Everyone in the live broadcast room has long been familiar with the fact that insiders cannot spoil, so they began to analyze each other.

[Kujo Jurao: In such an environment, it is indeed a good leader to correct such a large number of official documents. [

Goro: Woooo Lord Coral Palace is so hardworking...】

【Swordfish Team Member A: Protect the best Lord Coral Palace! 】

【Swordfish Ichiban Team Member B: Lord Coral Palace! I can give my life for you!! [

Ellheisen: Is this the price that says it's easy to get excited? 【

Jean: Miss Xinhai is indeed an excellent leader, there is a lot to learn, I hope she can come back to preside over the overall situation soon. [

Condensing light: But why is it that the processing documents are not in a bright room, but in a cave? As far as I know, Kaijima Island will not be poor to this point.

Condensing Light's question was quickly answered.

It was a sunny day.

Coral Palace Xinhai was a little tired and snoozed on the table.

The camera in the live broadcast room was pulled into the bookshelf on the side.

A "book of soldiers" called Secret Notes was displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

At this time, the sea of hearts suddenly realized, and only then did he understand what the big secret said in the live broadcast room was.

"This is a live broadcast that links to all of Tivat, if the content inside is exposed..."

Xinhai was very anxious, and the food of the other world was not fragrant.

"Don't! Don't play anymore!! I beg you guys don't look any further!! But

no matter how anxious she is, now in the answering space, she can't get in touch with the outside world, let alone send a barrage.

Thinking of this, Xinhai was completely desperate.

But the video in the light curtain won't stop playing because of her desperation.

After this "book of soldiers" was opened, the lines of Juanxiu's handwriting were clearly reflected in everyone's eyes.

'The red envelope function in the live broadcast room is very good, it is very convenient to buy materials and other items, the energy value is +5''

I used to get some materials from outside or sell some special products, and I also deliberately let the wild people hijack the goods, and there will always be some losses when I come and go. But

now that there is a red envelope function, a new policy will be introduced in a few months, so the wild people near Haiji Island can be completely wiped out. ''

I was picked up by many people in the afternoon, and the energy value was -3

'' Seeing their sincere eyes, I always think of the day when I became a god and witch. After all these years, am I up to their expectations?

''Goro went to Inazuma Castle and came back to finish the work at hand, so he locked himself in the house, no one saw him, energy value -4''

' Since Thor abolished the Eye Hunting Order, Inazuma's environment has eased up a lot, and Goro will also go to Inazuma Castle from time to time. But this time without knowing what happened, Goro turned out to be uncharacteristic, hoping that he could recover as soon as possible.

'It's over!

Coral Palace Xinhai's pupils trembled violently, and his hands trembled unspeakably.

His own fame and the perfect image he worked hard to create in front of the people were completely ruined.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw this and understood why it was called a secret diary.

[Kujo Chora: Wild Fuzhong ? Hijacking goods? So it is, is it using this way to escape taxes? [

Keqing: @北斗, no wonder you always set up trading locations near Lonely Cloud Pavilion, originally to make a sound. 【

Beidou: What I did didn't threaten Liyue, besides, without the tacit approval of the top, would it have lasted for so long without being discovered? 】

【Kaedehara Manyo: Using the wild people to loot goods... It is indeed a good approach. 】

【Uncle Hong: If it weren't for the fact that there was no way to be forced, who would use this method! 】 [

Kazuto Arataki: So you've been talking for a long time, what are you talking about?] How did I not understand at all? Why is it still related to the wild people? 】

【Shinobu Kuki: Alas~~ Boss, you should occasionally care about our Inazuma's policy. 【

If you buy medicines, food and other daily necessities from outside, or sell some products, you have to pay a large tax. [

But if these items are captured from the hands of Yefuzhong and others, then these materials are "trophies" and can be used at their disposal. [

Kazuto Arataki: Huh? Isn't this tax evasion in disguise? 】

【Yae Miko: Oops, oops~ Sometimes it's not interesting to say things too clearly. When

it comes to this, even Kazuto Arataki understands what is going on, let alone the others.

