Chapter 0086 – At this moment, the Law of Flame has descended!!!!!

“Oh, isn’t that the same law of reason before?”

They are already injured like this, and they are still insisting on fighting.

It seems that the relationship between her and Kiana must be very good.

Even…… This can be seen from the statement she has just made.

Bronia, she knows Kiana quite well ~~~” outside the video.

In that special space of the familiar ‘Paradise of the Past’.

Watching just now, Bronia used her last strength to help Kiana solve the danger.

Alicia, she also made a funny voice.

She is very concerned about the friendship between Kiana and Bronia.


This feeling made her feel familiar.

I saw the corners of Alicia’s mouth, and continued to rise slightly.

“But, it seems… Bronia and Kiana, they are not very good friends in getting along, but similar to me and Mebius ~~”

That’s right!

It’s like what Alicia said.

Kiana and Bronia, their daily life is to talk to each other. Although they said that they were talking to each other, they had nothing to say about their feelings.

And in the last era of civilization…

Alicia also gets along very poorly with the other Thirteen Yingyi.

That is Mebius.

But it’s the same as the relationship between Bronia and Kiana.

Although Alicia and Mebius, the two of them did not deal with it very well.

But in each other’s hearts, everyone occupies a rather important position.

“And there is… Bronia entrusted her lawyer core to Kiana, didn’t she? Then I probably know what is going on with the so-called law of salary! ”

In the pre-civilizational era, the core lawyer of the plural law does not seem to appear much.

So, after hearing it!

After the name of the “Wage Lawr”. Even Alicia felt a little puzzled. But now, she knows the answer.

As for the other side, in Lin Hao’s classroom.

Looking at Bronia in the video, even if she is seriously injured, she still has to use her last strength to help herself and speak for herself.

Kiana, she was actually very touched in her heart.

But after all, a tsundere…

Therefore, Kiana does not directly and clearly say thank you lines.

I saw her hands crossed in front of her chest, and said reluctantly.

“Hmph… Hum!

It’s not bad, although it’s not as strong as Miss Ben.

But at least it can help me a little! ”

The tsundere ‘paramecium’ expressed his gratitude in a special way.

However, look at such Kiana.

Bronia, who was sitting next to her, also shot back at the other party and said.

“Because the only person in the video who can continue to fight is Kiana.

That’s why I’ll help you…”

Bronia is not as arrogant as Kiana.

It’s just that she likes to tease this single-celled ‘paramecium’.

Go back to the light curtain, back to the video.

Bronia used her last strength to entrust her ‘Rational Law Core to Kiana’.

And at this moment!

Kiana, she also felt Bronia’s determination and belief! Her expression became more determined.


Above her left pupil, an orange glow lit up, as well as a sign of locking onto enemies.

She raised her left hand, and Bronia appeared beside Kiana in a fantasy-like way.

The two make an attacking motion together.

In the blink of an eye…

Countless blue floating cannons were constructed.

This is the power of the ‘Law of Reason’.

After getting the ‘Rational Law Core Core’, Kiana can use this power freely!

These numerous floating cannons, in circles and circles, surrounded the entire ‘theater’ of the Thousand Man Lawyers.

“Fire!!! x2。 ”

The voices of Kiana and Bronia sounded at the same time.




Countless powerful blue lasers bloomed instantly.


With a violent roar, it exploded.

The entire venue was filled with flames and smoke, and even this space became crumbling!

This is…

The power of Kiana and Bronia together!

Outside the video, in the office of the dean of St. Freya College.

Looking at Bronia and Kiana, the two of them joined forces to fight.

Teresa was quite moved and gratified in her heart.

“Those two children… In peacetime, when the academy simulates battles, the cooperation is a mess.

Didn’t expect that in the future world.

The two of them combined and could burst out with such a level of power.

Those kids… It really is the hope of the future! ”

Teresa knew that the world of the future would need Kiana and a few of them.

But Teresa couldn’t bear to let the children go through the pain.

Tangled emotions may be the most uncomfortable.

On the side of Infinite Tajizi, her mood has always been so calm.

There was even a little excitement.

“Aha, I knew from the beginning…”

On the surface, they are incompatible, but in their hearts, they attach great importance to each other, but more importantly, Kiana should not just be here!

Limitless Ta Himeko, she has an intuition.

Kiana, she can continue to become stronger and continue to move forward!……

Also, in the more mysterious space of the ‘Quantum Sea’

A girl named Xi’er…

After she saw the picture of her sister Bronia fighting side by side with her friends, Xi’er’s expression became relieved again.

