Seeing that the traveler was so wrong, Paimon couldn't help but smile and said: "Use my prop card too, if you can remove the three wrong options, the correct answer will not come out!" After

thinking about it for a while, he felt that Paimon was right.

And the reason why Sora can use prop cards so arrogantly, his reliance is to be familiar with the affairs of various countries.

"Use item cards!"

【Ding! Item cards used successfully! Option C removed! Empty

: "???? For

some reason, a memory that did not belong to him suddenly appeared in Sora mind.

It seems that I saw myself in another world, and it took 150 entanglements to find my favorite husband or wife!

Only... It's very infuriating!

"Hahahaha!" Paimon couldn't bear it at all, and laughed directly.

With a black face, Sora pulled Paimon in front of him and smiled maliciously.

"Little Paimon, is it funny?"

Paimon's survival radar immediately activated and waved his hand frantically, "Not funny, not funny at all!" I just remembered a joke that Saino once told. Sora

was unmoved, and continued to maintain a smiling smile, "That little Paimon, have you ever thought that if the follow-up has been this kind of second creation problem, then our group may be the lowest score."

Paimon thought for a moment and asked tentatively, "Traveler, don't you want to change the item card?" Hearing

what he wanted to hear, Sora snapped his fingers, and the dangerous smile changed back to his original smile, "Sure enough, Paimon you understand me." Seeing

that the traveler really wanted to exchange for a prop card, Paimon was so frightened that he quickly stopped it: "No! Absolutely not! "

Whether it is the reward or the 'price' charged in this live broadcast room, it can accurately hold the other party.

So don't think about it, then you will definitely go directly to their weaknesses.

Sora naturally understood this, but he still insisted on changing the item card.

"Paimon, if you don't take this opportunity to give it a go, the next time you are selected, I don't know when it will be, and..."

Speaking of this, Sora eyes became very determined, "I have a very strong opponent to defeat Ying." "

Hmm... Forget it, I've been traveling with you for so long, so let's accompany you this time. But afterwards, you must compensate me well!

After Paimon finished speaking, he pretended to be angry and floated back to the answer area, continuing to eat various flavors of large cakes.

Empty glanced at Paimon helplessly, and then said to the live broadcast room: "We have to pay the price in exchange for prop cards!" "

[Ding! Payment successful! Please choose your favorite type as soon as possible! After

glancing at the type, he directly chose the sixth type - battle cards!

If he guessed correctly, the card that Tinari obtained before should be a battle card.

[In exchange for success! ] Item cards have been issued! Participants are requested to use it when reasonable!

Sora immediately checks the effect of the two item cards.

'Challenge the Sacred Beasts: Duel with two random types of Sacred Beasts, and if you win the challenge, you will receive a free answer sheet. If it fails, one point is deducted.

''Curious Silver Root Grass: Choose a group of contestants in this answer space, and then provide three item cards for you to choose from. There is only one item card, which is held by the selected contestant.

''If you choose correctly, you get a copy of this item card; If you choose wrong, enter the twelve layers of the abyss to challenge.

''PS: Contestants whose item cards are running out are not available. '

Sora originally planned to use it directly after obtaining the item card, but now he had other ideas.

"The effect of the second prop card, from the description above, the obviously used prop card will also appear in the options."

"Then it is obvious that it is necessary to use it when the other party only has one prop card left, so as to achieve the maximum effect."

"Now that the third question has removed two wrong options, even if it is blind, the correct rate is one-third."

"At this time, using the exemption questionnaire is obviously a loss."

"And from this question, from the option removed, it is obviously based on certain facts, so there is still a general direction."

"So is the answer A, or D?"

Empty brainstorming here, the rest of the group is not idle.

Manyo Goro group.

Goro doesn't know that he has been labeled as young, and is discussing the third question with Manyo.

"Do you want to use a prop card for this question?"

Wanye touched his chin and carefully looked at the options on the light curtain, "Don't use the prop card, I am 50% sure of this question, and the correct answer is in A or D." Hearing

Manyo's judgment so affirmatively, Goro was taken aback in his heart.

Wanye explained to his friend: "Judging from the second creation in the previous live broadcasts, the answer is either the most outrageous one, or it is based on certain facts and can be screened.

Wanye pointed to the three options of BCE, "The five dens of Raiden in Inazuma's decline are from the hands of Lord Thor; And Raiden General is a puppet made by Lord Thor. "

The various ninjutsu that the last man is good at is also not shallow with Lord Thor."

