The video slowly begins with the girl's soft chanting.

A fire-chasing moth, flying in the wind and snow of the night.

Then the picture starts to blur, and when it becomes clear again, the camera is focused on a chessboard.

And the heart of the wind god and the rock god appeared in it!

At this time, a man with a majestic voice, with the same starry eyes as Dainsleb, and also covered half of his face with a mask, slowly said: "The sage thinks he knows everything, and I will only understand the morality behind those foolish deeds." "

On the unmanned chessboard, the white chess horse suddenly eats the black chess soldiers.

"The war situation, there is no so-called abandonment. Because for this chess game, 'checkmate'... It is not the end. The

fire-chasing moth also flew at this moment, landing on the black chess piece that had just fallen.

As the girl's chanting gradually increases, the camera enters a spacious palace hall.

The girl is lying on a coffin.

An old man wearing a high hat and holding a cane, with a look that matched the characteristics of the elven race, spoke: "We are gathered here today to commemorate our good companions.

"Her sacrifice deserves a half-day stoppage."

Opposite him is a rich man dressed in gorgeous clothes who gives people the feeling of hiding a knife in a smile.

"It is said that the turnover of the Northland Bank is blood, tears and wailing."

"But Mr. Ichi//Mr. Chang, your values are even more distorted than mine, a banker."

A young girl who looked very similar to Yura couldn't help but step forward after hearing the above two people's speeches.

Under those unique eyes, a light called danger flashed.

"Rosalind's fall in a strange land should be unimaginable to you rich businessmen who lack empathy and only find excuses to shrink in the winter."

"In that case, keep your mouth shut, otherwise the children will cry."

Behind her, Dadalia, who was sitting in the chair, waved her hand, "Hey~~ Even I feel that this is not the right occasion for 'fighting'." After

Dadalia finished speaking, the rhythm of the background music also entered a passionate moment!

A dressed girl who was supported by a huge puppet just said "ridiculous" with disdain for the previous speeches, and stopped speaking.

Next to the girl stood a tall man with his entire face buried under a metal helmet.

"Despite the glorious defilement of the means, Loefat's sacrifice remains deplorable."

"But what about Dortore, 'Scaramsey' and Inazuma's God Heart?"

Faced with the questioning, Dotore shook the container in his hand and replied unhurriedly: "Common sense in the world thinks that 'divine gnosis' is divine knowledge that reason cannot understand.

"After conquering the 'gaze of God,' he will take a new step."

After the Doctor's seemingly non-answering speech, accompanied by solemn music, the suspected Canrea remnant who appears at the beginning of the video emerges from the darkness.

Seeing his appearance, everyone immediately stopped arguing and stood quietly in front of the coffin, silently mourning the deceased.

"The foolish drama of the night should be over, you have no audience at this moment, and all the noble sacrifices will be engraved on the solid ice and live forever with the country!"

"Under the command of the noble Ice Queen, we will take the authority of the gods..." The

rousing music came to an end, and the video picture turned a familiar black.

But just when everyone thought that the video had ended, the camera came to the outside of the palace.

Under the beautiful aurora in the sky, the entire palace was instantly frozen by the glowing solid ice.

The girl's soft chant also sounded again.

"Absolute stability, this is the Empress's gift, this is the Empress's kindness."

"Though you are buried in this coffin, you are buried in the heavy ice."

"But, Rosalind, I promise you... Your coffin will be the whole 'old world'. "

The fire-chasing moth landed on the coffin, and after a moment, it suddenly turned into a raging fire, as if in response to the words 'old world'.

The video screen turns black again, but the sound of a conversation between Dotore and a young girl sounds.

"Doctor, you look very young today."

"You know, that's not a flattery to me."

"Where is the slice from its heyday?"

"Huh~ in a ... In the midst of experiments on 'blasphemy'. As

soon as Dortore's voice fell, the video lit up again.

The figure of Dortori appeared in the space of the World Tree.

And the world tree is burning at this moment.

Just when everyone in the live broadcast room was surprised, they heard Collet's exclamation, as if he was suddenly awakened in his sleep.

When Collet was stunned, a voice came, "Collet, go patrol the forest."

"Got it, Master Tinari."

But Collet was still thinking about the picture just now, "That one just now was..."

The video "Winter Night Fool" is over! 】

Yelan in the answer space used the screenshot function of the live broadcast room to capture a large number of pictures in this video.

Yelan found out the photo of Dadalia's appearance, pointed to the photo and said to him: "The person in the photo, is it you?"

"Of course it's me."

"Can you tell me about your colleagues?" Maybe it will be helpful for subsequent answers.

"Hahaha~~ Then wait until you encounter this kind of problem."

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