In a short period of time, the eight people in the answering space had a dazzling variety of prop cards, challenge matches, and psychological warfare, all of which made everyone in the live broadcast room excited.

[Kaiya: Hahaha~~ laughed me to death! ] The traveler exchanged the 'price' for two prop cards, one cheaper for the opponent, and the other directly given for nothing. [

Xiangling: No way, who would have thought that the prop cards obtained by Xingqiu and Chongyun at the beginning turned out to be exactly the same as two cards. 【

Zhongli: The traveler's mentality is also very good, which is very rare. 】

【Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: Chongyun's kid is also good, and he can learn from the previous video. [

Shen He: Chongyun has always been very good. 【

Dadalia: The answering space is more and more like a competitive stage for fighting wits and bravery, and I must be selected next time! 】 [

Yan Qi: I didn't expect that Kaede Wanye's appearance was Sven, but he could fight, as if he had changed someone. 【

Kavi: What does the last statement to everyone in the interactive live broadcast room mean? 【

Xeno: It's very simple, take the Xingqiu group and travelers as an example. In the same question, if the traveler uses the prop card first, but the Xingqiu group does not use the defensive card, then the Xingqiu group will be hit. [

Candice: Conversely, if Xingqiu uses the defensive card first, it will counter the traveler's item card. [

Ellheisen: To put it bluntly, it is just a matter of the order of use, and if it is used well, it is easy to be exploited. [

Tinari: It can also be seen from here that the various rules of the live broadcast room are constantly improving.

While everyone was discussing whether this was a good thing or not, there was one person whose painting style was obviously different from the others.

[Kazuto Arataki: Miss Hina, I didn't expect you to be so capable of fighting, the way you look when you fight is really... It's so beautiful!! I've already taken a picture! 】

【Kuki Shinobu: Boss, it's better for you to be cautious, don't you think Miss Hina's fighting style is familiar?】 】

【Kazuto Arataki: When you say this, I really feel as if I have seen it somewhere, where... Good at using a bow, has cute ears and tail, can form formations... Oh~~ I know! [

Yae Miko: Finally got it.] 】

【Kazuto Arataki: Miss Hina is the sister of the general Goro on Kaijima Island! 】 That's right, so everything makes sense! 【


【Shinobu Kuki:... [

Shikanoin Heizo: ... [

Kazuto Arataki: @珊瑚宫心海, Lord Coral Palace, is it because Miss Hina is a member of the Resistance Army and has the guidance of General Goro, so she is so good?] 】

【Coral Palace Heart Sea: Eh... Goro's sister did not mention this in advance, is the cause of Lord Orobas's death really not what history records? 】

【Ray Movie: The answer to this question, just continue to watch the live broadcast, but those names in the last question option, except for a few such as Yae Caiko, the rest are all ...】【

Sleeper: A Xiang's name is also on it, A Xiang! Are you in the live room? Why can't I @Ah Xiang? 】

【Kamisato Ayato: The Iwazo stream that was once prosperous, I don't know if the heirs are still there. [

Hu Tao: How to say, the atmosphere is sad again, or it depends on how the few people in the answer space deal with these questions, the little brother named Kaedehara Manya seems to be in trouble! ] ]

in the answer space.

Wanye's group fell into a rather hesitant state after obtaining the exemption sheet.

The two of them are both witnesses to the fourth question, and the answer naturally goes without saying.

Where to hesitate, it is still the fifth and sixth questions.

Both of them are from Inazuma, and Manya once went to Kaijima Island temporarily when he was fleeing, and he learned a lot about the culture and history there.

And Goro, as a general of Kaijima, knows the history of Orobas very well.

But it was precisely because of the clarity that both of them thought about whether there would be any problems in this.

After all, the video of the Dragon King was just played a week ago.

After the two were silent for a long time, Wanye said to Goro: "There are still about five minutes left to answer, have you decided to use that question?"

Goro said very firmly, "Use it on the fifth question!" In the sixth question, I have some eyebrows, and don't I still have a prop card that is useless. "

Wanye: "Eh..." "The effect of that prop card, are you sure you want to use it when you wear women's clothing?"

In order to avoid his friend really coming to this step, Wanye quickly analyzed the sixth question.

"According to Inazuma folklore, Gohyakuzo is a tanuki and is a male, so B is impossible."

"But God Harunosuke is an ordinary person who went to Liyue to practice the art of the Immortal Family, and the time is not right, and C is not right."

Goro nodded, "The man on the far left in the video wears a mask of the Tengu clan on his head, and Kujo Oro also has a mask. "

[Ding! 【

Successful in stealing intelligence! 】 The intelligence has now been passed back! 】

【In order to save time, the intelligence has been converted into a paper version, please pay attention to check! 】 '

Stealing Intelligence (Trap Card): When used on the target, the target can listen for up to 200 seconds of voice communication when answering the next question. '

'If there are more than one question, the effect is extended by 200 seconds for each additional question. Manyo

and Goro looked at each other, and both saw a smile in each other's eyes.

Wanye: "I didn't expect there to be a prop card with such an effect, but I have to feel sorry for the owner of this prop card." Goro

: "It should be used by Miss Nilu and Miss Dolly's group." "

Manyo:" But although the sixth question excludes two options, there are three more options.

"That's right, but..." Goro took out the last item card from his chest, looking like he was on the battlefield of the Nine Deaths, "Use it."

Wanye looked at Goro in shock, and quickly said, "Friend, you really... To use... This card?

Goro clenched his fists tightly, and it could be seen that his state of mind at this time was also very uncalm, "In order to... Victory! "


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