[Hokuto: This hair named Niwa is brown with red dye, and that kid from Manya also has a handful of red hair and pigtails, shouldn't you have any relatives before? ] [

Lisa: It turns out that the name of the strange person came from this, but the wanderer at this time is really 'pure'. [

Xingqiu: However, he was able to join the fools later, and even became an executive officer, he must have experienced a major change in his life, which led to a major turning point in his life. 】

【Coral Miya Shinkai: It should be the incident of stepping on the sand back then, but this incident is not a major event in the history of Inazuma. [

Tinaly: The video specifically mentions this Fontaine mechanic, so his 'scene' must not be less, so continue to watch it first. "

I am Escher, the mechanic of Fontaine, as long as I use our new technology from Fontaine, then the forging level of Fontaine sand will definitely be improved."

After the use of the new technology, as Escher said, the yield and processing efficiency of the 'material' have been greatly improved.

The workers in the sand are all rolling up their sleeves and working hard.

Batches of well-made weapons were sent to Inazuma.

But the good times did not last long.

"Imperial Opinion! There was an abnormality in the large furnace in the center, and suddenly a lot of black smoke came out! "

All the craftsmen who inhaled these black smokes, without exception, developed symptoms such as coughing, vomiting blood, mental trance, etc., and some even lost their lives because of this.

What's even more frightening is that now even the furnace is inaccessible, let alone close it.

Niwa Hisashihide realized the seriousness of the matter, "If something so big happens, I can only ask for help from Lord Shogun." "

None of the people who came to Inazuma Castle to ask for help came back, including Miyazaki, a friend of the Wondermaker!

They don't know that it is exactly this year that Ray Movie made the perfect doll and left everything to General Raiden, and she herself entered the pure land to pursue her eternity.

The picture suddenly turns, and the curious person looks anxiously on a rainy day full of thunderstorms, driving a small boat towards Inazuma Castle.

In front of the castle tower, "Please, I have an urgent matter to see Lord General!" "

Go, go, go! Lord General doesn't have time to see a hairy child like you. "

Something happened to Tamasa! A lot of people died! "

Nonsense! The stepping sand is very stable, and the output of weapons during this period has greatly increased! If you recreate rumors, you're welcome! Repeated

requests were fruitless, so the one who was curious had to take out the golden feather and ask for an audience with Yae Miko instead.

As soon as the Son of God saw this golden feather, he immediately rushed over.

"I know the situation you said, I will send someone to deal with this matter immediately, don't worry."

But she is also busy assisting the 'Eternal Guardian' right now, and the things on her hands have already piled up.

After keeping the matter of stepping on the sand in his heart, he dropped a word of assurance and left in a hurry.

But looking at the back of Yae Miko's rapid departure, the heart of the wonder gradually became desperate.

Losing all patience, the Wonderers returned to Tatarasa with the desperation that the shogunate had given up on them.

Immediately after his return, 'Escher' came with several knife makers and handed him a device.

"Niwa Hisashi saw the situation expand, knew that he had failed his duty, and was afraid of being implicated, so he had already absconded overnight with his family in fear of crime."

The strange person suddenly heard the news and was extremely shocked.

He couldn't believe that the gentle and responsible Niwa would do such a thing as absconding!

Just as the seeker was in a trance, 'Escher' handed him something.

"This device was found in his house, and judging from Niwa's book, it was something he specially left for you, saying that it has the power of purification."

After 'Escher' finished speaking, the craftsmen he brought with him also spoke: "You are not human anyway, just take this thing and turn off the central furnace."

"That's right, it's just a doll, it's just a replacement part if it's broken."

Hearing these words, the fascinator only felt that the world was spinning for a while.

At this moment, he seemed to have become an outlier, as if he had been thrown back into the Borrowed Scenery Pavilion.

"Needless to say, I'll go." The Wonder took the device and walked without looking back towards the furnace that emitted a large amount of black smoke.

The death of the shogunate, the flight of his friends, and the ruthlessness of the former swordsmen all made him feel cold, and even the blazing heat of the furnace did not matter to him.

In the end, at the cost of burning ten fingers, the Wonder turned off the red-burning furnace.

When he came out, he immediately asked Escher, "What's inside this device?" Why do you protect me from contamination? '

Escher' smiled, "Just open it and take a look." The

Wonder One opened the device with his mutilated palm.

And what is inside....

It is a heart that has withered.

"This heart, but Niwa dug out an innocent person and specially gave you a gift."

Hearing this, the whole person of the wonder looked at this heart like a lightning strike.

He has always longed to have a heart of his own like a human being, and Niwa has comforted him many times for this.

But he never expected that this wish would be presented to him in such a cruel way.

The strange person slammed this heart to the ground, and various emotions such as hypocrisy, betrayal, and sadness instantly surged into his heart.

And the video also ended in the back of him leaving the stepping sand!


【Ding! The video is complete! 【

Please answer the following two questions within ten minutes!】 】

【Fourth question, excuse me, the output and processing efficiency of the 'material' mentioned in the video have been greatly improved, what is this material? And what was later processed into something? 【

A:Songgrass; Fireworks]

[B: Amethyst Mine; Magic ore for precision forging]

[C: crystallized bone marrow; Evil Eye]

[D: Crimson Cherry Hydrangea; Fly Fake Bait]

[E: Coral Pearl; Jewelry]

[Question 5, "It's a pity... Unfortunately, what beats in my chest is a dirty, human heart... O Lord God! Forgive me and redeem me! Let's praise the birth of the new God! 【

Excuse me, who said the above sentence?】



C:Devil Sword Ghost



Ding! Yugsaron's Flame Explosion Effect is activated! 【The

fifth question except for the group of Fischer and Ellheisen, the rest of the groups will become fill-in-the-blank questions! ] 】

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