Chapter 0186: The [Legend] of the Later Collapse Duck Duck, His Driver’s License Has Been Suspended Many times?!!

In the three worlds of Honkai, countless people looked at the expressions of Funzi…

Finally, the title and introductory words on the light curtain slowly faded and disappeared.

The brightness of the screen, which should be dim, has also begun to increase.

Various colors are slowly rendered on it.

A new picture is presented in front of the audience’s vision.

This time, the story still takes place in a base street in the post-collapsed world.

The first step that appeared in the picture is, of course, the protagonist of this video.

From the future, the big duck duck after the collapse book.

I saw that she was leaning against the storage box next to the door.

Looking at her appearance, it was as if she was pondering something…

And at this time, the characters that had appeared before.

Adam, he also quickly came to the side of the Hou Collapse Big Duck.

The arrival of this junior was detected.

As a senior, Bronia, she naturally also inquired about the other party’s situation.

“Everything is normal, do you feel okay now?”

Listening to the concerned words of Bronia’s senior, Adam nodded as a matter of course.

“Much better…”

But for Adam’s situation, Bronia is still not very relieved.

“Whether it is [good luck] or [embodiment of potential], it is still unknown…”

It seems that Bronia in this timeline.

She doesn’t seem to recognize Adam’s abilities yet…

“But not becoming a dead soldier is already a blessing in misfortune.”

You know, in the worldview setting of “Honkai III”.

That pair of men, but full of malice all the time.

Most male avalanche adaptability is outrageously low! Light 10 turns into a “dead man” who exists like a ‘zombie’.

Heavy rules, it is estimated that it will be directly extinguished!

Only a very small number, such as Kevin’s [Kaslanna] family, have a high degree of adaptability to collapse while being male.

But for other ordinary men, that’s really dangerous.

It is precisely for this reason that Bronia thinks it is a good thing that Adam, the big boy, did not become a dead man.

But interestingly, when Bronia finished this sentence.

She was aware that Adam seemed to be looking at her with a curious and inquiring gaze.

It seems that the other party should have questions that they want to ask themselves.


Bronia, she also gave the other party such an opportunity to ask a question.

“What’s wrong?”

Listening to Captain Bronia, she took the initiative to give herself a chance to ask questions, then, Adam naturally had to grasp it.

I saw that he immediately asked.

“Captain Bronia is not quite the same as the legend…”

That’s right!!

In the worldview setting of the post-collapse book.

Those Valkyries who defeated [Honkai] back then, their exploits were also recorded and passed down.

Kiana, Bronia, and Raiden and others.

They are also rightfully regarded by those descendants of ‘Heaven’s Destiny’ as legendary heroic warriors who have saved the world!

Outside the light curtain, inside the office of the dean’s office at St. Freia’s College.

Listening to the video, Adam refers to Bronia as ‘legendary’.

Can’t help it, Teresa also revealed a shallow beauty.

“Haha~~~ I didn’t think about those children, they will not only grow up in the future.

He even became a hero in the mouths of other juniors.

In a sense, though, they are heroes.

At that age, there were countless pains and partings.

But despite this, they were not defeated.

Keep fighting [Honkai] until you defeat it! ”

For the children of Bronia, they will be called “legends” in the future. ”

Teresa, she’s quite happy.

After all……

She knew that these were the glory that belonged to those children!

On the other hand, in that familiar post-collapse world.

Inside the producer office of the familiar animation company E.T. Studio.

Also listening to the video, Adam’s name for his future self.

At this time, the big duck, but she only covered her face slightly.

Then, she said with some headache.

“After the Honkai matter was completely resolved…

Those newcomers in [Destiny], they always like to call our Valkyries who fought against Honkai [Legend].

But unfortunately, the so-called legends are not as mysterious as they think, nor are they so mythical.

It’s as if we also thought that [Thirteen Yingji] was such a great hero.

But in fact, everyone is just a group of much more powerful [weirdos]. ”


The big duck thinks, maybe it is because everyone is not [normal people]. Therefore, they can become and fight [Honkai] until they are completely defeated!

It was in Lin Hao’s classroom.

Bronia looking into the future is called [Legend].

Kiana, she also immediately showed a very yearning expression.

“Pass on… Legendary!!??

Could it be said that in the future, those of us Valkyries who have fought against Honkai can be called [legends]?

