Continue back to the light curtain.

With Kiana… She successfully broke the seal constructed by Fu Hua and pulled Fu Hua out of the illusion.

Kiana also succeeded in shattering the pride of the lawyer, making her understand that the lawyer cannot become a fuhua, and the lawyer is the lawyer.

But what is somewhat surprising is….

The original Fuhua Shangxian, she actually wanted to invite the Law of Knowledge to share a body with her to resist the erosion of the collapse together.

After all, her abilities can indeed work against Honkai.


For Fu Hua, this person who accepted the law of knowledge born from his memory.

In a sense, it can be regarded as a “daughter”-like existence.


But it’s a pity that…

After this battle.

The law of knowledge, she is also aware of her identity.

She gave up becoming Fu Hua, she took away the power of the lawyer and returned her body to Fu Hua Shangxian.


In that picture.

Fu Hua Shangxian, she really returned to her body.

Put on the Valkyrie uniform she had when she was at St. Freya’s Academy.

Put on my red-framed glasses again.

Fu Hua, truly back.

“Here, everything has changed!”

With the last line of subtitles emerged.

The progress bar of the video comes to the end position.

This mysterious huge light curtain also slowly dimmed down.

Although it is said ….

The appearance of Zhibao can also be regarded as one of the “black history” of Fuhua Shangxian.

After all, she is working every day to fight against Honkai and against the Lawyer.

But she never thought of it….

One day, “myself” will also become a lawyer.

Even, the class she is in, the per capita lawyer!

But also because of this video….

Fu Hua Shangxian consciousness is there, and the friends he meets here will be different.

I don’t need to be alone anymore, and I don’t need to bear anything alone…


Outside the light curtain, in the headquarters of the “World Serpent”.

After watching this video of the Law of Knowledge and Kiana.

“Hmph! Fortunately, the lawyer accepted Hua’s memory, and he was rational enough.


Kiana’s choice just now will only lead to greater disasters and sacrifices! ”

It seems that Kevin is still very displeased with Kiana’s choice.

But it’s normal……

After all, the last era of civilization and the era of this civilization are almost two completely different truths.

The last era of civilization was the ultimate of “rationality”.

But this era of civilization wants to win with the power of “feelings”.


On the other side, in Lin Hao’s classroom.

Watch the video end…….

All these problems end in the most beautiful way.

“Royal Three Families”, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Kiana and Raiden Bud Yi both showed an expression of relief and joy at the same time.

Bronia wanted to laugh together though.

But unfortunately, she can’t do it now.


“Hmph! It’s really Miss Ben!

Easily defeated the lawyer and also saved the Fu Hua squad leader.

The future me is really awesome~~~”

Well, the scar forgot about the pain.

When she watched the video just now, Kiana was still very nervous and worried.

But seeing the future self, after winning the battle at the last moment.

Kiana, she started to swell again.

I don’t know….

Is it in her body that Celine’s “puffer fish gene” has affected her.


Raiden Bud Yi, who was sitting next to Kiana, heard Kiana’s arrogant and confident voice, and also showed a somewhat embarrassed smile.

But she is also very satisfied with the results in the video.

Kiana and Fu Hua squad leader, Raiden Bud Yi did not lose any of them.

At the same time…..

They also managed to defeat another lawyer.

Without a doubt, this is the most perfect ending.


As for Fu Hua Shangxian, who was sitting at another table.

After watching the video, she also had a very shallow smile on the corner of her mouth.

She is also very satisfied with this result.


By the side of the “Royal Three Families”, she does not have to experience betrayal and separation.

But there was another thing that made Fu Hua Shangxian feel a little sorry…

Unfortunately, the child, she finally chose to accept her status as a lawyer.

But she also chose to understand human feelings.

With his own collapsed power, he left this world.

Maybe she wouldn’t have been so painful if she hadn’t been born into my body.

It’s really… It’s a shame…”

Not mercy for the enemy.

Fu Hua Shangxian, she is a love for a “child” who has just been born.

Since the birth of the lawyer, all that has been received has been denied and has never received true “love”.

This made Fu Hua an immortal, especially pitiful treasure.


But everyone in the classroom….

They were all still silent in the video just now.

As a teacher, Lin Hao also suddenly spoke.

“So, students….

You’ve all finished watching the video just now, right?

So, teacher, I’m going to start the next video ~~~”

Lin Hao, who had prepared the video early, was already eager to start playing the next video.

Because he knows very well…

The next video is a rich and colorful stroke in the history of “Honkai III”!


And listened to Teacher Lin Hao’s initiative to speak.

Kiana, she also immediately echoed.

“It’s already ready, let’s start playing the video, Teacher Lin Hao.”

I can’t wait to find out….

The next video, which Valkyrie’s black history! ”

Kiana at this moment, she still doesn’t know…

The video that is about to be released has a great relationship with himself.

It can even be said that that is her black history!


As for Bronia, Raiden Bud Yi and Fu Hua Shangxian.

The three of them also showed an expectant expression.

Although it is said … The video just now made them a little sad.

But the final ending is particularly satisfying.

If it is such a “black history”, they are willing to watch more!


In the world of “Three Jumps”, different timelines, different locations, under the expectant gaze of countless audiences.


In the middle of the already dim screen.

The hot gold eye-catching introductory words resurfaced.

[When all the collapse energy begins to converge …….].

[Sleeping consciousness, begin to awaken. 】

[Control space, rule everything! ] 】

[With absolutely invincible power, the king is here! ] 】

[The vision of the sky announces the return of the queen! ] 】

[Void Command, Time of Judgment!!! 】

The introduction words of the character this time have undoubtedly reached the peak in terms of pressing.

I can clearly feel it….

This role, the horror level is definitely not ordinary!


Beyond the light curtain, on one side of the moon.

Look at such descriptors ….

The “puffer fish lawyer” doesn’t even need to think.

She was already able to judge…

The next person to appear is definitely himself.

After all, they are already directly referring to “space” and “domination”.

What’s more, the introductory words are so high.

Who else has such qualifications besides herself, the “queen”?


But alas, the protagonist of the next video.

Still not Celine….


It should be said that the protagonist of the next video is Celine, but it is not.

After all….

In the future, she made a wish to start all over again, praying for a different beginning.

Kiana was born in response to this wish, and she was the “other chance” that Celine longed for.

She and the Void Law are two souls born from Celine’s wishes.

They share Celine’s feelings and memories, but they take very different paths.

And Kiana awakens to become the “Law of Emptiness”.

It was indeed the “return of the Queen”.

At the same time, it can also be said that it is the return of Celine!


On the other side, in the office of the dean of St. Freya College.

Look at such introductory words….

Teresa and Limitless Tarakiko, the expressions of both of them also became tricky and nervous.

Because they can also tell from the introductory words who the protagonist of the next video is.

I saw Teresa, she clenched her silver teeth, and said with a particularly worried heart in her heart.

“Abominable……. Such an introductory word, is it that guy?

But isn’t she already being treated by us….?

Could it be Otto.

Did he use the Cyline gene in Kiana’s body to successfully bring the Void Law back to come? ”

Teresa felt extremely worried about this former “six-core drive”.


As for the immeasurable Tajiko who was by Teresa’s side.

She was actually relatively silent.

Even, she took out the cigarette case again and began to smoke one.

Although the video has not yet begun.

But in her depths, there was a feeling of grief…

PS: The climax plot is ready, dear reader dads. The data is cast, and the little author immediately updates it!!!

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