Chapter 0091: Bud Yi: Resurrection, My Alicia!!!

Outside the light curtain, inside the special data space of the ‘promised land of the past’

Looking at the video, the future self has fallen into such a disadvantage.

Alicia’s brows, that was finally a slight frown.

“Ah la la ~ ~ In the promised land, I was actually suppressed by this outsider.”

It seems that he is a very special existence in Leby.

It’s almost inherently restrained to data bodies.


The curtain call of the heroes will not be completed in such a tragic way~~

Although Alicia, she feels a sense of crisis from the ‘Law of Erosion’.

However, she did not feel that she would lose to this lawyer.

Especially in the world of the Promised Land.

Because of its own nature, the Law of Erosion is the existence of all the data bodies and memories of Tianke in the world of the ‘Promised Land’.

But it is also precisely because the battlefield is this ‘promised land’.


Here, Alicia will definitely not lose!

Because this is the ‘promised land’ of Alicia and Yingji!……

Continue back to the light curtain, the video is still playing.

And now the Law of Erosion, she has indeed succeeded in completely suppressing Alicia.

“Spread down, spread… Fill every corner of the world!

I won’t lose to you, it won’t end here! ”

While making a declaration, the Law Eclipser manipulated the cables of this world, lifting Alicia to his face.

The scarlet eyeball in the screen reflected Alicia’s body a little red.

“This is… My will! I will…… Forever! ”

After the end of the declaration of the Law of Ecroachment.

Alicia’s body completely turned into countless garbled characters and disappeared into the ‘promised land’.

There is no way…

Any data body, memory 09 body, is a powerless existence in the face of the Law of Erosion.

The victory of the lawbreaker is almost inevitable!……

When Alicia is over, after disappearing.

Her data, her memory, turned into countless zeros and 1s that returned to the database.

Go back to the pile of numbers without question.

In the light curtain, the picture is replaced with an old-fashioned small broken computer.

It is written in white and small…

100% goodbye, [Alicia].


Outside the light curtain, in the headquarters of ‘Destiny’.

Inside the ‘Promised Land’, the memory named Alicia disappeared.

At this time, Otto only showed an interesting expression.

Because for him…

Alicia is just a pre-civilizational existence, nothing more.

“It seems that even the technology of the pre-civilization era still has the Fu Qi…

When facing the lawyer, victory may not always be guaranteed.

This video also surprised me a little, the protagonist actually failed?

But it seems that the progress bar of the video is still a little, and you can look forward to it a little…”

The outcome is either winning or losing.

For Otto, there is nothing to say.

Otto, he just wanted to get the information he needed through these videos.

Best…… There is information about the resurrection of Kalien…

It was in Lin Hao’s classroom.

Looking at the memory called ‘Alicia’, it completely disappeared into the ‘Promised Land’.

Raiden Bud Yi, who had already stood up from the chair.

Once again, she let out a loud cry.


The voice can be said to be heart-wrenching, or it can be said to be extremely sad.

Although there is no real contact yet.

But through these continuously played videos, Raiden Bud Yi also knows how deep the relationship between her future self and Alicia is.

Even with…

Now, Raiden Bud Yi has already sensed Alicia’s presence.

But, in the world of the future.

Alicia has disappeared even the only memory kept in the Promised Land?

That’s why in the previous video.

Will Alicia say that she herself is alive in the heart and memory of Raiden Bud Yi?

Raiden Bud Yi, she can’t accept such an ending…

Kiana and Bronia beside Raiden Bud.

When the two of them saw their friend, they showed such a painful expression.

There is no doubt about it…

They both want to comfort each other.

But in such a situation, what exactly should be said? Kiana and Bronia had no answer in their hearts.

So, they didn’t speak.

It’s just that…… They also accompanied Raiden Bud Yi to grieve together.

But at this time, Fu Hua, who has always been disgusted with inserting topics.

She said calmly in her voice…

“You guys, don’t worry so much and be in a hurry. The video also has a half-progress bar.

Other words……

Alicia’s story is not over yet…”

Listen to Fu Hua Shangxian’s words.

Everyone finally reacted, as if this was really the case! It’s just, emotions are such a thing.

In a short period of time, it is still difficult to adjust back.

But at least to be able to confirm… Alicia’s story is not over.

Raiden Bud Yi, her extremely painful and worried emotions also got a certain degree of link.

If you let the current thunder bud clothes shout loudly.

“Resurrection, my Alicia!”

It is estimated that her mood may be much better.

Keep looking back at the screen.

