At the same time, in an even earlier timeline.

On the far back of the moon, Celine, who has just received more “lawyer power”. In front of her, such a special mysterious huge screen also appeared out of thin air.

At the same time, she can feel it…

On the screen, the woman named “Thunder Bud Suit” undoubtedly has the power of “Thunder Law”.

She had originally watched with curiosity, but when she saw the “Juligaro” summoned by the Law of Thunder, she couldn’t hold back.


What is Juligara, is that my dragon good!?

This Thunder Lawyer is all a mess.

Bully on the head of my Void Lawyer.

Wait, I’ll be back to Earth in a moment.

Let you know what is the real queen!!! ”

It seems that the “puffer fish lawyer” does not seem to know that this is a video from the future.

At the same time, she just got a lot of “lawyer” power, which made her swell up like a pufferfish.


However, back to the video content itself.

The performance moment belonging to the “Law of Thunder” is also coming to the final chapter. Because…… Progress bar, already bottomed out!

I saw that in the picture, the red dragon named Juligaro was left.

He jumped into the air and raised the katana in his hand. Top-down…….. The Thunder Lawyer unleashed the most powerful blow against the Honkai Beast used to demonstrate.

A red sword light fell directly on the body of the broken beast. With it ….. It is still a classic line of the second middle school girl.

“One cut, two breaks!!!”

Needless to say, under the strongest move of the Thunder Lawyer, the Collapsed Beast naturally disappeared above this world.

At the same time, “cut off” by the Law of Thunder, there is also this video.

With the end of the trick, the video also ended very quickly, and the screen immediately returned to its pitch-black state.


In Lin Hao’s classroom.


After the end of the video, the Valkyries, they all applauded, as if they were boasting about the wonderful performance of Raiden Bud Yi in the video just now, even Fu Hua Shangxian was no exception.

But what can be seen is ……. Kiana and Bronia, they both have special ideas about the video just now. Especially Kiana, the corners of her mouth have always been smiling.

It seems that learning about the black history of Nha Yi once made her feel very interesting. (You laugh all the time, you don’t stop)


As for Raiden Bud Yi, her face was not so good. Although it is said that this rice cook’s temper is not generally good. (If you want to stab a person’s eyes, you can’t hide .jpg)

However, anyone who is exposed to black history may not be happy. I don’t know….. Just now, did she record Lin Hao’s name with a small book.


“Teacher, Teacher Lin Hao. Is there still a video?

So far, this is only one! It’s a bit inadequate! ”

Kiana, who is more active, immediately raised her right hand after watching the video and asked Lin Hao loudly if there was still a video.

And in the face of Kiana’s question, Lin Hao just smiled and nodded and said.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry.

Say it’s a TOP10 video, then there must be ten. Now, it’s just the beginning! ”

After getting Lin Hao’s reply. In the classroom, the eyes of the Valkyries became expectant again.

Of course, except for the thunder bud clothes that have just been exposed to black history.


Through Lin Hao on the system, after the operation of a pass.

Inside the classroom, on the holographic projection screen suspended in mid-air, the new hot gold text also outlines the title of this video, as well as the introduction words.

[She is the ghost fire girl in the Valkyrie. 】

[Use yourself to construct things that you can “fully understand.] She has the fastest moving vehicle among Valkyries. 】

[Yae Village used to be the first drag racing! ] The record of 53 seconds a lap is intimidating. 】

[Yae Village 53 seconds, this is the limit of the reloaded bunny, not my Bronia’s limit! ] 】

[Valkyrie Black History TOP9 – Ghost Fire Girl Bronia].


Accompanied by the appearance of titles and introductory words. Haven’t waited for the video to start playing.

In this classroom, Kiana’s wanton laughter immediately echoed.

“Hahaha~~~haha~~ didn’t expect it. You guy, you are actually a ghost fire girl? Teacher Lin Hao, these videos of yours are also too interesting! ”

Although the black history of Raiden Bud Yi just now made Kiana feel very interesting. But now……. Being able to see Bronia’s black history was what excited her the most. After all, the two of them were originally wronged.

As for Fu Hua Shangxian’s words, she couldn’t help but shake her head after seeing such a title and introduction.

The “Royal Three Families” couldn’t see it, she could see it.

Construct things that they can “fully understand.” This passage is undoubtedly the ability of the lawyer of reason.

I didn’t expect that all my classmates were lawyers. Only I am diligent and diligent in fighting against Honkai…

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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