At the beginning of the video, the skirmishers are suspended in a huge mech.

And on his back, just like the end of the "Divine Will" video, there are all kinds of strange pipes.

A divine heart shining with purple thunder fell from his hand.

In the faint sad music, the skirmishers watched this heart of God disappear from their eyes.

"Once again, I... Lost heart. "

It hurts."

"Every inch of skin feels like burning."

"I'll do that... Reduced to ashes. The

skirmishers' voices were tinged with exhaustion and despair.

He wanted to grasp this heart of God, but the tubes behind him bound him.

But when he gave up, all the pipes were broken at once.

The audience who saw this scene, many options in the previous question, also understood what it meant.

Just when everyone thought that the next video content should be about how the skirmishers deleted themselves, the picture returned to the wooden house where he lived with the little boy.

The two were sitting opposite each other, and the warm sunlight shone in and hit the two of them, and the picture was so warm.

And some attentive viewers noticed that the belt around the waist of the 'Wondermaker' at this time turned out to be the thing of Niwa!

And the background music is also a variation of the ending part of the music in the previous video "Divine Will"!

The little boy said to the 'Wondermaker': "You mean, want a heart?

"I don't know if you've heard that story..." As

the little boy narrates, the story is also interpreted in the form of animation.

"There is a doll soldier whose wish is to be with dancing dolls forever."

"But he didn't have the heart, and he didn't know why he had such emotions."

"Until one day, the owner did not like it and threw it casually into the fireplace..." "

'He' was in the flames and kept looking at the doll."

"The next day, people found a little heart in the ashes of the fireplace."

The 'Wonderer' looked a little lost, "But that's just heart-shaped ashes, that's not a heart."

"But... Is it possible to... Is the heart born from ashes? The

footage of the video also returns to the scene when the skirmishers fell from the mechs.

As his last consciousness remained, he couldn't help but think of the scene when the little boy died.

The burning wooden house, and the doll with funny tears hanging from the corners of the eyes.

"I actually died like that... Renege on your promise with me.

"Ridimental, in the ashes... Isn't there nothing left? Accompanied

by the skirmisher's crying laughter, a tear dripped down his cheek.

In the flaming wooden house, skirmishers sat in the corner of the wooden house.

He took the doll in his arms, and around his neck hung the gold feather and the friend's belt.

"What if... If only I could have burned out in that fire.

"No, I wish I had never even been in this world."

In his tired words, the audience felt his deep despair about the world.

The fire grew stronger and stronger, but just when the tongue of fire was about to devour him.

A figure suddenly appeared.

The skirmishers looked up at the people.

When the camera focused on this person, everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

This teenager... Isn't he a wanderer?

The wanderer stopped in front of the skirmishers and sighed softly, "Hope has never come to this world, is this your wish..." Just

as the audience was looking forward to the follow-up, the video suddenly stopped!!

[Xin Yan: Is this the end? [

Goro: This video gives me the feeling that everything has been explained, but it seems that nothing has been explained clearly, and there should be a follow-up.

[Amber: But at least I can know that the wanderer has been pursuing the "heart".

[Albedo: In my opinion, the heart he has been pursuing is actually "self-worth", but under various intricate factors, his ideas and practices have become too paranoid. [

Shinobu Kusaki: Actually, it seems to me that he always wears Niwa's things on his body and sheds tears for the departure of the little boy, and he has a heart. [

Tinari: It's a bit like the former Abatui, who spent his life pursuing, but did not realize that what he really wanted was actually by his side. [

Hu Tao: I also think of Mistelin in Honkai III that I just played recently, and when I went into the fire and found that I couldn't break myself anyway, it was more like despair than crashing.

But then again, what kind of games did you recommend last time in the live broadcast room!! Zhao Linger, Yukimi, and Ryosha of the Immortal Sword series!! And Prince Noctis and Luna from the Final Fantasy series!! 【

Xingqiu: Hall Master Hu, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong with these games? 【

Zhongli: As far as I know, the games played by the hall master during this time are all of the healing type. 【

Xiangling: The meaning of this healing... Isn't it the healing novels that have been popular in Liyue recently and came from Inazuma? [

Ning Guang: I didn't expect that this kind of novel would be so popular in Liyue. 】

【Yae Miko: Aren't those martial arts novels of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce also very popular in Inazuma. Just

as the topic gradually deviated, the prompt tone in the live broadcast room sounded again.

【Ding! The video is complete! 【

Please answer the last two questions of this live broadcast within ten minutes! 】 【

Question 8, fill in the blanks! 】 】

【After the skirmishers used the ability of the World Tree to eliminate their existence, there was a person in Meru Castle who left a hand, deceived the World Tree with one thing, and remembered everything with the help of this thing. 【

Who is this person?】 What is the thing used? 【

Question 9, the Advent refers to the outsiders of the continent of Tivat, and the Advent will not be recorded by the World Tree, nor will they be bound by the laws of the world.

【Excuse me, according to the current information, who of the following is the advent?】 【

A:Coral Palace Heart Sea

】【B:Traveler】【C:Astologis Mona Megistus


】【E:Traveler's blood relative

【This title is a multiple-choice question, and you can't score if you choose wrong!】 【

Ding! Yugsaron's Flame Explosion Technique is launched! Except for Ellheisen's group, none of the other groups knew that the ninth title was a multiple-choice question, nor could they see or hear this message.

After the question appeared, everyone in the answer space was shocked.

These are the last two questions, which means that today's live broadcast will also end.

But although this ninth question is a multiple-choice question, the concept of advent is the first time many people have come into contact with it.

And judging from the description on the stem, the Advent seems to be a very remarkable existence.

Eura pointed to option C in question nine, "Mona is an astrologer and has a lot of books, but it is said that her life is a little poor, so she should not be an advent.

Kamisato Ayaka: "The traveler must be the Advent, as can be seen from the incident of the Great Mercy Tree King in the fourth live broadcast, he remembers everything, then..."

Ayaka nodded, "In the first four questions, Yugsaron's Flame Explosion Technique all took effect, but the last two questions did not.

Speaking of this, Ayaka pointed to the eighth question, "Even if the multiple-choice question becomes a fill-in-the-blank question, there were hints on the previous two times, but this time there was no hint at all, isn't it very unusual?"

Yura's brows furrowed slightly, "Ayaka, do you mean that there are traps in this ninth question?" "

Everyone except the group of Elheisen also thought about it.

"This question... It should be a multiple choice question!! "

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