Xing Qiu covered his stomach with one hand, and with the help of Chongyun in the other, he took the milk and poured it down.

After half a bottle of milk, Xingqiu felt a little better in his stomach.

But the hot burning sensation did not diminish much.

【Ding! An unidentified contestant used an item card on you to be blocked by the 'Guardian' effect.

Xingqiu and Abundance were both stunned.

They originally planned to use the prop card in their hands so that the statue card could be used.

Unexpectedly, someone actually used prop cards on them.

Xing Qiu forced a smile and said: "This is also a bonus, the time for answering this question is almost up, let's use the exemption paper first."

Chongyun was naturally obedient to what Xingqiu said now, and quickly said: "I know, you don't talk first, drink more milk, and then eat something to suppress the spicy taste." "

[The exemption sheet has been used successfully! ] The correct answer has been automatically selected for this question. And

seeing Xingqiu in the live broadcast room being tossed like this, naturally many people care.

[Xiangling: (/ panic) ~ The effect of this Shinigami spicy strip is also too scary! 】

【Feiyun Chamber of Commerce Jia Ding: Young Master Xingqiu's appearance looks too painful. [

Dadalia: Last time in the space, I also saw spicy strips, although they are also a little spicy, but far from this level. 【

Al Heisen: The spicy fruit produced in Meru is also spicy and is also sought after by many people, but the Shinigami spicy strip, I don't think they will accept it. 【

Kavi: It's not a matter of accepting or not accepting, it's going to kill you!】 【

Walnut: Fortunately, after drinking two large glasses of milk, Xingqiu looks much better. 】

【Bai Shu: After Xingqiu comes out, take him to Bu Lu to check it out.] [

Xino: Dolly's group just used an item card, but unfortunately they used the wrong object. ]

In the answer space, Dolly and Nilu looked at the prompts in the live broadcast room, and did not react for a while.

【Ding! The prop card 'Steal Fruits' was successfully used, and the object used was the combination of Xingqiu and Chongyun! The effect is in effect...]

[Ding! Since Xingqiu and Chongyun used the defensive card, Guardian, and were immune to the effect of stealing results, the prop card failed to be used and could not be used again to disappear. Nilu

/Dolly: "???? Dolly

and Nilu looked at each other, and both saw a hint of doubt in each other's expressions.

Nilu comforted: "It should be our bad luck, and it just so happened that Xingqiu's group got a defensive type card at the beginning, and it happened to be used on this question."

"Hey~~ I knew it earlier, and I used it on travelers."

Dolly let out a long sigh.

Originally, seeing the live broadcast room playing, knowing that Xingqiu and Chongyun's group used two prop cards, I thought that they must know the answer, so they used the 'steal results' card.

And the reason why the traveler was not chosen was because Dolly and Nilu analyzed that the traveler used two prop cards and exchanged the 'price' for a new prop card.

Doesn't this prove that travelers are also unsure about this question?

Dolly thought about the two prop cards they had left in their hands and sighed again.

"Let's blind one on this question, after all, I am not familiar with Inazuma at all, even if I use another prop card, I am so lucky that I removed the three wrong options at once, but it is still the probability of gambling half more."

"The last trap card..." Speaking of this, Dolly's eyes flashed, and she smiled maliciously, "I think it's just for Wanye's group, how about it?" Nilu

looked at the trap card called 'Stealing Information' again, and also thought it was a good idea.

"Using the item card, the object is a combination of Kaede Manyo and Miss Hina!"

【Ding! Item cards used successfully! The theft of intelligence is in effect, and intelligence can be intercepted at any time.

In the end, the two of them picked a B option in the form of a lot.

Shortly after they chose their answers, the answer time ended.

【Ding! 【

It's time to answer! 】 【

The correct answer to this question is D!】 】

【Congratulations to Miss Wanye Hina team and Xingqiu Chongyun team for answering correctly and each getting a point! 】 【

Please watch the analysis video below! 】 At

the beginning of the video, a very magical music strikes (BGM: DJ version in my song).

I saw that the fish very handsomely kicked the snatch handle, and then cleanly held the rotating weapon firmly in his hand.