Picture…… Still stuck in that can only show black and white

The shabby old TV stopped on the text announcing the successful deletion of [Alicia’s] memory.

However, after a few seconds.

On this old shabby TV, a new white text has reappeared.


[I’ve got to disappoint you…] Next second!

The old shabby TV began to turn red instantly.

Countless garbled characters above began to appear, as if there was a loophole, it was invaded, and it fell into the contradiction of logic.

In the black and white data world with only 0s and 1s. Countless 0s and 1s began to gather together quickly. These data are like a magic brush.

Re-depicted, outlined Alicia’s lines…

“The curtain call of the heroes must be grand and magnificent.

It’s just that you and I are alone… Obviously a little lonely.

Are you right?

My good Eden…”

With Alicia’s voice just fell.

In this black-and-white world of data.

He has long burgundy hair and a dark blonde hair ornament, and his appearance is extremely attractive and elegant.

A woman in a long black and red dress with a pink diamond-shaped gemstone on her chest.

She appeared in front of Alicia.

The woman’s name is Eden, and she is one of the ‘thirteen heroes’ of the pre-civilizational era.

At the same time, she is also Alicia’s best friend.

Not one! Eden took Alicia’s right hand.

“That’s right, Ellie… Let me get started, The Last Prom. ”

Eden responds to Alicia’s words and grabs her and begins to leave the black-and-white data space, which is only 0s and 1s.

The golden light reflected on Alicia’s body.

The pink light also shone brightly.

Alicia, she’s done!


“As a result, I still want to pull everyone together~~”

But, right at this time.

Behind Alicia’s back…

It was the woman’s voice that came.

Once there was an appearance, also one of the ‘Thirteen Heroes’, Mebius.

She appeared behind Alicia.

Listening to this familiar voice, Alicia also turned around.

Mebius continued to laugh and spoke to Alicia.

“That’s why I hate you so much, Alicia.”

Although Mebius was saying words that hated Alicia.


From the tone, he did not feel the slightest feeling of disgust.

The outside of the light curtain is in the ‘promised land of the past’ in different timelines.

Looking at the ‘resurrection’ of his future self, there are also the successive appearances of Eden and Mebius.

Alicia, she herself showed a smile of relief.

“Eden, she’s really my best friend…

That guy in Mebius is still so arrogant. But it doesn’t matter, everyone is my best friend.

The story of the heroes is not so simple~~

The end of the heroes must also be grand and magnificent! ”

When Alicia said the last sentence, her tone became particularly firm.

It can be seen that…

How much she cares about ‘Thirteen Yingyi’ and ‘Promised Land’.

On the other side, in the headquarters of the World Serpent.

Looking at the video, Alicia’s memory is complete!

“Resurrection”. Kevin, his expression remained unchanged.

Because of such a situation, he expected it.

Not for any other reason.

It’s just that…… He believed in Alicia.

Just like back then, he believed Alicia’s words, so he attended the ‘banquet’ she led.

“It’s almost, it’s almost over…”

Kevin, he made such a sound.

He knows…… This battle is almost over

Although it is said that the ‘Law of Erosion’ Tianke memory, data body. But Kevin knew, when Alicia got serious.

The battle can almost be declared over.

In the different timelines of ‘Three Jumps’, in different places, countless audiences.

Their shocked, surprised, surprised eyes.

Shift the field of view back to the screen.

As soon as Mebius’s voice fell, she turned into a green light and appeared in front of Alicia.

And Alicia, she also squeezed the light in her hand with a smile.

“Hmm~~You’re obviously very happy~~”

Saying that, Alicia threw out the light in her hand.

The glow immediately turns into a pink, petal-shaped, surfboard-like existence.

Raising a pink wave, Alicia headed for the depths of the data.


The more interesting opinion thing is…

The picture of the video, along with the appearance of these ‘heroes’ one after another, the clarity is still improved.

Perhaps, this is also one of the details.

Because of Alicia’s ‘resurrection’…

She is through the heroes in the ‘Promised Land’.

They reinvented it through their own memories of Alicia.

This is everyone’s memory, everyone’s strength!

Therefore, this video will also accompany the appearance of the heroes one after another, and the clarity will slowly improve.

But from here, another detail can also be seen.

That is, the bond between Alicia and the ‘Thirteen Yingqi’.

This battle starts all over again!

Just like the introductory words before the video starts… The end of the heroes must be grand and magnificent!!!

PS: It’s a little later than usual, and the little author is struggling to burst the liver to accelerate!!! Try to take out the third chapter before 9 o’clock, rush and rush up!!!

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