For the first time, six videos were released in one breath, and the titles of these videos were more imaginative than the other.

[Noelle: Who is the bag?] [

Diluc: Brother out of the house? 【

Hokuto: Manyo's cute moment? This...]

[Paimon: Empty Treasure?? [

Walnut: Clip sound? What kind of way of speaking is this? [

Kavi: Don't worry about this, but Elheisen, you also have today, and the video must not be missed in a while! ] 】

With the expectation of hundreds of millions of people, the first video slowly kicked off!


the increasingly intense background music, the brothers and sisters of the Kamisato family are exchanging swordsmanship.

The two brothers and sisters come and go, showing their superb swordsmanship.

But in the battle, Ayaka in the video suddenly said something that made people's eyes black.

"Still want milk tea? Dream it! No milk tea to drink! Where is there milk tea to drink! No!

"It's over! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Angry to death, angry to death!!

Ayaka said as she attacked Ayato, her eyes sharpened.

"If you want to come, can't you feel my desire for you? Can't you feel the desire to want you to come to my house~! Ayaka

suddenly raised her wooden knife and wanted to slash at Ayato.

"Love doesn't come, goodbye! There is no more you in this house! There is no place for you in this house!! Aaaaaa!!a

When Ayaka finished speaking, the wooden knife in Kamisato Ayato's hand had already been hit into the air.

Ayaka still held the wooden knife and looked at her brother.

"This home... There is no place for you anymore! Don't come in the future! The

video screen also went black at this time, announcing the end of the video.

[Kurisu: It's surprising that Miss Kamisato still has such a side. 】

【Ray Movie: She is worthy of Inazuma's famous pen style, and her swordsmanship is good. 【

Kaiya: I remember the last time the head of the Kamisato family went to answer the questions, he asked for a lot of milk tea from the answer space. 【

Barbara: The reward in the last magic box also has more than 300 milk tea recipes.

】【Xiangling: It seems that milk tea is very delicious, so when looking for ingredients next, pay more attention to the ingredients that can be made into milk tea! 】 [

Tinari: But the voice in the video sounds a little wild, and it's a little different from Miss Ayaka. After

watching the video, Ayato Kamisato, the hand that was ordering a new flavor of milk tea from another world with his notebook paused.

Although Ayaka's voice in the video seems to be in a voice change period, he is sure that it is Ayaka herself.

Ayato saw that Ayaka on the side was a little embarrassed, so he continued to operate the computer and said unimpressedly: "Ayaka, this is just a video from another world, there is no need to pay attention to it." "

Huh? But..." Seeing the various statements in the barrage area, Ayaka suddenly didn't know whether to clarify in the barrage area.

Toma was also relieved, "Miss, at the beginning, Paimon also appreciated the Tivat boy band, and the wanderer was also dubbed by Brother Long, which is nothing."

Kamisato Ayato continued, "Besides, after the video of this other world is played, the protagonist will be given a consolation prize."

Thoma: "Then congratulations to the head and miss in advance."

Eura also sent her a private message.

[Yura: @神里绫华, are you okay? This is all happening in another world, don't care too much. But speaking of which, I was the first to play this kind of video in the live broadcast room. [

Kamisato Ayaka: @优菈, well, thank you Yura, don't worry, I understand how to look at it.

Under the comfort of the three, Ayaka also returned to normal, "Thank you brother and Toma too."

But there is another thing that makes Ayaka care, which is "smelling clothes".

'Empty treasure? Could it be a traveler? '

[Ding! Because it is a video from another world, Ayaka Kamisato and Aya Kamisato are the protagonists of the video, so they each won a consolation prize! 】

【However, due to the fact that there are too many videos from another world this time, consolation prizes will be distributed uniformly after all broadcasts!】 As

soon as the voice in the live broadcast room fell, the second video also began to play.


Everyone recognizes that this is when the traveler is in the Inazuma castle tower, and when the lady is about to die.

General Raiden walked slowly towards the lady, and at this time, a voice of narration suddenly appeared.

"Ah! Sister Thor is so handsome! Put me in the idol! Not even ashes remained! Behind

there are scenes like what school of thought said, "Let's go over and see" and so on!

In short, the atmosphere of this video is very happy.

[Tomo: @枫原万叶, I didn't expect Wanye to have such a side (/ covering his mouth and laughing). 【

Beidou: Wanye, you kid is not simple, you even have the desire to be built into the statue. [

Goro: You can even laugh like that in front of the soldiers of Kaijima Island. 】

【Kaedehara Manyo: Big sister, two friends, the content in the video doesn't have to be taken too seriously, and I don't care. But it's nice to make it so easy for everyone to laugh. [

Walnut: Brother Wanye is still so free. [

Paimon: Next is the video of "Empty ~ Bao", hehe! [


1Mb4y1r7sD, about 29 minutes and 15 seconds.

As soon as the video begins, the camera focuses on a solemn and gorgeous dress.

Ayaka is behind the screen, telling the traveler about Inazuma's current situation.

"The right to be pursued comes from the trust of

the people..." In this scene, many people immediately understood that this was the point in time when the traveler had just arrived in Inazuma and wanted to ask to see Raiden Shogun.

But in the next second, the traveler's voice suddenly sounded.

"Whose clothes is this?" It can't be Ayaka's, right? Smell it later.

"Now I can't see what Ayaka looks like, so I'm leaving, and when I see Ayaka I'll say, ah, I'll help you."

After the traveler finished speaking, the entire video went black.

Compared to the previous video, this video is much shorter.

While Ayaka was relieved, Ayato was not well.

Because the dress that the traveler said was actually his!

As for the next video, 'Bag: Ali Gaduo Mei Sheep and Sheep Sang', it is a very torturous video.


Because of the entire video, turn over and over and say, "Ali ↗ ↘ Ga ↗ Duo ↘ Mei Yang Yang Sang~ Shhh! ↘ Ali ↘ Gaduo ↘ ↘ Mei Yang Yang Sang ↗"

But listening to it, some people noticed that something was wrong.

[Achigami: Is it

...] [

Dainsreb: It's her.] The

three of them played riddles, and when everyone just wanted to ask questions, the next video also began.

(11s4y1D7MZ, starting in 53 seconds)

"I don't care ~ what people want ~ you are the best ~ please pull ~ please please please ~ is it good ~ like you ~ I want it ~ ~ "

Al Heisen a coquettish eight combo, directly making someone laugh breathlessly.

But this video in the end is the main thing!


"I'm not going to do Yasha! I'm not doing Yasha anymore!! Aha!! "

The video opens with the sound of the fish being very angry! But the scene is a picture in 'All Sufferings'.

And the voice behind the fish is becoming more and more manic! But in it, it can make people feel a tenacious strength!

"Cut them down! Shred them! For this battlefield, add blood to the fire!!

"A bunch of garbage, scraps, dead and dead! Aha! Aha!! "

This voice actually goes well with the video!!

[Hu Tao: Why is this voice so familiar... Wait a minute! I remember! It's a character in Honkai III! 】

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