Explosive Filial Piety Is Like Thunder: Son, Please Stop Talking

80. The Aesthetic Standard At That Time Was The Classic Of Mountains And Seas? !

Lin Chen is really right. In the eyes of many people, Lin Chen is what everyone calls "other people's children.

But after all, there are very few children in other people's families, and most of them are ordinary people.

Their nicknames are basically certain people, individual classmates, and what's more.

When everyone was studying, almost all of them were told by the teacher like this~.

Memories of my school days came flooding back all of a sudden.

While Li Siyuan and Lin Chen were walking on the playground, Li Siyuan told Lin Chen what happened when he was in school.

"Hey, you said that times are changing so fast."

"When I was in junior high school, mobile phones were not popular at that time."

"At that time, children from families with good conditions had mobile phones, but the mobile phones could not be called mobile phones.

"Back then we were all called PHS."

"Don't the mobile phone numbers now start with 1? At that time, the PHS numbers all started with 5, which is the same as the landline at home before [they are all ten-digit serial numbers."

At this moment, after the netizens in the live broadcast room heard this, many netizens from that era couldn't help but start to miss it.

"Wow, PHS, this word is really too old... At that time, only rich children used PHS..."

"Indeed, I really miss it, that thing can only make phone calls and send text messages, but at that time I already felt that these two functions could be used......"

"After the popularization of PHS, the skills that PHS students must know, blind typing!!"

"I can do blind typing too!!! Wow, I sent text messages so fast at that time!! I didn't even need to look at the keyboard!!"

"My first PHS was a flip phone. It was small and silver. At that time, mobile phone straps and other things were very popular, and the decorations were gaudy!!"

"Isn't the landline not worth remembering......... PHS seems to be gone now? Now there are fewer landlines. In the past, every family had one..."

"That's right, I discussed landlines with my husband before, but my son doesn't even know what a landline is...Times are changing..."

After being recalled by Li Siyuan, netizens began to recall it one after another.

Now that technology is getting more and more advanced, many things are being innovated and eliminated.

Those things may not be produced anymore, but they carry the youth of the former people.

Speaking of these things, the youthfulness at that time is vividly remembered.

After hearing this, Lin Chen couldn't help feeling nostalgic.

Although Lin Chen traveled to this world, most of the things in this world are the same as before.

Lin Chen was about the same age as Li Siyuan before crossing, so what Li Siyuan experienced, Lin Chen also experienced.

But Lin Chen couldn't say it out, after all, it would be revealing.

Although he couldn't say it himself, Lin Chen was still willing to listen to what Li Siyuan had to say.

In the past, although information was not as developed as it is now, people had no worries and lived happily.

After Lin Chen thought of this, he asked Li Siyuan deliberately.

"What is a landline?"

Because Lin Chen doesn't have a landline at home, logically speaking, Lin Chen doesn't know what a landline is.

Nowadays, many children generally do not know what a landline is.

After Li Siyuan heard this, he patted his head as if he had realized something.

"Oh, I forgot, there are basically no landlines now.

"Landlines are the landlines of the past. They are wired and cannot be taken away."

"Then there is a cube-like one with a dial on it, and the receiver is curved like a moon."

"The one near the ear is equivalent to the earphone, and the one near the mouth is the earpiece."

Li Siyuan explained with great interest, and then used his mobile phone to find out the picture of the landline and handed it to Lin Chen.

Li Siyuan said while showing it to Lin Chen.

"When I first realized I was old."

"It was when you were young, when you were in the second grade."

"Let me tell you, if I don't show up after school, ask the teacher to call me."

"At that time, I made a gesture for you to make a phone call."

"But you didn't understand."

Lin Chen was indeed a little puzzled after hearing this.

"Ah? Why didn't you understand?"

After Li Siyuan heard this, he smiled and said.

"In the past, when we made a phone call, we always stretched out a gesture of six, and then put it to the ear to simulate a phone call.

“Because our landline receivers looked like this back then.

"But you are different now."

"When you kids make phone calls now, you just put your hands straight and stick them to your ears.

Simulate the gesture of holding a mobile phone. "

"So you didn't understand at the time."

"It wasn't until that time that I suddenly realized that I was really old..."

After Li Siyuan said this, it immediately aroused the sympathy of netizens.

"Oh my god!! It's so true!! I used to make this gesture with my son before, but my son couldn't understand it, and said, Mom, do you want to pick earwax..."

"This is the change of the times... Even this common gesture has changed..."

