One of the characteristics of most canines is that they can express their mood through the tail.

Goro has a fluffy and soft tail that he cares for.

But this tail is now hanging listlessly.

The only thing that makes Goro consoling is that this group of fans is very orderly.

Even though they fanatically expressed their affection for Miss Sheena, they were very rationally restrained and kept a safe distance from him.

Each fan expressed their love for Miss Sheena, but they all strictly followed the 'Rules of Support'.

With such a group of high-quality fans, Goro doesn't know if this is his luck or misfortune.

Arataki, who was at the head of the crowd, cleared his throat and shouted loudly.

"Miss Sheena! You can rest assured! I ordered a lot of information about your peripherals, and it will definitely be full of Arataki pies! It will also be like that smelly tengu, summing up countless maintenance essentials!!

"And! I photographed your demeanor in the battle with the Holy Remains Beast, and I will treasure it forever!" Hearing

Arataki Kazuto shout like this, Goro's heart was about to collapse.

Please! You're going to say it again!! How did this situation end up with me!!

These people didn't know how they came to the information that Miss Hina was Goro's sister, so that now he is not leaving, and not leaving.

Goro only now realized that Kazuto Arataki would be a person as difficult as Yae Miko.

That's right!

Goro looked around!

What about the woman, what about her?

"Oh, is Miss Sheena looking for me?" Yae Miko, who came out of nowhere, walked towards Goro with a smile.

Farther behind her, Murata and Ah Mao of the Yaedang editorial office, carrying tables and chairs, were huffing and panting.

The moment he saw Yae Miko, Goro's originally low-hanging tail instantly exploded reflexively.

When the two got closer, Yae Miko whispered, "I have long anticipated this situation and specially came to help you solve the siege."

Goro obviously didn't believe that this woman would be so kind, and his whole body was full of guard.

Yae Miko also stopped saying anything more to Goro, turned around and clapped her hands twice to the crowd, signaling everyone to be quiet, she had something to say.

Yae Miko's prestige was known to everyone in Inazuma, and her face was definitely to be given by everyone, and after a few seconds, the crowd quieted down.

"Guys! Everyone is gathered here today because of Miss Hina, and I am very touched as the editor-in-chief of Yaedo Hall.

"But Miss Hina has just finished answering the questions, and coupled with her young age, she will inevitably be physically and mentally exhausted."

"In order to thank everyone for their support of Miss Hina and Yaedo, I specially asked the two editors, Murata and Amo, to come over and ask everyone to write down their recent troubles and names."

"After writing it, everyone will disperse, lest the people of the Heavenly Lords find them again on the charge of gathering a crowd to make trouble."

"In a few days, Miss Hina will reply to you in the form of red envelopes."

After Yae Miko finished these short five sentences, the crowd really did not have much objection, and immediately rushed towards the two editors.

This also made Goro once again realize the horror of this woman, she is definitely a master of people's hearts.

The first three sentences not only show Yaedo's attitude of valuing fans, but also remind everyone that Miss Hina is not feeling well now and it is inconvenient to continue to participate in fan activities.

The last two sentences are both hard and soft, if you continue to stay here after writing, then sorry, you have to go for a trip.

But if you leave obediently after writing, you will receive a personal reply from Miss Hina afterwards~~

A sudden crisis of fans and idols meeting, which made Yae Miko lightly resolved.

Goro watched the crowd line up in two long lines in an orderly manner before saying to Yae Miko, "You came for my reward." Yae

Miko nodded, "I have a request, the goods limited to purchase in the fairy store must be sold to us at least half!" In exchange, I will help you hide Miss Sheena's identity. "

Yae Miko deeply understands a truth, limited quantities are often the most precious!

And what can make the top magic box limit the purchase will definitely have a heaven-defying effect.

Goro opened his mouth to Yae Miko's lion behavior, which was to refuse without thinking.

But just as he was about to speak, Yae Miko raised his hand and interrupted him.

"Don't be busy refusing first, you can discuss with the person in the Coral Palace and then give me an answer, she should be halfway by now."

"By the way, don't forget to write back to these fans who love you, and..." Yae Miko looked at Goro from top to bottom with a pair of beautiful fox eyes.

"The clothes you wore before were accidentally washed by the Yaedang workers, and when they were dry, I sent them to you in red envelopes."

"Now when you wear this dress back to Haiji Island, remember to be careful, so as not to be seen by people with bad intentions."

"Then Miss Sheena, let's see you next time!"

Goro saw Yae Miko's expression of being taken aback, and the roots of his angry teeth itched.

There was no way, Goro had to rely on his dexterous body shape to try to walk the sparsely populated path.

But fortunately, when Goro was on a cliff on the beach where the wave boat docked, he saw the Coral Miyashin Sea who came alone in a fast boat!

Goro immediately wiped out several sea chaotic ghosts on the seashore and waited for the coral palace to shore.

When Shinkai saw a commotion on the beach, he noticed Goro at a glance.

Xinhai then realized that seeing Goro's women's clothes from the light curtain and seeing Goro wearing women's clothes with his own eyes were completely different moods.

The two looked at each other across the sea, and for a while, the heart sea was embarrassed to the extreme.

But when the ship finally came ashore, Shinkai just wanted to say two words to ease the atmosphere, but she didn't think that Goro was faster than her, and directly pulled a virtual page down in front of her eyes.

Goro said excitedly: "Lord Coral Palace, with this shop, Kaijima Island can definitely develop rapidly!" Coral

Palace Xinhai knew what this virtual page was in the next second, and quickly looked at it carefully.

When he saw those goods that were limited to the purchase of the fifth level, his heart could not hide his excitement, and his energy value recovered in large quantities.

"Goro! You are awesome! "

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