[Hu Tao: The effect of the Dark Eye is really powerful, doesn't this mean that Gongzi will be equivalent to never dying in the future

?] [Chongyun: But if the number of life is up, will it also not die?]

[Xingqiu: I'm afraid I won't know until I really have that day. [

Collet: This thing reminds me of bad memories. [

Lisa: Judging from Dadalya's recovery speed, it only takes more than ten seconds to return to a full state. [

Amber: If this Dark Eye can be mass-produced, the strength of the fools will increase a lot. [

Jean: @博士, there was a battle outside the Morning Light Winery, and the attackers were all wearing evil eyes, is there anything to explain?]

[Doctor: Who knows, maybe it was the fish that slipped through the net of the Inazuma Evil Eye factory before, and by chance went to Mond.

[Mika: Inazuma is so far from Mond, how did they get here?]

[Doctor: Then ask the attackers. 【

Ding! Dr. Exit the live broadcast room, you cannot enter again today.

In the answer space, Dadalia, who has been resurrected with full blood, is very satisfied with the rewards he has received.

It is believed that with the Dark Eye, he will be able to better use his body to fight.


Today's live broadcast has ended, the answer space is about to be disbanded, 59... 58...

] [Thank you for your active participation in this live broadcast process, we will see you at the same time next week.] 】【

Tips: All kinds of delicacies in the answer space cannot be taken out~~】Coral

Palace Xinhai/Diluc/Zhongli all took a breath, "Finally can go out X3!"

When the time finally came, he couldn't wait to return to the Morning Light Winery.

As soon as he was teleported back, Diluc felt the heat wave rolling around him, and as far as he could see, many tea sets and furniture were damaged by violent vibrations.

Looking out the window, the entire plantation of the Sunrise Winery is already in a sea of fire.

Previously, when he gave Kaiya secret training, Diluc knew that burning fruits was powerful.

But what I didn't expect was that under Kaiya's full efforts, there would be such a big movement.

But Diluc couldn't care about looking for Kaia now, and he immediately looked for the figure in the winery, missing in his heart.

The first place that comes to mind for Diluc is the secret room in the winery.

Sure enough

, in the instant after opening the door, the four eyes are facing each other.

"Diluc? I! I!" Klips looked at his son who had faded into immaturity and became a little lonely and cold in front of him, very excited.

Not long ago, he had learned from the head maid how Diluc had lived all these years, and he felt very distressed and remorseful.

Through the maid's light curtain, Cllips saw Diluc in the answer space.

He simulated in his mind what he was going to say after meeting countless times.

But when they actually met, he didn't know what to say.

Diluc looked at his father in front of him, his pupils shrank sharply, and his pursed lips trembled slightly.

A few seconds later, Diluc gritted his teeth, the arrogance on his face could no longer be maintained, and he directly pounced and hugged his father tightly.

"Father, welcome home!"

Diluc's voice was a little hoarse, but more often it was trembling.

Feeling the warmth in his arms, Clips looked at this proud son, and his heart was relieved, with a fatherly smile on his face, and a thousand words came together into one sentence, "You have grown up." Hearing

these words, Diluc's arms tightened even more.

And the battle that happened outside was quietly over when the father and son were reunited.

When Kaiya came back, she happened to see such a warm scene, and squinted at Diluc and smiled: "Yo~ welcome brother back."

"The people outside were solved by me, but the mastermind who manipulated them was not caught, and Amber was taking the Knights to clean up the aftermath."

Diluc naturally let go of his arms, and when he turned around, he was back to his former appearance.

But if you look closely, you will find that Diluc's eyebrows and the corners of his mouth have a shallow smile.

"As expected, you don't have to guess who the mastermind is.

Kaia asked, "So what's next?"

He didn't forget the three-day punishment given to him in the live broadcast room, "In addition, there will be a grand celebration tonight, and you are not allowed to be absent."

Clipps: "I am relieved to see that you two brothers have such a good relationship." "

And on the other side.

The two doctors, who had already escaped without a trace, did not have any reluctance on their faces about the failure of this attack, and were excitedly communicating.

"It is worthy of being opened by the top treasure chest, and if you can see the effect of burning fruit, this trip is not for nothing." However, it seems that Kaiya should not be fully developed. "

The body is fully elementalized and immune to all physical attacks. This alone gives a great advantage in battle. "

The enhanced weapons of the Water Heavy Guard and the Ice Heavy Guard can't hurt him either.

"Rather, it is because his own temperature is too high after elementalization, and he has reached the point where he can ignore the law of mutual restraint of the elements."

