While everyone in the live broadcast room was still discussing the secrets of Xingqiu and Chongyun, it was finally the turn of the much-anticipated traveler to give out the prize.

[Congratulations to Sora and Paimon for getting four points and winning third place in this quiz contest! ] Each will be rewarded with a golden magic box! Empty

looked at the golden magic box in his hand, and for a while it was mixed with five flavors.

When answering the questions two times before, several people also obtained the golden magic box, and the things opened in it were all treasures from another world.

Sora now only hopes to open a better treasure to compensate for his unlucky days in the next seven days.

Paimon did not have much psychological burden, and opened the magic box one step ahead of the traveler.

Since the video of identifying the Tivat boy band was broadcast, who else doesn't know her now! Don't you need her to introduce herself at all!

Not to mention eating without any seasonings, it's a big deal to eat apples, sunset fruits, sweet flowers and other things that have their own flavor.

[Congratulations to Paimon for obtaining a Foodie Tablecloth (9/9)!]

[Gourmet Tablecloth: Can produce a variety of food out of thin air, as long as you say the name of the food you want to eat, the tablecloth will conjure up food. And the conjured food is real! Completely free! 【

Since Paimon will be free of any seasonings in all dishes for the next seven days, this treasure will also follow this principle! 】 【

PS: The dishes and ingredients that appear can only be owned by Tewat Continent! And you can only use it up to nine times a day! 【

Most importantly, waste is shameful! 】 So the summoned food must be eaten ~~]

"Don't!!" The moment he finished reading the reward, Paimon let out a wail that resounded throughout the answering space!

"Why do you do this to me! Obviously the food is in front of you, suck ~~ But why can't you put any seasonings! Gag ~~"

The moment he got the treasure, Paimon used it to make a cup of immortal jumping over the wall.

Looking at the steaming, alluring soup, Paimon couldn't resist taking a sip, and then she threw up!

"It's so unpalatable! No taste at all! Traveler, come and eat some too, otherwise how can I eat this big cup!

Kong quickly waved his hand: "You're welcome, I have a bad stomach recently, you can enjoy it yourself."

After that, the traveler was afraid that Paimon would persuade him again, and immediately opened the magic box in his hand.

[Congratulations to Sora for obtaining the treasure of another world, the Mysterious Sword (bound)! ] Converted to Tivat Continental! 】

【Mysterious Sword: Also known as 'Killing Sword' and 'Murderous Sword' in the Other World. The base attack power is 10 points, and every time you kill a monster, the attack power increases by 5 points, and the upper limit is 9999 layers! 【When

switching weapons to use, the existing number of layers is automatically reduced by half! 】 After

the introduction in the live broadcast room, a weapon that resembled both a knife and a sword appeared in the empty hand.

Sora looked at the weapon with a simple and brutal effect in his hand, and suddenly realized one thing! Then a very evil idea could not be contained!

Sora "It's time to take out that set of superb gladiator embryos, haha~~hahaha~~"

Paimon saw that Sora let out the kind of laughter of a wanderer, and quietly held the altar of the immortal jumping wall and took a few steps back, reducing his sense of existence.

Wendy, who was in another division, suddenly felt a chill in her back for some reason, and at the same time, a bad premonition quickly came to mind.

Wendy looked back and pondered, "It must be the illusion caused by drinking too much wine, right?" Or do you say... Is it hinting that something will happen when I open the box in a moment?

"Mr. Wendy, what did you say?" Seeing Wendy muttering, Bennett was concerned.

Wendy instantly returned to her sunny and cheerful appearance, "I said that next is our unboxing!" I'm looking forward to it, I don't know what will happen!

Bennett also blushed excitedly at this time, "I hope my bad luck will not affect the opening of the box." [

Congratulations to Wendy and Bennett for winning five points and winning second place in this quiz contest!] Each will be rewarded with a diamond box!

Two diamond boxes that shone in the sun immediately appeared in their hands.

"Lord Barbatos, please be sure to prescribe something good that I can use!"

Bennett did not know that the Lord Aeolian he was praying to was around and was praying furiously.

Wendy on the side looked at the box in her hand without saying a word.

The moment the box was started, Wendy felt that the bad premonition from before was even stronger.

Wendy had a hunch that if she opened the box, his days of touching fish would be gone forever.

But the diamond box is the most appeared in the previous two answers, and it is basically filled with powerful skills from another world.

Wendy couldn't think of what kind of skill would make him feel this inexplicable feeling.

"Lord Barbatos, bless!"

After praying again, Bennett opened the box very quickly.

[Congratulations to Bennett for obtaining the otherworldly ability - astrology! ]

[Astrology: Good luck will definitely happen in the things you want to develop. 】

【The specific effect, please experience it yourself! 】 ]

Just three lines, but to Bennett, it seems like a heavenly sound!

Bennett danced excitedly, "Sure enough, the rewards given by the live broadcast room are all we need, Mr. Wendy, you should also quickly open the box!"

Wendy slowly put her hands on the box, took a deep breath, and squeezed the magic box with both hands!

[Congratulations to Wendy for obtaining all the inheritances of "Fitness Techniques" and "Health Regimens" in the Dream X Journey to the West, and people from all Tivat can come to Wendy to learn these two skills! ] 【

Fitness technique: Each level of learning can increase four points of physical strength! 】 】

【Health regimen: Each level of learning can increase four points of vitality! 】

】【PS: Both skills can learn level 160, and those who come to Wendy to learn skills, only need to pay the corresponding Mora to learn, the price list is as follows! 【

Once these two skills are learned, they are permanently valid! 】 【

The Mora paid by everyone to learn skills will be at Wendy's personal disposal! 】

Wendy's eyes suddenly darkened, and he almost fell under his feet, but Bennett quickly held him up.

Although Wendy felt that her physical strength had indeed increased a lot, two lines of tears still flowed in her heart.

'The premonition came true! After that, you still tell me how to touch fish!!

He could already anticipate that wherever he was, the man would go to sea!

However, before Wendy could finish his grief, the traveler sent him a red envelope.

The red envelope consisted of only one mora, but a piece of paper attached to it caught his attention.

"I have 2,000 bottles of dandelion in my backpack, let's go together for the next seven days!"

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