Chapter 0099 – Otto: The world with you is enough, Karin…!!

“It’s really exaggerated faith and affection…

It is clear that his body has completely exceeded the limit.

It can even be said that he was still able to act.

It is completely because of excessive willpower ~ stronger reasons.


After suffering such a sneak attack, his body was broken to that point, but he could still fight…

Sweep away all the enemies that stand in your way! Otto, this man.

His feelings for the loved one in his heart are too exaggerated.

However, this is also why I like human beings~~~”

Outside the video, inside the special space called ‘Paradise of the Past’

Looking at Otto in the video, he actually exceeded the limit again and called for a miracle.

Miss Pink Goblin, she had to make a shocking sound. She was really deeply shocked by Otto’s affection.


Human emotions are contradictory but ugly.

However, there is also a good and glorious side!

In order to achieve his goal, Otto committed countless crimes, uncompromising means, cold-blooded and ruthless.


For the sake of the loved ones in his heart, he is willing to give everything, sacrifice everything, do everything he can, and surpass everything!

Ugly and beautiful, at the same time fully reflected in Otto’s body.

Any person’s emotions are contradictory.

There is a good side, but also an ugly stain.

And Alicia, who is deeply aware of this, will deeply love the human “group.”

On the other side, in the headquarters of the World Serpent.

Looking at Otto, he went beyond the limits and overcame all the difficulties.

He did everything he could for the sake of the people in his heart.

Kevin, for the first time, has such respect for people in the future era of civilization.

“Otto, judging by his attitude towards the people he loves. He can indeed be respected.

His love transcends all!

Even for love, he can say everything that is impossible! ”

In Kevin’s understanding and cognition…

The word “love” has a very deep meaning.

In the last era of civilization, if not for the love of ‘Dr. Mei’.

He will not join the ‘Moth of Fire’, let alone become the ‘Thirteen Yingqi’, nor will he become the hero of ‘Salvation’!

Kevin’s love for ‘Dr. Mei’ makes him incredibly powerful! At the same time, this kind of love also made him extremely determined!


Love is the greatest emotion in the world…

In the three worlds of Honkai, different times, different places, countless audiences. Their moving, shocked, and expectant gazes were under their gaze.

The video continues to play.

When Otto released a rush of golden energy.

His inner monologue also sounded.

“Once a person’s soul is gone, he cannot return to the ox. The world allows consciousness to match new containers.

but does not allow the container to collect the dissipated consciousness…”

Here, Otto speaks to the essence of this world.

When a person dies, he cannot be resurrected.

Perhaps a whole new consciousness can be injected into the dead body (container).


It is completely impossible to collect the consciousness of a dead person and return to its original body (container).

Realizing this, Otto knew that it was impossible to resurrect Kalien.

But…… Although it is not possible to truly resurrect Kalien.

But Otto, he found a new way to save Kalien…

While speaking, the golden energy rush was released.

The Broken Beast just now also completely dissipated in the air.

After clearing all the obstacles…

Now, finally, there is nothing to stop Otto from ‘resurrecting’ the loved one in his heart.

Drop the golden square used for battle, and the void is hidden.

He continued to walk towards the ‘big tree’ that shone with golden light…

As Otto moved forward, his inner monologue continued to sound.

“Wanting to save the only her… I can only create new possibilities in the past. ”

While speaking, Otto continued to imitate the Heavenly Fire Saint Cut from his hand.

And go in the direction of the tree of imaginary numbers.

(It is worthy of official certification, pure love sword)

The character song “Regression” belonging to Otto also continues to echo.


There are many dreams, but the awake reality is only All—the—rest—will—be—torn—upwhenever—a—choice—is-made

Choose one and the rest will cease to exist, Every—living—soul—in—the—fray—striving—for—their—own—safe-place

All beings are disturbed, and there is a place of peace within them


The epitaph is too short, the life is too long, just—a—drop—of—water—suffices

One drop of water is enough


It is enveloped by the universe, it is swallowed by heaven and earth Back-to-the-source Fallen leaves return to its roots]…

In the midst of that tune, Otto slowly touched his right hand on the top of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.