"Yeah, I still remember the jingle when I was a child, your numb head, like a ball, kicked into the department store...Now this kind of jingle is no longer spoken..."

"Tears, the first time I felt old was when I went to the police station to report a case, I subconsciously called the policeman Uncle, but I saw "that young man should be younger than me...... I called the policeman Uncle Boiled into a police brother"

"Because the song in our area was so profound, I picked up a penny on the side of the road and gave it to the police Uncle..."

"Upstairs, how can you make a voice!! I'm going, this shit is so profound, I can still sing the whole thing now, the lyrics are not bad..."

"Damn, this song can't be sung now, and there is no denomination like a penny anymore..."

"Children today may not even know that there is such a thing as a penny..."

"Speaking of which, I saw a piece of news before, saying that there seems to be this song now, and the penny has been changed to one yuan, and the price has increased... …

What Li Siyuan said made many netizens feel emotional.

Memories came flooding back.

Lin Chen was also emotional when he heard this.

Indeed, if Li Siyuan hadn't said anything just now, and asked Lin Chen to make a phone call, Lin Chen would immediately make the six.

Because since I can remember, this gesture has been used to make a phone call, and it hasn't changed.

But how can today's children, who have been in contact with smartphones since birth, make that gesture?

After Li Siyuan said this, memories flooded up all at once.

The chatterbox opened immediately.

"Didn't you just talk about junior high school?"

"You know, I didn't have PHS at that time."

"Chats with students in other classes rely on writing letters."

"At that time, there was a special sale on letter paper, and boys and girls would learn to tie paper."

"At first, I learned to tie the letter into an envelope, and then I met a girl I liked, and I tied it into a heart!"

"After every get out of class, I ran to deliver the letter, and the other party would reply.

"Just in this way, chatting..."

After Li Siyuan said this, netizens expressed that they had experienced such a thing.

"Indeed!! At that time, I really relied on writing letters... One letter in one class, or one letter in two classes, it was really fun at that time!!"

"Wow!! Speaking of which, I have a drawer, and I still keep some letters from that time, and I occasionally take them out to read, and laugh every time I read them, and I don't write anything nutritious in the letters, but I can just chat for a day. .………”

"This is really a wave of memory killing... I can also fold love. At that time, I folded it very well. I folded it very quickly. Now I have completely forgotten how to fold it... .

"The romance at that time, you can be happy for a long time after receiving a paper-folded heart letter..."

After Li Siyuan said this, suddenly there was a bit more smug expression on his face.

"At that time, I was very popular in our school."

"The letters made of love paper, I can receive several of them every day!"

After Lin Chen heard this, he couldn't help complaining again.

"Well, you said that you stunned the girls in your school with body odor."

After Li Siyuan heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes.

"I am serious!"

"Don't look at me right now."

"At that time, you were at the school grass level, right?"

"The aesthetics at that time were different from the aesthetics now!"

After hearing this, Lin Chen nodded in agreement.

"At that time, your aesthetics were based on the classics of mountains and seas, right?"

As soon as Lin Chen's words came out, netizens were still immersed in memories, and their thoughts were pulled out immediately.

"Hahahahaha, I don't know which page of Shan Hai Jing you are on? Lin Chen's father?!"

"Pfft... Originally through nostalgia, this sentence made me laugh out loud, hahahaha."

"Laughing, the aesthetics at that time were really different from what they are now..."

After hearing this, Li Siyuan did not refute Lin Chen.

After thinking for a moment, he said.

"Looking at it now...the aesthetics at that time were really a bit like the Classic of Mountains and Seas..."

"At that time, a word was popular."


Originally, Lin Chen had pulled back his thoughts just now, and this word Li Siyuan pulled back the thoughts of netizens again.


"Pfft.......My God, the memory is deep, I am not talented, I used to be one of them..."

"Xhe cloverㄋcontinuation. ✕Dim ㄋXiangyi......."

"Pfft, the one upstairs has that smell!! Hahahaha!!"

"Criminal virtue 1. You are the only one in my life ②``Hey, I miss you`Hey, I miss you."

"Indeed, this was popular at the time, and the QQ zone was dressed up in a flashy way, and then a very popular word, step back."

"Glaring, pouting, placing the phone at a 45-degree angle, clicking, non-mainstream must-learn skills."

"The one mentioned above is not considered the core of the Burial Love family. The core members of the Burial Love family at that time all had exploding heads!! The more the hair exploded, the higher the status!!"

When Li Siyuan mentioned this word, many netizens began to recall it.