“Sister Bronia’s friends are very nice. Everyone helps each other and saves each other.

Ciel… Xi’er also wants to fight with Sister Bronia…”

Maybe it’s because of a little influence of ‘Ri’s personality’.

Xi’er actually became envious of others.

But maybe this is just the expression of Gexier’s own thoughts…

Once again, I shifted my vision back to the video.

Although it is said…

Just now, with the help of Bronia, and the power provided by the ‘Core of the Law of Reason’.

Kiana has caused great harm to the Thousand Laws.

But this alone is not enough.

When the billowing smoke and hot fireworks disperse.




This ‘theater of domination’ of the Thousand Men began to change, and the walls were all raised.

It was suspended in mid-air.

Here, it became an open-air battlefield…

At the same time, after completing the blow just now. Kiana also appears in a completely new image… Long hair scattered, tied into a high ponytail.

The pupil moment both blue glow.

It confirms the sentence in the introductory statement.

“Bronia erected for her, reforged the broken sword!”

Looking at the changes in the battlefield, Kiana was equally aware… The real showdown starts here!

The huge puppet began to wave its right hand.

Several huge stone pillars began to rush towards Kiana in the center of the theater.




A continuous roar sounds!

Although the attack method is simple, the destructive power caused by such a huge stone pillar is also quite huge!

Under that roar…

Kiana, she is completely ‘buried’ in it.

But just when the giant puppet thought it had won the battle.

A red feather slowly fell in front of it.

Fu Hua Shangxian’s voice also echoed in the ears of the audience.

“She changed me, changed a lot of people… In the future, she will change more people… I want to witness that day come. ”


The giant puppet seemed to react to something.

It jerked its head up…

Above the sky, there is a cloud of red feathers.

In that pink light, these feathers burst out.

Kiana also appeared from it, and the attack of the Thousand Men Law just now did not affect her.

I saw that she was at the fastest speed and began to fall towards the huge doll, and at the same time…

On top of the great sword in her hand, there was another red gem.

That’s the ‘core of the law of knowledge’!

Kiana clenched her sword and was about to attack the giant puppet from top to bottom.


On Kiana’s side, the phantom of Fuhua Shangxian also appeared.

This time, it was also the move of the two of them joining forces!

“So, we won’t… 내Walking here!!!!! X2 Kiana and Fu Hua, both of them made a sound at the same time.

It’s like a shooting star burning with flames.

Kiana ‘falls’ towards the giant doll…

But this huge puppet, that is, the man who does the law.

It’s not a fool either… It couldn’t just stand there and wait for Kiana to arrive.

Summoning countless huge palms, it tried to block 370 Kiana’s advance in this way.

But alas…

In front of Kiana, who has three legal cores, such efforts are in vain.



Those huge palms, under the burning flames, all cracked into pieces.

But just as Kiana was about to succeed.




More, bigger palms hold Kiana in the ‘palm’.

Her progress was finally forced to stop!

The sharp, seeping voice of the Thousand Men Law came again.

“Your ideals cannot be realized… This world is never beautiful! ”

When he said this, the voice of the man who did it was slightly crying.

No one knows what exactly this means.

At this moment, Kiana, she is still under the palm of the huge doll.

But in her heart, she still did not give up.

Listen to the other person’s painful and deny the only lines.

Kiana retorted through gritted teeth.

“It’s not!!!!!”

Under Kiana’s cry.



Above the sky, an incomparably hot fierce flame actually erupted.

Those huge palms condensed by the Thousand Laws were all annihilated under this flame.

In the midst of that flame… A blurry figure slowly appeared

The great sword flashed its last flash, gathering a total of four shells.

Kiana, she appeared in front of the audience’s field of vision with a new attitude, and the original ‘Valkyrie Bai Lian’ was completely replaced.

It was replaced with a lighter and more combat-friendly dress, white on the outside and red on the inside, like a blazing flame, and white over-the-knee socks under the feet.

There is extra armor on the hand, and the cloak on the back flutters in the wind.

The ponytail is tied high, the eyes are extremely determined, and the pupils shine with a blue light like a jewel.

Just like in the introductory words at the beginning of the video…

Bronia erected the sword for her, reforging the broken sword; Fu Hua put on her gauntlets and armor; Himeko draped her cape and showed her the way.

Gathering the four Legalist Cores, Kiana completed her transformation… At this moment, the Law of Flame has descended!!!

PS: a little bit later than yesterday update.

But the lack is definitely not lacking, continue to liver up and rush!!!

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