With the touch of Otto’s right hand… Soon!

On top of that golden glowing tree, a new branch stretched out, and this was not the birth of a new world.

Instead, from a past time and space, a new possibility was born!

Outside the video, in Lin Hao’s classroom.

Looking at Otto in the video, he made the Tree of Imaginary Numbers grow new branches.

The gold glows and is particularly gorgeous.

However, Kiana could not understand Otto’s actions.

“Good, nice big tree…

However, Otto finally came into contact with the glowing tree.

But this big tree is just growing new branches, as if nothing else has happened? ”

For Kiana in this timeline.

The two existences of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the Sea of Quantums are still a little too advanced.

She couldn’t even understand the meaning and nature of the existence of these things…

On the other hand, she is much calmer than Kiana.


She didn’t know what Otto’s action meant.

However, Raiden Bud Yi knows.

At this point, Otto is infinitely close to success.

“Yes, it should only be the last step…

Otto, he actually really succeeded.

It was only a little bit of the last little bit before the return of the one he loved, a little bit! ”

The feeling of lightning bud clothes is very correct.

Otto, he’s really only a little bit closer.

But this last little bit may require his life.

On the other side, in that familiar special space of ‘Paradise of the Past’. Looking at Otto in the video, he made the Tree of Imaginary Numbers grow new branches.

Alicia also nodded in confirmation.

Otto’s approach was pretty much what she had predicted.

“Sure enough…

The growth of new branches means that a new possibility can arise.

Otto, he didn’t create a world with Kalien.

Instead, he let the world of 500 years ago extend another possibility that Karen is still alive…”

Once again, Alicia was struck by Otto’s affection.

He didn’t expect that he could think of such a long-term way for the sake of his loved ones!

As for being among the most important ‘Mandate Headquarters’.

Looking at my future self, I finally came to this point.

Otto, he also showed a relieved expression.

“Finally, finally, it worked.”

“The long years are like countless calculations like a river of stars. All the price I was able to pay, countless evil deeds.

But all of this is valuable and meaningful.


I can create a world of possibilities where she is still alive! ”

Otto does not regret the evil deeds he committed.

At the same time, he doesn’t think he can end well.

Even…… He fell into that boundless hell, and it didn’t matter if he was tortured.

Because he did, he truly ‘resurrected’ Kalien.

Just do it, it’s enough!

In the three worlds of Honkai, countless audiences showed expressions of admiration at this time.

Otto’s persistence, hard work, and love! Won everyone’s respect.

Maybe everyone will not forgive this guy who has committed countless crimes.

But everyone will respect his great, selfless, affectionate share of Kalien… Love!

Go back to the light curtain, back to the video.

Along with Otto, he made the Tree of Imaginary Numbers grow new branches.

The monologue in his heart echoed in everyone’s minds again.

“This other future… It will be, her moment. ”

With Otto’s voice just fell.

The screen switches to the moment when Karen was just pierced by the Honkai Beast 500 years ago.

All at once!

The world seems to be affected by a mysterious force.

The time of the whole world has been stopped!

A golden force field appeared over the city, enveloping the city inside.

And then……

Countless cracks began to appear in this force field.


Finally, in that crisp sound.

The force field shattered and Otto fell from the sky.

At this moment, his life has come to the last moment…

On the other side, the spikes of the Broken Beast that had originally penetrated Kalien’s chest actually turned into golden light and disappeared.

The huge fatal wound on Kalien’s chest also disappeared.

With a surprised expression, Karen pushed away the broken beast that had turned into a wreckage.

Although she had no idea what was going on.

But Karen thinks that maybe it’s Otto’s help…?

PS: Five more ends, a bit procrastinating. But the little author wanted to write this story longer. It feels quite significant. Second only to Himeko’s “The Last Lesson”. After all, this is the opportunity that Otto has worked hard for countless years to finally get. When Otto dies, I’ll open a bottle of champagne.

Not to celebrate, but to leave him a big glass…

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