"But it's okay, didn't Gongzi obtain an immortal body, isn't this the eternal life we dream of?"

But... The civil strife on Kaijima Island is also coming to an end. "

The war on Haiji Island has indeed reached a fever pitch.

There are people on both sides who are paying attention to the live broadcast room, and they all know that Coral Palace Xinhai is about to return.

This is undoubtedly exciting news for the soldiers of Haiji Island.

The wild crowd and the floating spirit are an increased offensive.

Especially the floating spirit, it launched a self-// killing self-detonation attack.

Anyway, they are elemental creations, and as long as the earth vein exists for one day, they can "refresh" endlessly.

Under the attack of the floating spirit, even with the support of Beidou and Maple Yuanwanye, they can't bear it over time.

In the Coral Palace, Luzi has been anxiously waiting for the return of the heart sea.

She is not a soldier of Kaijima Island, so she is not affected by that debuff.

A moment later, Xinhai held Jin Kun and was full of joy as soon as he was teleported back, and Luzi immediately stepped forward and hurriedly told briefly what happened on Kaiji Island.

Xinhai listened to half of it, and his brain "buzzed".

When she was in the answer space before, she thought that this debuff would be a bit troublesome.

But I didn't expect that the consequences would be so serious.

Now the two sides are in full swing, and the Kaijima side, except for the soldiers who retired due to wounds, as well as the elderly and women who have no combat effectiveness, have all participated in the war.

Even if Xinhai is resourceful, there is no way to dispatch when there is no one to dispatch.

What's more, now the situation is critical, and every second it drags on, there may be soldiers injured.

Xinhai remembered that she had also obtained a inheritance of the Dragon Palace, and handed over the golden kun to Luzi, let her properly place it, and immediately checked the inheritance.

"Sect characteristics, spell hit rate 100%. "

The Dragon Wandering Art includes water escaping and riding the wind and waves, and it is not used for the time being.

"The anti-scale and wave-breaking tricks are also useless for the time being, and Dragon Teng can only deal with one enemy. "

There is a clear heart and unsealing in the Nine Dragon Technique, and I don't know if I can suppress the abnormal state of the soldiers.

"Then now there are two cheats left to call the wind and rain and the dragon, let me see... Dragon groan, tornado rain strike, that's right, these two skills!" "

The power of the skill increases as the skill increases, the skill can point to level 180, and upgrading the skill requires... Mora?" "

It only takes Mora to increase the strength of the character, so what is there to hesitate about the Coral Palace Xinhai, and quickly point up the skill."

But there was not much Mora on Xinhai, and it was quickly spent.

At this time, Xinhai hesitated when he saw that upgrading skills could cost reserves.

If she understood correctly, this reserve was the old book that the entire Haiqi Island had saved over the years.

But after thinking for a few seconds, the heart sea still clicked.

If you can't defeat monsters such as the wild people today, then it is not certain whether Haiyu Island will have tomorrow or not.

On the other side, on the frontal battlefield of Kaiji Island.


!" "Follow me!" The

soldiers resisted vigorously under the leadership of General Goro, but they still kept retreating.

Especially if they are on the seashore here, if they are stained with water on their bodies, and then they are struck and evaporated by the sea chaotic ghost's slash of fire and sword, it is not a joke.

At this moment,

brilliant blisters suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

Goro immediately realized that it was Lord Coral Palace who had returned.

"Recuperate. "

Dragon groan!" a

loud dragon roar exploded across the battlefield as a magnificent jellyfish treated a wounded soldier.

The huge water flow shook with the fierce wind, violently washing away all the monsters.

The customs ghosts and floating spirits gathered together were all shocked by this momentum, and the offensive slowed down.

Then Xinhai slowly descended from the air gorgeously, and everyone's eyes were instantly focused on Ah her, "During this time when I was away, I worked you, Goro." "

Lord Coral Palace!" exclaimed Goro excitedly.

"But this battle did not have my permission, and although it had the influence of the live broadcast room, those soldiers who first instigated the battle were also punished afterwards.

Goro felt very guilty, "It was my poor management that failed Lord Coral Palace's instructions and depleted the energy value of Lord Coral Palace."

"Uh-huh. "Coral Palace Xinhai, who originally appeared handsomely, was almost stopped by Goro's sentence 'energy value consumption'.

Xinhai waved his hand, "Don't talk about this first, clean up these monsters in front of you and talk about something else." I used to be behind the scenes because I wasn't good at fighting, and now I want to let others know that my heart is not good!"

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