“Hua’s body?

Unexpectedly, her body would actually become a prop for the birth of a lawyer.

But if that’s the case, the situation is not easy.

Even in the thirteenth year….

Hua’s frontal combat ability is quite top-notch.

The Summoner of the Law of Knowledge can manipulate consciousness and memory to create illusions.

A near-perfect warrior…”

Outside the light curtain, in the headquarters of the “World Serpent”.

Looking at the “Law of Knowledge” in the picture, Kevin also issued a slightly headache line.

Each of the thirteen is the apex of a different realm.

What’s more, the current “lawyer” is also superimposed with the power of the “lawyer”.

At the same time, the current combat environment is not the same as in the pre-civilizational era ……

Kevin, there is no longer that powerful “fire-chasing moth” as a backup.


On the other side, in the headquarters of the “Mandate of Heaven”.

Watching the “Law of Knowledge” descend with the body of Fuhua Shangxian in his heyday.

Otto, he also said with some difficulty.

“The former Red Kite Immortal has come again……. This is difficult to do~~”

After all, the former Karen Kaslana was defeated at the hands of the “Red Kite Immortal”.

Otto, he couldn’t have known about the heyday of Fuhua Shangxian.

But at the same time, if Fuhua Shangxian’s body regains its combat effectiveness in its heyday…

“It seems that my cooperation with Fu Hua in the future has ended here.

However, it is only mutual use.

It’s not about betrayal.

And, according to her personality, it would never affirm my plan…”

Otto, he thinks that his fight with Fu Hua is an inevitable thing.


Continue back to the light curtain…

Setting up the pistol in her hand, Kiana approached the “Law of Knowledge” with a very special pace.

Even, he was able to catch some orange square streamers from Kiana’s body.

I can clearly feel it….

This is a trace of the existence of the “Law of Emptiness”.

Kiana’s basic combat strength has been greatly improved.


But it’s a pity that……

With the strength of the heyday, “Fu Hua” is an existence that is more than a Valkyrie and an ordinary lawyer.

Once “six-core driven” “puffer fish lawyer”, Celine.

She was still a little reluctant in the face of the “Tai Void Sword God” that was not completely in the body of Fuhua Shangxian.

Not to mention the fact that……

The current “Knowing Lawyer”, she is the body of the whole body, plus the power of the lawyer.

Even if Kiana gets stronger…

While the two were fighting.

“The one who knows the law”, she can be said to have the upper hand.

Didn’t put Kiana in his eyes at all.

But the interesting thing is…

No matter how many times he could give the other party a fatal blow, the person who knew the law gave up.

Even, can feel it from her battle…

She had a feeling of “light handling”, as if she was afraid of hurting Kiana.

That’s the weirdest part.


But according to the setting, the person who knows the law will have such a move.

That’s a matter of course….

Although he is a lawyer, he accepts the memory of “Fuhua”.

She has always believed and emphasized that she is the real “Fuhua”.


As Fu Hua, would she still attack her friends?

She still maintained kindness to Kiana, and remained merciful to her subordinates during the battle, persuading Kiana to give up the fight.


Outside the light curtain, in the office of the dean of St. Freya College.

Watch the video of the Knower’s battle with Kiana.

In addition to being worried, Teresa also felt some doubts in her heart.

“Let a young girl so young, immature, and with such a miserable experience, go and fight alone with the Lawyer.

What exactly is going on in the future….

Why did such a tragic thing happen? ”

Teresa promised Cecilia to take care of her children.

So, Kiana alone against the Battle Lawyer thing.

Teresa was a little uneasy and a little unbearable.


But there is another thing that also makes Teresa extremely concerned.

“But now, what concerns me more is …

Even if Kiana became stronger.

The one who knows the law, she still has the power over Kiana.

But during the battle, he repeatedly showed mercy to his subordinates.

It seems to be… There is no mind to fight at all.

Is the same for lawyers?

For me, though… It’s a good thing…”

Teresa felt fortunate that the Law of Knowledge did not kill Kiana, a poor child…

After all, that’s a treasure!!!

PS: Here it comes, another chapter. The codewords kept talking, and the little author continued to rush

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