The iconic era of the post-90s is the non-mainstream period.

Now it seems that the non-mainstream style is really hard to understand.

However, at that time, non-mainstream was a fashion icon.

To say who is non-mainstream is to praise him.

……… Ask for flowers…

Li Siyuan continued after thinking about this.

"At that time, I was also non-mainstream."

"I burned my head... At that time it was called... Fireworks.

"A cool side bang."

"There must be more than three colors on the body!"

"Then at that time, down-shift pants were very popular."

Li Siyuan started talking to Lin

Chen gestured.

"Drop pants, you know?"

"That's the gear, it must be low!"

"The lower the cooler!"

"At that time, I bought a pair of trousers with a cut, and the cut fell to the calf!"

"It's so hard to wear, I can't even move my legs!"

"But back then, it was cool!"

"As soon as those pants were on, the girls went crazy!"

After Lin Chen heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

At that time, there was indeed such a trend, and the off-gear pants were indeed very popular.

It is indeed like what Li Siyuan said, but I think the lower the gear, the cooler it is.

Lin Chen also bought one before.

But it is too difficult to wear, and after wearing it once, it will press the bottom of the box.

After thinking of this, Lin Chen suddenly said something.

"The file can be given to those who need it."


Li Siyuan immediately laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha, if someone could have said that at the time, I guess these pants wouldn't be so popular."

At this moment, the netizens in the live broadcast room were also amused.

"Hahahaha, these off-shift pants are really hard to wear. After the shift is off, the middle is empty. If you are a little fatter, your legs will always be rubbed there so hard that it hurts to death!"

"I don't know why this was popular at the time. It's weird. I thought it looked good at the time. It didn't make sense..."


"The aesthetics at that time were like this, and everyone thought it was so beautiful, so they were assimilated.

"It's really nostalgic to say it, that era is already in the past..."

Li Siyuan and Lin Chen chatted, but it brought a wave of memories.

Many netizens recalled these with deep emotion.

People who have experienced the non-mainstream period have basically already married, and some children can play soy sauce.

Although in this period, people often criticize it, saying something like deformed aesthetics.

However, this is indeed the youth of the post-90s generation.

They were crazy, they were in love.

After Li Siyuan said this, he continued.

"It's really different now than before..."

"A while ago, didn't Sun Yanzi hold an online concert? Many people said she was an unpopular singer..."

"When I saw the news, I was stunned, Sun Yanzi was unpopular?!!"

"Which one of our generation didn't come here after listening to her song?"

After Li Siyuan said this, he suddenly remembered that Lin Chen might not know Sun Yanzi.

Then he shook his head and said.

"Perhaps, for your generation, she is indeed unpopular..."

Li Siyuan also had to admit the passage of time.

At that time, the stars who were very popular at that time, after the change of time, unexpectedly became unpopular.

When no one remembers them anymore, will people like Li Siyuan's generation be forgotten?

At this moment, the netizens in the live broadcast room were all aggrieved after hearing this.

"I also saw this news at the time, and it made me so mad!! How could she be unpopular?!!"

"I only know that I can't remember any of the current stars, and I still listen to those old songs when I listen to songs..."

"It's alright to say it's unpopular. Some people said that Zhou Jielun is a past singer... I laughed too..."

"Hey... time is gone, our youth has been slowly passing away..."

After hearing this, many netizens in the live broadcast room were deeply moved.

Those things that once symbolized youth have been slowly covered up by time.

Whether it's PHS, non-mainstream, or even the songs I listened to before.

By now, the dust of the times has been filled.

Up to now, it can only be remembered.

Lin Chen and Li Siyuan walked and talked all the way.

Unknowingly, I came to the learning field.

Li Siyuan looked at the field, as if thinking of something, he smiled and shook his head.

"Lin Chen, do you know how to quickly defeat the opponent on the court?"

After Lin Chen heard this, he could only shake his head.

After all, after being reborn, he hadn't played basketball yet.

After hearing this, Li Siyuan laughed.

"Your shoes are fake."


Lin Chen couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

At this moment, the netizens in the live broadcast room were all laughing from ear to ear.

"Hahahaha, fatal blow!!"

"Damn, if you hear this, you will focus on the shoes!!"

"Break the defense... this lore, hahahaha!!"

After thinking about this, Li Siyuan continued.

"However, this sentence was not used in our generation.

"In those days, there was no AJ, coconut."

"There aren't so many fakes, even if you can wear a pair of Nikes, you are already a rich family..."

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