The people of Mondstadt have recently fallen into a very lively state.

The last live broadcast content really broke out a bit much.

On the one hand, the fact that Diluc is the hero of the night, after the live broadcast, he got an official announcement from the Knights, which is a real hammer.

This let the people of Mond know that the warrior who once withdrew from the Order is still protecting Mond in his own way.

Coupled with the resurrection of Klips, this is another joyful event.

Amber: "Lord Clipps is really resurrected! Lisa

: "Yes, the brothers finally untied a knot." Jean

: "What happened back then was mishandled by the Knights, and now Mr. Crisp can be resurrected, and the Knights can make up for the mistakes they did back then." "

Not only the knights who stayed in Mondstadt, but even many people outside used the red envelope function in the live broadcast room to send a congratulatory gift.

[Falgar: This is a great event, and when I return from the expedition, I must have a good drink with him. [

Alice: It's so good, the scars of that child's psychology can be erased a lot now.

On the other hand, people now have a great enthusiasm for the wines of Château Sunrise, and even derived gamblings.

Previously, the winery staff found that no matter how seriously they bartened, even if all the steps could not find a single fault, the adjustable wine was extremely difficult to drink.

Originally, they were all ordered by Lord Diluc to close the business for three days.

Unexpectedly, many curious people came to taste it.

As a result, the business of the winery turned out to be even better than before.

This made a cute girl in the cattail tavern very extreme and particularly dissatisfied.

"Why, why has the wine become so bad, you still have to drink it!!"

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, a week later.

As before, everyone was busy with everything for today in the morning, waiting to watch the live broadcast with their relatives and friends.

But there are two people who are now completely unmindful of waiting for the live broadcast.

"Shinobu, can you help me see if there are any wrinkles in the clothes, is the hair combed messy?

Today Arataki got up early in the morning and took a long time to take care of himself.

Because today is the day to watch the live broadcast with the idol, he wants to give Miss Sheena a perfect impression.

"Boss, you've asked me these three questions four times. Kuki Shinobu wore a mask, making it impossible to see what kind of expression she was at the moment.

"Hahahahaha, I'm not a little nervous. Aren't you really going with me to see Miss Sheena?

"Nope. Kuki Shinobu decisively refused, "It's about to come to the day of taking the electrician's first-class certificate, and I want to review it."

Why is it so simple for you to take the exam, I originally took a certificate for repairing the roof, but it took half a year! Ah Ren, you tell me the truth, is there any trick in this?"

"The practice certificate exam has fixed evaluation standards, you can pass the exam if you are willing to learn and practice, there is nothing difficult, and there is no know-how." Kuki Shinobu said very unimpressed.

"Eh... Forget it, then you come on, I'm going to get down to business.

Kuki Shinobu looked at the boss's very happy back, and looked up at the weather again, "The weather is sunny, but there is always a bad premonition... I hope I'm overthinking. "

On the other side of Inazuma Castle.

Goro, who had already changed his clothes in Yaedo and had been carefully painted with makeup, and wore a wig, was already a little unloveable.

"That's right, it's this expression, waist a little lower, the clothes on the chest are more open, yes, yes, come, look at the camera." "

Yae Miko personally acted as a photographer, and in just over an hour, he changed several places and took hundreds of photos of Goro.

Seeing Yae Miko's appearance, Goro still didn't understand anything.

Just when Goro was about to endure the day, he didn't know that his nightmare had just begun.

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