That’s pretty cool! ”

For Kiana, it is called [legend] by other juniors.

That’s so good that she can even brag about it for a lifetime! After all, she is more or less a part of [Celine] in her body.

She still has this characteristic of “inflation”.

Listen to Kiana’s happy look.

Bronia, who was sitting next to her, just gave her a blank look…

I feel that the other party is on a boring thing, and I am inexplicably excited.

As for Raiden Bud Yi’s words, she also pursed her lips and smiled gently.

But, after that smile…

Raiden Bud Yi’s expression became a little sad again.

Indeed, the world of post-collapsed books.

It is indeed everyone, the ideal of a beautiful world.

But it’s a pity that…

Raiden Bud Yi is in this world, but has lost the “most important person does not know, in that future world.” ”

Raiden Bud Yi, when will she be able to meet the most peaceful person again.


Under the expressions of everyone who were a little happy and happy and expectant. Once again, the field of vision was focused on the top of the light curtain.

The video continues to play…

Listening to the player in front of him, he called himself [Legendary Hero].

At this time, Bronia, she also said with some helplessness.

“[Legendary heroes]… The world really likes this statement.

It was and is now. ”

It seems that for this title, Bronia not only does not have any feelings, but even can feel a trace of displeasure.

Adam, who saw this, did not want to continue to ask about this.

“It’s a bit of an exaggeration.”

Following Captain Bronia’s tone, Adam said like this.

And listening to Adam’s words, Bronia nodded.

“After all, people always expect the drama of the story. But the truth… They are usually disappointed.

You are also a member of the special combat team, you should know this well, right? ”

The implication of Bronia’s words is obvious.

The so-called [legend], the so-called [hero]…

In fact, it is not so great, nor so sacred, nor so inaccessible.

Listening to Captain Bronia’s question, Adam nodded in approval.

“So that’s the case, I thought…”

This time, listen to Adam’s words and look at the other person’s expression again.

Bronia seemed to have sensed something.

“So, what is the [legend] you mentioned earlier? No, let’s call it [rumor].

It is inevitably strange to say that you are a legendary character. ”

Although Bronia doesn’t like to be called a “legendary hero”.

But she herself wanted to know…

In the eyes of the world, what kind of [legend] is he listening to Captain Bronia’s question, Adam is not easy to hide…

I saw that he slowly said the [legend].

“I have had my driver’s license revoked several times…”

As Adam’s voice just fell.


Bronia (Big Duck Duck), she showed the classic expression that is often shown on the Hyperion.

It seems that she also feels 453 to Xiangyi District for such a [legend].

But after Adam voiced the question.

Countless viewers in different locations and timelines in the three worlds of Honkai… They immediately burst into laughter.

Once the [Ghost Fire Girl], she was not only revoked her driver’s license in the future. Even, more than once.

It was multiple times, multiple times when my driver’s license was revoked.

That’s a lot of fun!!!

Outside the light curtain, in that special ‘Quantum Sea’ world.

Even if it is Xi’er who is best friends with Bronia.

At this time, she also had to show a somewhat speechless expression.

“Sister Bronia… She’s in the world of the future. Repeatedly, driver’s license was revoked!!??

This, what’s going on? ”

It’s hard to believe, although she has not yet ridden Bronia’s sister’s “motorcycle but Ciel, she has inexplicable confidence in Bronia’s driving skills.” ”

But now it seems that in the world of the future…

Bronia’s driving skills do not seem to be suitable for ordinary traffic rules and normal driving.

As for being in Lin Hao’s classroom.

Kiana, she pounded the table again and laughed.


Really, I want to be laughed to death by the future Bronia.

I have had my driver’s license revoked more than once.

Or have their driver’s license revoked many times…

This is really, really hilarious!

The so-called [Ghost Fire Girl] is actually not so powerful~~~”

While speaking, Kiana also approached Bronia’s side, as if to emphasize to her.

And listening to Kiana’s mockery, Bronia did not give the other party a response.

It’s just that…… She herself is wondering…

Why will my future self be revoked many times?

Bronia, she couldn’t figure it out.

But what she didn’t expect was even more unexpected.

Having her driver’s license revoked many times is just part of her [legend]…

PS: Today, still strive to impact the day of the five changes, try to rush!

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