"Therefore, whether it is selected according to the most outrageous ideas or excluded according to the basic facts, the final answer can only be between A and D."

"But I personally prefer option D because youth is a symbol of vitality, it implies wisdom, bravery and willpower."

"But Lord Thor has stayed in the pure land all year round, and if he insists on saying it, isn't this proof that he has no vitality?"

After listening to Wanye's reasoned explanation, Goro was very sorry in his heart! I regret that I didn't pull Wanye into the rebel army in the first place.

Otherwise, there would not be only one wise man in the entire Haiqi Island.

Everyone in the live broadcast room said that they learned a lot by watching the way Travelers and Manyo answered.

[Beidou: Wanye this smelly boy, why don't you usually see him so smart? ] 【

Nobuhiro: When this answer is over, I must thank this person named Kaedehara Manyo. It was great that Miss Hina was in a group with him! [

Saino: His heart is very careful, he observes things very carefully, and he is not reckless. I believe that he will be a strong enemy in fighting the Seven Saint Summons. 【

Lana: Do you want to observe more and not be reckless? I know that when I find the dead domain in the future, I will definitely be careful. Hey? Why should I say again? 【

Kavi: But I didn't expect that Inazuma's famous shogun turned out to be a doll! [

Lei Dian Zhen: I didn't expect that the original shadow didn't understand youth, such a good old age can not stay in the pure land, you have to go out and walk more.

【Thunder Movie:............】

【Kamisato Ayato: Wanye mentioned the decline of the five dens of Thunder and Lightning back then, but why do I always feel as if I have forgotten something. [

Wanderer: @神里绫人, if you want to know what really happened back then, I can tell you in person when I go to Inazuma later. 【

Ayato Kamisato: @流浪者, may I ask you?】 [

Ray Movie: This person... [

Zhongli: (/ Shen Yin)] [Nasida: (/ smile)]

Everyone in the live broadcast room saw that the three gods were playing dumb puzzles after this wanderer came out.

The crowd immediately exchanged information about the wanderer.

But only at this time did they realize that no one knew the details of this wanderer.

Nasida was also relieved.

"Fortunately, the traveler was selected by the live broadcast room, otherwise the matter of the wanderer is really difficult to fool the past, but Zhongli should have noticed something."

Many people were crazy @Ranger, but Wanderer seemed to have disappeared and didn't say anything again.

After a while, everyone continued to discuss the content of this live broadcast.

[Amber: I didn't expect the traveler's luck to be so bad, and the two item cards removed two options.

[Dadalia: Hahaha, travelers are unlucky enough, but the last time I used a card, I removed two options. [

Lisa: Little cute's luck is a fight with Bennett's kid. [

Reese: Bennett... Bad luck... Always hungry. [

Bennett: Er... Sorry, Reiser.

[Wendy: What's this, Hiccup ~ Maybe this Hiccup ~ After answering the question this time, your luck will burp ~ It will get better.

[Mika: Yes, now Bennett and the bard can communicate with the outside world in the barrage area.

[Diluc: @班尼特, the drunkard poet talked like this, how much wine did he drink? 【

Wendy: It's rare to be able to drink in unlimited quantities, of course burp ~~ Of course you have to drink!

[Rosalia: Is your stomach a bottomless pit? With so much wine to drink, don't you feel supported at all? 【

Hu Tao: If this sassy little brother doesn't talk about it, isn't anyone worried about the 'price' that travelers will be charged at that time? 【

Zhong Li: The hall master is right, travelers and most people in the live broadcast room have intersected, I am afraid that the price will be very serious at that time. [

Dainsreb: @荧, this live broadcast has seen the present, are you not going to say something yet? 【

Ying: When my brother's journey reaches the end, there will naturally be time to speak, and I am not in a hurry. And, @戴因斯雷布, you are now my enemy. [

Yingshang: Your Royal Highness, you and the traveler are blood relatives, if you are affected by the 'price'...]

[Ying: It's okay, all the back hands have already been laid down, there is nothing to worry about. The

princess of the abyss has all come forward, and the barrage area is even more like crazy, all accusing Her Royal Highness the princess of the abyss.

At this time, in the answer space, the group of Xing Qiu and Chongyun had an action.

Xing Qiu: "Use the prop card, guard - immune to the effect of a trap card, and use me at the same time I am facial paralysis!" "

[Ding! Use successfully! Randomly selecting food from another world...】【

Selection completed!

【Please eat a spicy strip of death within 30 seconds, and do not show any discomfort on their faces for the next 30 seconds!】 】

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