And what the fish is holding in his hand is none other than Inazuma Raiden Shogun's two major artifacts, the Inazuma no Inako!

Later, Wei showed the holy relic he was carrying, the Seal of Insulation!

Accompanied by the brainwashing music of "deidei~~dei~deidei~~" in the background, Wei directly kills himself into the secret realm of the Dye Garden (insulation).

Facing several monsters, Wei directly started two wind wheels and stood up, and then brought up the noodles and opened the state of the Jing Demon Dance.

And the music, at this time, also came to the climax!

"You ~ exist, deep in my mind!"

The fish jumps high, throws a neat downward attack, then connects with a few wind wheels, and then jumps high, and so on.

"In my dreams, in my heart! In my singing~"

When the Thunder Abyss Mage opened the thunder circle, Wei ignored it even more, and directly stood in the thunder circle and continued to open the Jing Demon Dance, repeating the above actions.

But it is clear that the fish is already in the state of the Jing Demon Dance, but after the skill cools down, it still opens the Jing Demon Dance again.

This state continued until all the monsters disappeared, and the fish himself entered the state of extreme health.

But from the back of Wei Gugao, it seems that he still has no end in mind.

At this time, many dense barrages with various colors floated through the video.

"The residual blood is big, I recognize such youth!"

"A few big in one game, a big explosion of youth!"

"If you have a big one, I recognize you for such youth!" I have no regrets about my youth!! Immediately

after, the light curtain turned black, indicating that the video was over.

【Ding! 】

【Video played out! 】 [

To explain, 'big' means elemental burst. And my youth, naturally, must move forward and never regret it! 】

【Since Rayfish is the protagonist of this parallel world video, he won a consolation prize! 】 【

Congratulations to Rays for obtaining the Dharma of the Other World-Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra! 】

【This heart sutra contains great wisdom, and when you recite it every day, you can go to Elysium beyond the revenant and purify your karma! After

watching the video, everyone in the live broadcast room looked at the explanation in the live broadcast room, and they all understood what it meant, and they all couldn't help laughing.

[Disia: I remember there is an idiom called young and vigorous, which is probably what it means. 【

Jiang Xue: Young people are not vigorous, is that still called young people? But I'm okay at my age. 】

【Kaia: The youth who never regrets moving forward, @迪卢克, see no, now there are no regrets, so don't jump a kitten all day to criticize the face, smile more.

[Klips: Kaia is right, Diluc, you should really smile more, you are too old now, as if you entered middle age early.

[Diluc: @凯亚, where are you now?] I'll let you know what 'my youth' is! 】

【Zhongli: Youth, people can't help but think of things when they were young, hey~~】

【Xiangling: Is youth like this? But I would never have thought that the original Demon Descent Great Sage was like this when he was young. [

Wei: ...]

[Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: This is similar to the appearance of Wei when he was young, in order to kill the enemy regardless of his own safety, it can be said that this is the youth of Wei.

[Yan Xiao: No wonder this handsome guy is cold and indifferent all day, it turns out that he used up his 'anger' when he was young. ] 【


Yaoyao: But why is that beak knife in the hands of the Great Sage? Moreover, how is the holy relic of the Great Saint Belt still an insulating sheath? [

Ray Movie: That weapon is used to "mow grass", and the effect is to speed up the efficiency of elemental recovery. I had been thinking that the army facing this thing would fall like a reed grass. 【

Kujo Jura: What a situation it would be if Lord Shogun kept slashing out unimaginable swords with the frequency in the video! [

Yae Miko: Then I'm afraid there will be countless Imaginary Blades.

【Coral Palace Xinhai:............】【

Raiden Zhen: So it is, that's why I said that she doesn't understand youth. 【

Jean: Weapons that speed up elemental recovery and recovery efficiency, and weapons from the sacrificial series, but the effect is definitely not as powerful as this beak knife. [

Mika: But Captain Koto, there are no guns in the weapons of the ritual series! [

Hu Tao: Don't worry about this, that big hero of Ogihuazhou! ] Can I see that Heart Sutra? 】

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