people wonder how his body was squeezed into the chair.

Facing the quiet and silent Jiang Le along the way, this old Turkish man has been trying to communicate with Jiang Le because he is alone, trying to ease the boring atmosphere during the trip, but Jiang Le behaved to him. He was extremely cold and didn't answer his words at all.

The reason is that the alcohol in this person's mouth is too heavy, and that mouth is a strong alcohol mixed with some indescribable bad breath spraying on your face. This taste is not something ordinary people can hold. , There is no way. In order to prevent this guy from polluting his nose, Jiang Le can only use his broad and profound cold **** to stick to the hot face of others, intending to let the old man know that it is difficult to retreat.

But things weren't what Jiang Le had imagined. The old man talked more endlessly about his affairs beside Jiang Le, completely treating Jiang Le as a tree hole.

"Oriental young man, are you planning to go to Mount Ararat this time?"

"Yeah." There was no way, Jiang Le could only nod his head in response.

"Is it for that Noah's Ark?"

Hearing that the other party guessed his intentions so easily, Jiang Le finally became a little interested. He put away the magazine and asked, "How do you know."

"What's so interesting about Mount Ararat? If it weren't for that thing, it would be impossible for foreign tourists to come over. In the past few months, I don’t know what wind is going on. Many young people from various countries like you are running. I have come to Mount Ararat and plan to investigate whether the so-called Noah's Ark is true or not." The old man said, touching the red rosacea.

The conversation between the two attracted the attention of a middle-aged man sitting across from him. He immediately intervened and said, "Hey, this is because a foreign anchor on the Internet has brought a wave of adventure, which makes many young people follow suit. I’m going to explore everywhere, and so do my kids. Now that I see an ancient building or forest, I’m going to explore and do some live broadcasting."

Jiang Le couldn't help feeling a bit funny. The foreign anchor mentioned in this population is not himself, right?

If he is really himself, then his current influence is really big enough.

"Adventure, I also liked adventure when I was young, but it's the 21st century. Where are there so many places to explore in this world? The whole earth has long been clearly observed by human satellites." The uncle sighed. At the same time, he couldn't help but burp a wine. Suddenly, this area was filled with a stench. Everyone in Xun couldn't help pinching their noses, and there was an expression of disgust on their faces.

For Jiang Le, this smell is even more terrible, because his sense of smell is far more sensitive than normal people. He quickly pushed open the window of the carriage, allowing the strong airflow from outside to rush in and disperse the biochemical weapon. odor.

A few hours later, the train slowly entered the station, and Jiang Le quickly walked out of the carriage, and escaped the constant chatter of the old Turkish man. In just a few hours, Jiang Le was really involved in this train. It's not a small shadow.

Mount Ararat has two peaks, both of which are composed of volcanic eruptions. One is the Greater Ararat, which is 5,165 meters above sea level and is the highest peak in Turkey. The top is covered with snow all year round. The other is the Little Ararat, 3,925 meters above sea level, located to the southeast of the Great Ararat. Between the two peaks there is a 13-kilometer ridge connected.

On the slopes of Mount Ararat between 1500-3500 meters above sea level, there are many pastures run by locals. After the wreck of Noah’s Ark was announced by some media, many people came here every year, wanting See if the rumor is true.

With the arrival of a large number of tourists, the local tourism industry has been invigorated, and many ranches have begun to engage in hotel business, so that those who want to climb the snow-capped mountains and take a look at the "irregular areas" can have a place to live. Of course, the price of the room is also expensive. After all, tourists who have spare time to come to such a place are mostly rich and worthy of slaughter.

Coming to the foot of Mount Ararat, Jiang Le saw a large number of off-road vehicles parked at a glance. The number was at least one hundred. This is enough to show how good the tourism business of Mount Ararat is today. Maybe there are some of them. Jiang Le's credit is here.

"Hey, are you here alone? Do you want to go up the mountain with us." Seeing Jiang Le's arrival, a group of foreigners who had planned to go up the mountain immediately enthusiastically invited.

I want to broadcast live, not to travel, it is naturally not good to travel with strangers, Jiang Le politely chose to refuse: "Sorry, I like to act alone, or thank you for your invitation."

"All right, but if you are bored, you can come and join us at any time." The foreigner who initiated the invitation waved and started climbing with his companions.

Jiang Le did not take a break, and left one after another.

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