[Wild Fu Clan Member A: Abominable! I just said how it is so easy to rob a merchant ship that comes to Haiji Island every time. [

Nofu Zhong member B: No wonder, every time the soldiers of Haiji Island come to recapture the goods, they can obviously capture us all, but there are some accidents every time, which can allow most of us to escape. 】

【Wild Fuzhong member C: I'm angry! 】 This woman called Coral Palace is also too insidious! It's to use us thoroughly! Hmph, this hatred, I made a note! 【

Beidou: How?】 Are you not convinced? 【

Yura: @野伏众成员丙, do you want to die!】 】

【Kaedehara Manyo: @五郎, friend, let's put aside the matter of the tool man and the wild people, but what is this energy value of Lord Coral Palace? 【

Goro: How do I know!】 It is also the first time I know today that Lord Coral Palace still has such a secret base. 【

Sugar: Is it a setting similar to a parametric mass change meter?】 It is the type that needs to absorb energy, which has the parameter change of energy value. [

Goro: Huh? 【

Timaeus: But after the Parametric Mass Transformer is put in a certain amount of items and activated, it can produce something, but will Miss Coral Palace produce something? 【

Jinwu: I understand! Miss Coral Palace is like the relic giant snake in the underground mine, a kind of machine creation!! 【

Goro: How is it possible! Lord Coral Palace is a very normal human being!! @瑾武, don't talk nonsense! [

Yae Miko: I thought about it again, she may also be a puppet-like structure, so the energy in her body will increase or decrease. [

Goro: @八重神子, at this time, you woman don't add to the chaos! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA No way! Calm down! I want to calm down!! 】

【Interactive live broadcast room: Because the setting of the energy value of the Coral Palace Heart Sea is very abstract and advanced, there is no second person who can do it throughout the entire Teyvat continent, so I will explain it here. 【

Coral Palace Heart Sea will calculate its energy and physical strength by energy value. 【

Whenever it finishes processing something, it will record the consumption of energy value by this event.】 】

【When the energy value is exhausted, there will be a state of mental exhaustion in the video, and generally at this time, often the coral palace heart sea will rest for a while to restore the energy value. 【

In addition to resting, if you encounter some good things, the energy value will increase accordingly. 】

【Luzi: I didn't expect that Lord Coral Palace had such a strange setting, and suddenly I felt that Lord Coral Palace was a little cute.】 】

【Kujo Jurao: Being able to digitize the condition of my body is worthy of being a woman who has lost battles several times.

[Albert: I understand Miss Coral Palace's state, for example, if I don't see Miss Barbara all day, I will feel bored and uncomfortable. Otherwise, you will feel that there is endless power in your body.

[Barbara: ............]

[Kaia: @艾伯特, I said dude, it's okay to chase stars, but don't cause trouble and trouble to others, otherwise you will have to invite the Knights for a day trip. [

Nasida: Although the energy value setting is more peculiar, it is also very easy to understand, just like it will make people feel refreshed after going to the toilet. 【

Saino: It is worthy of being a little auspicious grass king, and the metaphor is still so full of wisdom. So in order to increase the energy value of the people of all Teyvat, let me tell you a joke.

[Collet: (/ I don't know what to say)]

[Loushan: Huh? What are you going to say, Xeno? I'm old, please don't see you! [

Al Heisen: Why can't the headset isolate the sound in the live broadcast room.] 【

Empty: @赛诺, stop!!】 [

Xino: Uh-huh cough (clear your throat), @全体, do you know what kind of people have the most people in the tavern on weekdays? [

Paimon: I don't know, and I don't want to know! 【

Xino: Brain, brain, can't you just turn around? The answer, of course, is sinful (drunk) people!


Ayato Kamisato


Why am I frozen?】 【

Thunder Helmet King: How did my shield break?】 【

Kavi: It's so cold!

A cold snap swept the entire Tivat in an instant, leaving everyone not knowing what to say for a while.

[Xino: Why don't you laugh? Isn't it funny? Then I'll talk about one more, the words %... ¥%¥%...】

【Ding! In order to prevent all of Tivat from becoming the territory of the Winter Kingdom, Xenoy is temporarily banned from speaking until this live broadcast is completely over. 】This

ban in the live broadcast room can be said to be a great pleasure! Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But it's different from the cheerful atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

The coral palace heart sea in the answer space, seeing that the setting of the energy value in the live broadcast room also explained in detail, his eyes suddenly lost his highlight, and he slumped on the chair, and his strength seemed to be taken away.

"Don't explain this kind of thing! This makes me how will I see people in the future!!

"This live broadcast room is also yes, why have all the questions been answered, and you can't contact the outside world yet!!"

But at this moment, Coral Palace Xinhai does not know that Haiji Island is about to usher in a big reshuffle.

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