[Servant: @流浪者, it turns out that you were the one who injured those two. 】

【Yae Miko: The golden feather on his chest, the things that happened on Yae Island back then, the heart of God I handed over, and his divinity, is he all...]

[Lei Movie: Well, that's what you think, this kid later erased his existence like King Dacishu. [

Dixia: The memories have been tampered with, and in the face of a person who knows nothing, this answer is really difficult to deal with. [

Candice: I can't say that, I can still infer one or two from some clues. [

Jean: Since Ah Hat is a wanderer, when he was broadcast last time, there was a question mark after his name, which made sense. [

Paimon: This empty uncle of option A should not refer to travelers, right? 】

【Empty: Hiss~~ Suddenly I had a bad premonition, this kind of thing seems to have happened in the first live broadcast. 】

【Kazuto Arataki: Wait a minute! 】 I remember that Miss Hina also had a question mark behind her name in that issue, could it be that Miss Hina still had a hidden identity? [

Coral Palace Xinhai: Let's see how the people in the answer space deal with this question, I think they will all use prop cards.

Xinhai is right, even Nasida and Dotore are not much sure about the second question, but judging from past experience, A and C are more likely.

After four live broadcasts, everyone already has a general understanding of what kind of problems will occur in the live broadcast room.

One of the rarest is undoubtedly the problem of another world.

But there are still a few people who see a lot of things.

Dotore: "Nanaba Silent Illumination Secret Lord, hehe, what a familiar name." "

Kamisato Ayato: In Inazuma's traditional drama, kokuba refers to someone who intends to steal a country, or who plays tricks.

Ellheisen: "A strange person is a person who is brightly dressed and behaves specially. And in the last video of Lord Kusakami played, his figure also appeared, and that mecha... Oblivion... Dadalia

: "In the Chinese of solstice, Scaramzi means coward, cowardly, and this is consistent with his desire to make the world forget him." Yelan

: "Skirmishers are also like a paraphrase, similar to the code name of your foolish executive, maybe before it was modified by the World Tree, this was his code name." "

The third question may seem like a large number of options, but as long as you can be sure that two of the names or code names are correct, then the correct answer is clear at a glance.

On the second question, all five groups of people used item cards!

The line of sight first came to the group of Nasida and Dotore.

The item cards they use are also old acquaintances, and 1 to 3 wrong answers are randomly removed.

After removing the CD options from the second question, the two filled in the A.

At this time, Dortorre suddenly spoke: "Aren't you afraid that in the end, because the score is too high, I will get an unexpected treasure?"

Nasida looked at Dortori seriously, "Sumi needs a reward in the live broadcast room at the moment, and if you do something that so many people are angry with, even if you get the reward, you will one day usher in a trial."

Dotore smiled, "Then wait and see." Not

long after Dortorre finished speaking, he heard a series of prompt sounds from the live broadcast indirectly!


At the same time, Kamisato Ayato also used item cards!

[Item card - Mind World launched successfully! ] 【

Mind World: Choose a group of contestants and steal his answers! 】

【PS: You can only steal the answer to one question~~】Ayato

decisively used her on the second question of Nasida's group!

A moment later, Hakujutsu and Ayato, who learned the result, immediately followed the steps of the grass god and chose A.

But when Bai Shu looked at the increasingly weird hot pot in front of him, he silently pushed the sauce he had mixed before aside.

And followed the advice of the live broadcast room and asked for a light food set.

When I tore open the packaging of the sandwich, I also heard a series of live room prompts.

"Huh? The wheel of fortune? "


The group of Ayaka Kamisato and Yura.

Kamisato Ayaka got up and said to Yura: "This item card of mine seems to be tailored for me, Yura, you wait a moment, I'll go back." "

[Ding! Item cards used successfully! 【

Challenge card - I can also cross the sea! 】 And faster! 【

Please cross the sea by freezing ice in three minutes, from Yaoguang Beach to the isolated island where the Phaseless Rock is located! 】

In the next second, Kamisato Ayaka was teleported to a beach in Yaoguang Beach.

"Such bright weather will inevitably make people a little sleepy, but it's good to just come and move."

Ayaka's then embarked on the challenge.

The moment the countdown begins!

Ayaka, on the other hand, uses the Izumi Ryu Shotstep to hide herself in the crushed ice and move at high speed on the surface of the water.


"Let's dance!"

From time to time, he also freezes the sea surface with Kamisato Ryu Ice Hua.

With Ayaka's efficiency, three minutes is more than enough.

【Ding! 【

Congratulations to Ayaka Kamisato for completing the challenge and getting a multiple-choice card! 】】【Congratulations to Ayaka Kamisato for completing the challenge and getting a multiple-choice card! 】 【

Multiple choice card: After use, you can choose two answers on a question, as long as one of them is the correct answer, it is counted as a correct answer! After

returning to the answer space, Ayaka used the multiple-choice card for the second question.

"When the wanderer was floating in the video, I saw the mark on the back of his neck, which is very similar to the general's ba wei, so option C is possible, as for the second option, what do you think of Yura?"

Ayaka smiled at Yura, who said slightly unnaturally, "Just choose A, because... Push down or something, ahem! In conclusion, travelers are the most likely! Well? Sound in the live room? "

[Congratulations on being hit by Fischer's prop card, the Wheel of Fortune of Yugsaron's Flame Explosion Technique!] 【

Effect: The difficulty will increase in the subsequent answering process! 】 】

Yura's eyes suddenly turned black!

Little is known about the Wanderer, and now it is more difficult?

"I made a note of this hatred!"

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