Walnut is not the only one who collapsed.

Han Xue covered his head in pain, eager to jump directly into the river from the boat.

"I actually said that kind of thing in front of the emperor, I know King Yan best, aaaaaa I have no face to live! Ke

Qing, who was working, was also frozen as if he had been smashed by an iron hammer.

After a long time, he muttered to himself, "Mr. Zhongli... Is it the Rock King Emperor? "

The Rock King Emperor who made her love and question it all the time was by her side!!

This, this, this....

This makes me feel embarrassed in the future!


Now the streets and alleys of Liyue are already overcrowded, and everyone's faces are full of smiles.

Lord Emperor has not passed away, which is very exciting news.

All the people of Liyue knew that without the protection of the emperor, there would be no Liyue today.

This kindness will not be forgotten by those who live on this land for generations.

Just like the stone boss said, the incense that has lasted for thousands of years, it has not broken!

The audience in the live broadcast room had not yet slowed down from the fact that Zhong Li was the Rock King Emperor, and the discussion became more and more intense.

[Walnut: OK! ] I recognized the previous bet! But I'm going to die to understand! @钟离, why do you, as the Rock King Emperor, have no Mora on your body! [

Condensing light: @胡桃, Lord Emperor is now in the answering space, even if you @ him, his old man can't see it.

[Kavi: Do you understand the pain of not having Mora on your body and still owing a debt! [

Null: Uh-huh, I understand! ] Especially when upgrading skills, Mora simply doesn't have enough! 【

Seven Seven: Rock King... [

Barbara: The gods of Liyue are all on the live broadcast room, so will our Mond's wind god also appear in the subsequent live broadcast? After all, Lord Fengshen has been missing for a long time. [

Wendy: Don't (/ wipe the sweat), if you go on, you will definitely be played with a parallel world of the second creation video, such as Zhongli's just played. 【

Xiangling: Eh... Since Mr. Zhong Li is the king of Yan, can he pay for the meal of Wanmintang this month, why are you beating me? [

Master Xuan: You child, it is our blessing that the emperor can come to the Wanmin Hall to eat, how can we accept the money of the emperor and his old man. 【

Quick Dao Chen: That's right! To celebrate that Yanwangye didn't leave us, all kinds of snacks in the store are free today! 】

【Stone boss: Lord Emperor This is a change of identity to continue to guard Liyue, and the incense has not been broken for thousands of years, which is really good. [

Collet: Master he still didn't get a single point, a little worried. [

Xino: Don't be afraid, look at Tinari's appearance, he still looks like a bamboo in his chest. [

Nasida: Tinari's prop card should be his trump card, and he is more and more curious about what the effect is. 【

Ding! Before watching the next video, answer the following two questions within ten minutes. 【

1. Excuse me, how was the Dragon King born as a result?】 】

【A: It used to be a heaven-replenishing god stone, but it fell into the world, and after absorbing the essence of the sun and moon for many years, it broke out of the stone. 】

【B: It is an elemental crystallization creation, a dragon king born from the rock element essence of Liyue. [

C: It is a stubborn stone in itself, and it was later taken by Morax, who painted it with eyes and gave it life. [

D: It is a product of alchemy, similar to the magic dragon Durin. 【

E: It is a descendant of the Dragon King in ancient times. [

Second, there is a saying in the parallel world, it is said that the Dragon King was sealed because he danced a dance for Morax, so what kind of dance did the Dragon King dance? (1pq4y1p7T6)

] [A: Ritual Dance] [B: Jing Demon

Dance] [C: Dance of the White Heron

] [D: Dance of the Flower God] [E: Dance of

the Amazing Dance]

In the answer space.

After Zhong Li saw these two questions, his spirit was shocked.

There is nothing to say about the first question, but the second question....

Zhong Li did not forget that the video involving a parallel world, in this answer, the protagonist in the video will win a consolation prize.

"I hope my old friend can get a turnaround here and use the props on question two!"

