Xing Qiu bit the fingernails of the eldest mother and fell into deep thought.

Chongyun's suggestion was already thinking about it when he was selected by the live broadcast room.

But his identities are many, the second young master of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, a disciple of the Guhua School, a famous martial arts novelist, etc.

If you are charged a 'price' by the live broadcast room, you don't know what will happen then.

Besides, Chongyun's identity is not simple, the exorcist family, the aunt of an immortal, the aunt is also a disciple of another immortal.

If this was because of the 'price' that those immortals were all affected, Chongyun's aunt would not directly take his life!

But if the follow-up is all about Inazuma and Erchuan, then their pair is really a hell mode.

Xing Qiu weighed fiercely between the 'cost' and the final reward for a long time.

Final decision....

"We're going to pay the 'price' in exchange for item cards!"

【Ding! 【

In exchange for success! 】 You can choose one of the following types of item cards. 【

General function cards, function cards with certain negative restrictions, function cards with great side effects, defense cards, trap cards, battle cards.】 Xing

Qiu quickly looked at all the types of prop cards, and had a plan in his heart.

The function card with great side effects should be like the previous Coral Palace Heart Sea, similar to the card that Bennett used just now.

The Destiny Coin obtained by Diluc last time should be the second type.

And things like removing wrong answers, off-site connections, etc., are the first type.

Then the random prop card he got at the beginning of the game with Chongyun is the fourth type.

Xingqiu turned to Chongyun and said, "I think we can choose the second type, what do you think?"

"Well, that's what I thought too."

【Ding! Choose Success! This type of random effect prop card to issue! Please use it properly! 【

The price will be collected uniformly after all the answers are completed.】

Chongyun and Xingqiu immediately looked at the newly obtained prop card effect.

'Petrified Statue: When used, if it's the only item card in your hand, remove several options until there are only two options left. '

'If you answer incorrectly in the end, after leaving the live broadcast room, the body will be petrified for seven days until the next live broadcast. '

'I am paralyzed: after using it, you will get a food that can be eaten in another world, and if you can eat it expressionlessly, you will get a free answer sheet. '

'But this food from another world, 99.9% of people can't accept it, be cautious when eating it~~ If there is any accident, this live broadcast room is not responsible!

''Answer Sheet: After use, directly lock the correct option for a question.

Xing Qiu and Chongyun looked at each other.

Xing Qiu: "The effect of these two cards is indeed very practical, and the side effects... It's also within the acceptable range.

Chongyun: "Do you want to use 'I'm facial paralysis' now?" After all, there is no idea for the second question.

Xing Qiu touched his chin and thought for a moment, "Let's take a look, there are still many questions behind, and only Bennett used the prop card, let's talk about it when the next question is made." In

the end, the first question chose C under Xing Qiu's inference.

In the second question, except for Xiangling, the other four people were not familiar with them, and finally got a D.

After Xingqiu's group gave the answer, only the combination of Nilu and Dolly was left with the answer this time.

Nilu: "It's over, the video of the duel with Mr. Manyo's friend in the video is too simple, and the character image is simplified, and you can't see who it is, what can I do?" "

Dolly attaches great importance to this opportunity to be selected by the space to answer the question, and it is calm and terrifying.

Dolly is not very demanding, just 2 to 3 points! All it takes is a god charm!

So even if there is not much time left, Dolly is still calmly analyzing.

"Don't panic, first rule out the three options of BDE."

"Raiden General is the supreme leader of Inazuma, and with such an identity, it is impossible to personally duel with ordinary people."

"Option E is the same, although it is not clear who this adult is, but as soon as I hear this name, I know that he is a very powerful person."

"Inazuma Open Or, I have done a few business with that side, and I know that Kamisato Ayato is the boss of the Inazuma Society, and is mainly responsible for cultural propaganda matters in Inazuma."

"This is a civilian, so I guess his force value will not be very high, so it will not be him."

Nilu heard Dolly's slow analysis, she couldn't help but admire it very much, and also helped to analyze.

"Yae Miko and Kujo Hora have both spoken many times in the barrage area."

"Many people call Yae Miko Miyaji-sama, so she is the cleric in charge of one of Inazuma's shrines. As for the Kujo Chora... I remember!

Nilu suddenly recalled all the statements about Kujo Jurao.

"She seems to be in charge of Inazuma's security, and during the first live broadcast, Mr. Kazuto Araki spoke about expanding the Arataki faction, and it was Miss Kujo Koro who warned her."

"There was also civil unrest on Kaiji Island last week, and it was also Kujo Jura who brought people to support."

After being reminded by Nilu, Dolly immediately determined the correct answer to the first question, which was option C - Kujo Jurao.

Dolly smiled and said, "Miss Nilu is really helpful, thanks to you for thinking of

this, but this second question..." If they still have ideas for the first question, then this second question is completely a state of black eyes.

But the prop cards they obtained were of no use at all at this time.

Dolly said to Nilu with a serious face, "Or... Let's trade the price for two item cards, right?

Dolly's suggestion was well thought out.

She is just a businessman, and at best she will be like Diluc's Château Dawn, breaking a little money.

And Nilu is a dancer of Meru, and there is no too complicated identity.

So the 'price' is the easiest for them.

Nilu naturally thought of this, and after thinking about it for a few seconds, she agreed to Dolly's suggestion.

Dolly: "We're going to pay the 'price' in exchange for item cards!" Later

, the live broadcast room also showed the types of prop cards, allowing Dolly and Nilu to choose.

After discussing for a moment, Dolly said, "Let's choose the first one!" "

[Choice successful! Item cards with random effects of this kind are distributed! Please use it fairly! 【

The price will be collected uniformly after all the answers are completed.】

Nilu and Dolly immediately check the effect of the item card.

The effect was exactly what Dolly thought, one was to randomly remove 1 or 3 wrong options, and one was to get an extremely useful clue.

Two decent item cards.

The two immediately used clue cards for the second question.

【Ding! Use it successfully and get the following two clues! [

The person who chose correctly once said: This body is the most special and noble body on earth, should hold the power of the world, and this body has promised a dream to his subjects, which is an unchanging [eternity] for all generations!

As soon as the clue came out, Dolly and Nilu immediately widened their eyes.

The directivity of this clue is too obvious.

Speaking of eternity, their first thought was the adult.

But they would never have imagined that the adult did not have a special cuisine!

But anyway, the answer to the second question also came out, and they forced the answer to submit.

But at this time, the barrage area outside has long been crazy!

They were all discussing the ten of them in the answering space!

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