“Good, so powerful….

Under this circumstance, is Teresa actually able to burst out of powerful power!!?? ”

In the headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven

Watching the magical girl Teriri easily put down Kiana and Bronia.

Even Otto, he had to make a sound of surprise.

Although in Otto’s eyes ……

Whether it is Kiana or Bronia, they are not powerful existences.

But Teresa was able to put these two down in one go.

That’s surprising enough.


What Otto didn’t know yet was…

Kiana and Bronia that Teresa defeated just now.

In the future, the two of them can be “the lawyer of truth” and the “lawyer of the end”.

Such strength is terrifying!


As for the New Zealand “Destiny” branch that is also in a certain timeline.

Looking at the scene, the magical girl Teriri easily defeated Kiana and Bronia.

Wendy, she couldn’t help but curse again.

“I’m blanched!!!???

I have all become a lawyer, and I have to compete with the three B-class Valkyries of Kiana, Bronia and Raiden Bud Yi!?

This S-level Valkyrie can actually complete the second kill directly at one time!?

When did Teresa become so powerful? ”

After all, Wendy was once also an A-class Valkyrie of “Destiny”.

Teresa’s words, she must have known….

However, in her impression…….. Teresa doesn’t have such a powerful force at all.

In particular, that Kiana and Bronia are equal to themselves!

For the strength of the magical girl Teriri, Wendy is very dissatisfied.


What’s more, there is also a certain courtyard that is also “Destiny”.

There are also Rita who are resting and watching this special light curtain.

When the two of them saw that Rita actually appeared on the screen.

Can’t help it…….. The two showed surprised and surprised expressions at the same time.

“Unexpectedly, this time Rita. You’ve also become a supporting character in the video…”

Youlandell’s luck seems to be somewhat complicated.

She seems to be able to see the future development of the picture.


And listening to Youlandale’s words, Rita could only show a helpless expression and said.

“Alas… I feel like I can already anticipate the next developments. ”

Although it is said that Rita is also one of the most powerful S-class Valkyries in the “Destiny”.

But after seeing that magical girl Teriri put down two Valkyries in a row.

Rita, she doesn’t think she will perform better.

It’s just that the S-class Valkyrie can also make such lines.

As you can imagine…….

Teresa, who transforms into the magical girl Teriri, how powerful she really is.


Continue back to the picture.

Lita dressed, she pushed open the door and said to Teresa.

“Lord Teresa, the tea party is about to begin, we…”

She hadn’t waited for Rita to finish her words…

The magic wand of “physical amnesia” strikes directly.

S-class Valkyrie, Rita, defeated!


Next second!

Teresa’s door was opened again.

This time came in one of the thirteen heroes of the pre-civilization era, Fuhua Shangxian.

“Dean, I made some dumplings and want to come together…”

Still didn’t wait for the other party to finish all the words.

“Bang!” momentarily.

Even Fu Hua Shangxian, one of the thirteen heroes, she is no match for the powerful power of the magical girl Teriri.


But alas, today the magical girl Teriri’s enemies seem to be more than that.

Teresa’s door was opened again.

“Headmaster, is Kiana running here again to steal food…”

This time, even the “Law of Origin” Raiden Bud Yi is no exception.

Still put down by the magical girl Teriri.


Even, even the true leader of the “Mandate of Heaven”.

Otto is no exception.

Then after the lightning bud, Otto also opened Teresa’s door and said.

“Good granddaughter~~ Do you want to go with grandpa……. Yes!!! ”

In the midst of that painful wail.

Otto also fell under the magic wand of the magical girl Teriri.


At this moment, the magical girl Teriri has successfully defeated four lawyers, one of whom is even one of the thirteen heroes of the former civilization, as well as an S-class Valkyrie, and the last supreme leader of the “Destiny”, Otto.

Reputedly…… The end of the story….

Even the cleaner who can split in the air cannot escape the “physical amnesia” of the magical girl Teriri.

Calculate it together…….

The highest record in the “Three Jumps” world is actually the magical girl Teriri, Teresa!!??

PS: One more change, rush. By the way, ask for a wave of flowers, monthly passes and evaluation tickets for support and encouragement, thank you meow, thank you readers dads meow, QAQ

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