He issued the obtained item card, and the effect was 'you can choose one more answer on the multiple-choice question'.

That is, as long as one of the two options selected is the correct answer.

[Props used successfully! ]

Zhong Li: "Choose B for the first question, C and E for the second question." "

Zhong Li's choice of these two in the second question is not a blind choice.

So far, the parallel world second creation video played in the live broadcast room, although it is a little raw, it is not too out of touch with reality.

The ritual dance is too long, and the rhythm of the third act is very cheerful.

Zhong Li really couldn't imagine that the body of the Ruoda Dragon King could dance such a cheerful dance.

Jing demon dance is the housekeeping skill of the fish.

The back kick, spin and other movements of the Flower God Dance, I believe that Ruoda will not be able to jump out.

The dance of the egret is slow in rhythm, and without difficult dance moves, Wakata can barely dance.

As for the Shocking Dance, Zhong Li had never seen it, or even heard it.

But this is a video of a parallel world, and there has been a precedent for Yura to push down travelers drunkenly, so Zhongli felt that it was better to add this option.

Dadalia, another answer area, saw Zhongli use prop cards, although he didn't know what the effect was, he also used prop cards without hesitation.

"Using the item card, the target selects Zhongli."

Dadalia issues a given item card, the effect of which is 'select a contestant and copy his final answer to the question in this round'.

"If the Dragon King had an extraordinary relationship with Morax, then Zhongli must know the answer to the first question."

"As for the second question, since Zhong Li used prop cards, then he must also be stable in this question."

"And I have a prop card, copied two questions, earned it."

In a good mood, Dadalia opened a bottle of combustible oolong tea.

After pouring two sips, Dadalia's expression changed, and he quickly put the wine bottle aside and coughed several times.

I don't know if it's the wine coming up or the cough.

His face appeared flushed.

Tinari is still unhurried, even if he is still zero now, but he is not in a hurry.

Diluc had some ideas about the first question, and he had also heard the legend of Liyue's finishing touch, but he was not very sure about the second question.

Coral Palace Xinhai is worse than Diluc, because Inazuma has been locked up before, and her access to information from other countries is limited, and she has no way to deal with these two questions.

"I'm going to pay the price in exchange for Item Card X2!" The two shouted in unison.

[In exchange for success! ] Item cards with random effects have been issued! 【

The price will be collected uniformly after all the answers are completed.】 The

remaining answer time was limited, and the two of them quickly looked at the effect after getting the prop card, and immediately used it.

The item card that Diluc gets is called the Destiny Coin.

The effect is 'After use', when you answer, it will directly tell you whether the choice is the correct answer. However, after each effect, the direct destruction rate of the item will increase by 25% (base probability is 0%). '

'When the coins are destroyed, the user is randomly subjected to a very severe physical punishment. Even

if the side effects of this prop were a little big, Diluc did not hesitate and directly tossed the coin to the second question.

"Option E is wrong, the destruction rate reaches 25%."

"B chooses the wrong one, and the destruction rate reaches 50%."

At this point, Diluc did not continue to use, "Choose C for both questions." "

And the prop card that Nilu obtained is very interesting, called the price of strength.

The effect is that after use, the next two questions will definitely be answered correctly, but all subsequent questions in this round cannot be answered. '

'If there are less than two follow-up questions, then if you are selected by the interactive answering session in the future, you will be directly disqualified.

'This prop card has a very powerful effect, but the after-effect is also very serious, but Xinhai directly uses it.

This is already the fourth question, that is, if Xinhai is selected for the next interactive answer, it will be directly disqualified.

"The continent of Tivat has a large population, and I don't know when the next election will be."

"Besides, I also paid the price, and the prop card cannot be inherited to the next round of answers, if I don't use it, then won't my price be paid in vain?"

"And the higher the score, the better the things that will be opened, and the sooner you can get a gain for Haiji Island."

【Ding! It's time for answering! 【

Before announcing the correct answer, watch the video - "Morax, please... Take a good look at me! "】

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