[Xiangling: The answering session is finally over! Congratulations to Ushang Sen for getting a perfect score!

【Guoba: Lulu~~Lu~~】

【Dina Zedai: Dixia answered seven questions correctly and won the third place, which is also a very good result. [

Elheisen: She is also very calm, well-advanced, and not greedy. 】

【Shinobu Kuki: The boss can be tied for third, which is really relieved for him. [

Kavi: Elheisen, how many Moras did you get that consolation prize before? [

Ellheisen: Although it has not yet opened, from the above description, the money to build a new house should be more than enough.


Xino: The prop cards that appeared in this live broadcast are all simple and rude types. It doesn't have the dazzling effects of previous live broadcasts, which is a bit of a pity. [

Nasida: This live broadcast is very similar to the first live broadcast, the prop card and the problem are not very difficult, maybe this is also a rule. 【

Zhong Li: I also agree with this view, I believe that the difficulty of the next few live broadcasts will continue to increase. 【

Wendy: Let's talk about it later, now that the head of the piano has won the second place, let's celebrate these days! Lisa

: She still has a video of another world that hasn't been played. [

Paimon: Before that, let's watch the video of the fish, I am still quite curious about the content of the video. The

title of the video this time is only three words, but the meaning of "excess" still makes people chuckle.

Most viewers silently thought, 'Isn't this another very tragic video?'

But when the "Beyond Me" video began to play, everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

This black and white style, they have seen one before, and that one is extremely artistic!

With previous experience, the audience stared intently at the light curtain, striving not to miss a single subtlety.

The video begins with a traveler picking out a lantern at a stall in Liyue.

Not far away, Amber, who has always been thinking about the Hai Lantern Festival, finally had the opportunity to experience this special festival accompanied by Youra.

But this supper lamp for travelers is chosen for the fish.

When the fish took the lantern, he slowly closed his eyes and thought of many past events...

A wind crystal butterfly flew towards the fish, but the moment it approached the fish, it was instantly broken into countless pieces.

The originally clean and clear background also became blood-red and dirty at this moment.

As the background music at this time says, "There will be no going back..."

But then, in a cave full of snow, he is covered in scars, but he is shackled and holding a handful of snow in his hand.

It should have been a very poignant picture, but there were rays of sunlight and rainbows shining in.

The fish looked up into the light, his eyes full of longing.

But he thought of his "ominous", looked at the brilliant colored eyes, and gradually lost their brilliance.

In the background, many nets made of red threads suddenly appeared, and another 'fish' covered his eyes from behind.

Viewers who have seen the video of "All Sufferings" immediately thought that this suddenly appeared 'fish' is the war between the fish and himself, which is the result of killing karma in the past life.

When they saw a dying damaged crystal butterfly waiting to die in the hands of the fish, they all saw the figure of the former fish from the body of this crystal butterfly.

It is a pain deeper than simply dying, it is a drill day and night, it is in a place where the light does not shine... A never-ending deathmatch.

But in everyone's distress, the next content of the video once again made many people unable to understand.

Under a piece of music that seemed to be chanted in Sanskrit, a very strange and distorted "garland" suddenly appeared in the background.

The fish, which had been dyed red with blood, also appeared around a circle of things that looked like "cocoons", and countless crystal butterflies flew out from it.

There is quite a sense of breaking the cocoon into a butterfly and regaining a new life.

because he met the Rock King Emperor at this time and named him - "魈".

The originally gray eyes of the fish also regained their color at this time.

As a result, Wei also concluded a contract with the Rock King Emperor and began to fight to protect Liyue.

However, if the karma-ridden fish relaxes his mind, he will be eroded by karma and bring endless disasters to the people around him.

The fish fell in the "pool", looking lonely.

The ripples that sometimes rippled in the water were also his memories and conjectures.

The screen flashes the Emperor, the Yasha who fought alongside him, and the travelers.

Wei's state of mind changed again at this time, and he felt that he was living in the "shadow" of the emperor.

Just like sung in the background - "I'm sorry ~~ inadvertently live in your shadow." "

Rays don't care about treating themselves like machines, and they are slaying demons at all times.

Until the karma reached the point where he couldn't hold on, he met the piper of Ogihua State.

But Wei was in a state of mental trance, and the impression of this redemption was like a pipe dream, distant and unreal.

He is still carrying out his mission, and his mood is the same as before.

Until the Wangshu Inn welcomed an unexpected person - a traveler.

The "young immortal" has been away from the crowd for many years, and he has not yet realized what kind of change he has made because of travelers.

Wandering through the crowd, everyone's faces blurred by his trance.

Filth also found him again, and several red threads wrapped around his neck.

Some viewers suddenly felt when they saw this, this scene in the video... It's somewhat similar to the paragraph after 'Seven Seven Back Fish'.

At that time, Wei met the little girl who was holding the noodles and invited him to eat wine and make balls, but what about this time?

In the expectation of all!

The red-threaded fish was held by a little girl's hands, and the originally dark background was bright in an instant!

The fish raised his head, and his eyes were birds in the blue sky.

One of the birds became like a traveler, but then it became like the horizon, and the horizon... Out of reach.

But the horizon suddenly becomes a tabletop within reach, with almond tofu on it.

This is what the traveler has in store for him.

Wei silently ate the almond tofu and untied his heart.

For him, who has survived for thousands of years, the human world is a brilliant and fragile floating light, like fireworks in the sky, brilliant and short.

But now he is willing to touch the things of the world, not for the sake of contracts, nor to repay the previous things.

Instead, he willingly guards the lights of the ten thousand homes behind him and guards the present and future Liyue.

At the end of the video.

This year's Hai Lantern Festival, the lights rise like stars, which are used to help lost warriors find their way home.

Looking at this beautiful scenery alone at the top of the mountain, you can also feel the warmth of the world at this time.

I believe that one day in the future, I can see the young immortal holding a lantern and releasing his own expectations.

"All things are impermanent, and everything is suffering. With this song, may you be freed from the sufferings of hell, may you let go of your obsessions, and may you be able to transcend. "

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